Forecast Consumption View

Use the Forecast Consumption table to quickly understand the misalignments between the forecast and actual sales at different levels such as item, organization, customer, and demand class. The Forecast Consumption table, which you drill to from the Supplies and Demands or Material plan table, enables you to analyze the sales orders or transfer order demands that consumed a particular forecast. You can also determine the portion of the plan horizon for which the forecast consumption details must be calculated.

The Forecast Consumption table displays the details for your plan based on the forecast consumption parameters, including the Consumption Detail Cutoff Days plan option. Configure these parameters on the Plan Options page, Supply tab, Forecast Allocation and Consumption subtab. After you configure the forecast allocation and consumption parameters, run your plan. The planning process calculates forecast consumption for the entire plan based on the forecast consumption parameters. Use the Consumption Detail Cutoff Days parameter to limit the number of days in which to view the forecast consumption details.

After you run the plan, navigate to the Supplies and Demands or the Material Plan table. In the Supplies and Demand table, select a sales order, forecast, or transfer order and then drill to the Forecast Consumption table. In the Material Plan table, select either a sales order, transfer order, or a net forecast measure and then drill to the Forecast Consumption table. Review the forecast consumption details in the context of the table that you drilled from, which can include the following information:

  • Multiple sales orders or transfer orders for a forecast entry. A forecast entry can be consumed by multiple sales orders or transfer orders.
  • Multiple forecast entries for a sales order or transfer order. A sales order or transfer order can consume multiple forecasts.
  • The original item of the sales order consuming the forecast where the sales order item has been changed to a substitute item.

This table describes the various columns in the Forecast Consumption table:

Column Description
Consumption Sequence Sequence of forecast consumed by sales orders or transfer order demand for an item.
Consumed Item Forecast of the item for which consumption occurred. This item can be the same item that’s available in the sales order, and can be a requested item for an end item substitution.
Organization Inventory organization in which the sales order or transfer order demand consumed the forecast.
Forecast Customer Name of the customer in the forecast.
Forecast Customer Site Name of the customer site in the forecast.
Demand Schedule Name of the demand schedule from which forecast was consumed by the sales order or transfer order demand.
Ship-to Consumption Level Consumption level used by the forecast consumption process in the plan to consume forecasts.
Consumption Date Date on which the forecast was consumed.
Forecast Quantity Original quantity of the forecast before consumption.
Consumed Quantity Consumed quantity of the forecast by a sales order or transfer order demand.
Sales or Transfer Order Number Sales order or transfer order demand number that consumed the forecast.
Sales or Transfer Order Line Specific sales order line or transfer order demand line number that consumed the forecast.
Sales Order or Transfer Order Item Item in the sales order or transfer order demand that consumed the forecast.
Sales Order or Transfer Order Original Ship Date Original ship date of the sales order line or transfer order demand line that consumed the forecast.
Sales or Transfer Order Quantity Quantity of the sales order line or transfer order demand line.
Order Type Order type, which is either sales order or transfer order.
Sales Order Customer Customer name on the sales order.
Sales Order Customer Site Customer site name on the sales order.
Demand Class Name of the demand class on the sales order.

The Forecast Consumption table is sorted by the Consumption Sequence column by default. You can change the default setting and sort the table by other columns. Use the Manage Columns actions on the View menu to configure which columns are visible. The layout persists across sessions until changed.

The Forecast Consumption table is available in the Supply Planning, Demand and Supply Planning, and Planning Central work areas for constrained and unconstrained supply plans.

You can add the Forecast Consumption table as a link to drill to from the context of a new forecast measure in any user-defined table.