Forecast Processing

Forecast processing adjusts the forecast received as a demand schedule to make it suitable for use in supply planning. Forecast processing is a multistep process that involves the following:

  1. Forecast Explosion. If enabled, this step explodes the forecast of a model item into separate forecasts for all underlying option classes and options.

    Note: Supply planning doesn't support forecasts for configured items. Although you can upload a forecast for configured items into plan inputs by using the appropriate file-based data import (FBDI) template (ScpExternalForecastImport), the forecast for configured items won't be copied into the plan.
  2. Forecast Spreading and Rounding. If enabled, this step spreads the forecasts received at a higher level of time aggregation to working days per the forecast spreading calendar. When the daily forecast quantity is calculated, it may be rounded up to a whole number, depending on the Rounding attribute for the item.

  3. Forecast Consumption. In this step, the forecast quantities (after spreading and rounding are applied) are reduced at the specified consumption level by the open sales order quantities to produce a net forecast quantity.

You can define the following aspects of forecast processing on the Plan Options page, Supply tab, Forecast Allocation and Consumption subtab:

  • Forecast Explosion
  • Forecast Spreading
  • Forecast Consumption
  • Past Due Demands