How You Filter Recommendation Summaries

The recommendation summary information available on the Demand Fulfillment page can assist you in selecting at-risk demands to work on. You have a summary graph, a summary table, and a cumulative at-risk demand value slider for filtering the information to analyze the recommendations.

Recommendation Summary Graph

The recommendation summary graph shows the cumulative at-risk demand value and the related number of recommendations associated with that value. To maximize effort, aim for a low number of recommendations with the associated at-risk demand value substantial enough to make a difference in demand fulfillment percentage. Use the slider to filter by top n, the cumulative demand value.

For example, move the slider to the marker most closely matching $500,000 and click Go or arrow button to the right of the slider. After moving the slider to the left, the graph shows the at-risk demands that make up the top n of at-risk demand value.

Recommendation Summary Table

In addition to the recommendation summary graph, demand fulfillment also provides a summary table that shows you information about demand fulfillment position.

Column Name



Indicates the demand fulfillment position based on selection criteria coming from the search panel. This column is not impacted when you move the cumulative at-risk demand value slider.


Indicates the demand fulfillment position for a product category if all the selected at-risk demands were no longer at risk. Moving the slider to the left selects only the top n cumulative at-risk demands that meet the selection criteria coming from the search panel, thereby applying an additional filter on top of the selection criteria.


Indicates the demand fulfillment position when the recommendations are accepted or completed. The values in this column change when you accept or complete the recommendations.