Simulate Demand and Supply Changes

Planning Central enables you to simulate the effects of demand and supply changes on a plan.

Item Simulation Sets

You can use item simulation sets to edit item-organization parameters within the Planning Central work area and then run a plan using the edited values. You can quickly simulate demand and supply changes, and analyze plan output with the changes.

Open the Supplies and Demands table in a plan to make these changes:

  • Add demands: Create a manual demand and firm the date and quantity.
  • Cancel demands: Firm the demand and change the firm date.
  • Reschedule demands: Firm the demand and change the firm date.
  • Add new planned orders: Create a planned order and set the firm date and quantity.
  • Cancel supplies and planned orders: Firm the supply and set the firm quantity to zero.
  • Reschedule supplies: Firm the supply and change the firm date.

Run the plan with the Do not refresh with current data option selected to see the results of your demand and supply changes.

Note: If you’re making changes to a planned order, set the Overwrite Firm Planned Orders to None.

Order Types You Can Copy to Simulation Set

Here’s the list of supply and demand order types that you can copy to a simulation set:

Supply Order Types
  • Planned order
  • Purchase order
  • Purchase requisition
  • Transfer order
  • On hand supplies

Demand Order Types

  • Sales order
  • Manual demand