Edit a Simulation Set

Perform the following steps to edit a simulation set from the Plan Inputs work area:

  1. In the Navigator, click the Plan Inputs work area link.

  2. On the Plan Inputs page, click the Plans panel tab.

  3. In the Plans panel drawer, do the following:

    1. Expand the list of Simulation Sets.

    2. Select a simulation set, right-click on it and select Open.

  4. On the Simulation Set page, click Open and then select Full Pane.

  5. In the Open Table, Graph, or Tile Set dialog box, select a table, such as Resources or Items, and then click OK.

    On the Simulation Set page, a new tab opens for the table that you selected, such as the Resources tab or the Items tab.

  6. In the Search region, click Search.

  7. In the Search Results region, select one or more rows. Click Actions and then select Edit from the drop-down list.

  8. In the edit dialog box, you can edit some of the attributes and drill down to additional tables, depending on the table that you accessed. For example:

    • For the Resources table, you can change the Bottleneck value. You can also drill down to the Resource Availability table.

    • For the Items table, you can change the Processing Lead Time value. You can also drill down to the Suppliers table.

  9. When done, click OK to return to the Simulation Set page. Changed rows and fields are marked with small colored dots.