Deprecated REST Resources

A REST resource is deprecated when it is superseded by a newer version or there is a planned obsolescence in a future release. A resource labeled deprecated is still supported and might become obsolete in a later release. As a best practice, you should use the newer active version of a resource.

Use the guidance in this topic to migrate the deprecated resources to their replacements:

What Resources Have Changed

The following Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud resources have changed:

  • Inventory Transactions
  • Material Status Updates
  • Inspection Details
  • Receipts
  • Receiving Transactions
  • Customer Assets
  • Maintainable Assets
  • Items
  • Initialization Parameters
  • Product Change Orders
  • Order Promises
  • Available Supplies


Although deprecated resources continue to be supported for the near term, these deprecated resources might become obsolete in the future. Consequently, it is recommended that you update your REST clients to use the new resources as documented at your earliest convenience. This will minimize any disruption when Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud no longer supports the deprecated resources.

What Resources to Use Now

Use the following new resources for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud.

Update Deprecated Resources

The URL structure to use for accessing a resource is https://rest_server_url/resource_path, where rest_server_url is the REST server to contact, and resource_path is the relative path that defines the REST endpoint. To update the deprecated resource to the new versions, complete the following changes in your REST client:

  • Deprecated Resource Replacement Resource Replacement Resource Paths

    Inventory Transactions

    Inventory Staged Transactions














    Material Status Updates



    Inventory Item Lots

    Inventory Item Serial Numbers





    Inspection Details

    Inspection Plans












    Receiving Receipt Requests









    Receiving Transactions

    Requests for Receiving Transactions































    Customer Assets

    Installed Base Assets













    Maintainable Assets

    Installed Base Assets













    Items Item Version 2































    Initialization Parameters Configuration Initialization Parameters




    Order Promises Global Order Promises /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromises/autoSchedule
    Available Supplies Global Order Promises /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromises/autoSchedule
  • Retrieve Inspection Plan Details
  • Receive Receipt Requests
  • Request for Receiving Transactions
  • Manage Customer Assets
  • Manage Maintenance Assets
  • Manage Items
  • Manage Configuration Initialization Parameters
  • Manage Change Orders

Retrieve Inspection Plan Details

The deprecated Inspection Details resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Inspection Plans resource contains changes to the resource structure and resource name. It provides for the retrieval of data and the creation and updating of Inspection Plan related data. It also provides the ability to retrieve attachments related to Inspection Plans.

The new resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


Receive Receipt Requests

The deprecated resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


There are no changes to the attributes for this resource. For more information about the resource and the changes in the request and response payloads, see Receiving Receipt Requests .

In addition to creating receipts, here's what you can use the new Receiving Receipt Requests resource for:

  • Creating advanced shipment notices (ASNs).

  • Querying for a receipt request that has encountered an error while processing.

  • Updating a request and resubmit or reprocess the receipt. For example, if you provided an incorrect item or lot number, you can use the PATCH operation to provide the correct value and reprocess the request.

  • Deleting requests.

  • Specifying attachments when creating ASNs or receipts along with the descriptive flexfield information for the receipt header, ASN line, and the receiving transaction.

Request for Receiving Transactions

The deprecated resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


There are no changes to the attributes for this resource. For more information about the resource and the changes in the request and response payloads, see Requests for Receiving Transactions.

In addition to creating receipt based transactions such as inspection, put away, or returns, here's what you can use the new Requests for Receiving Transactions resource for:

  • Querying for a transaction request that has encountered an error while processing.

  • Updating a request and resubmit or reprocess the receipt. For example, if you provided an incorrect item or lot number, you can use the PATCH operation to provide the correct value and reprocess the request.

  • Deleting requests.

  • Specifying attachments and descriptive flexfield information for the receiving transaction.

Manage Customer Assets

The deprecated Customer Assets resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Installed Base Assets resource contains changes to the resource structure and resource name. This resource replaces the Customer Assets resource to manage all type of assets, such as customer and enterprise assets. It supports retrieving data and creating and updating asset data. It also supports the user keys for essential attributes such as customer name, organization code, and item number in addition to the standard identifiers. This resource supports cascading of operating organization, current location context, current location, location organization, work center, customer site, subinventory, and locator attributes from parent to child whenever the parent-level information changes.

The new resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


Manage Maintenance Assets

The deprecated Maintenance Assets resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Installed Base Assets resource contains changes to the resource structure and resource name. This resource replaces the Maintenance Assets resource to manage all type of assets, such as customer and enterprise assets. It supports retrieving data and creating and updating asset data. It also supports the user keys for essential attributes such as customer name, organization code, and item number in addition to the standard identifiers. This resource supports cascading of operating organization, current location context, current location, location organization, work center, customer site, subinventory, and locator attributes from parent to child whenever the parent-level information changes.

The new resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


Manage Items

The deprecated Items resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Items Version 2 resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Items Version 2 resource contains changes in the attributes and resource name. By using the new Items Version 2 resource, you can manage items and item-related information. The item-related information includes item attributes, item revisions, item attachments, item supplier associations, and item categories. For more information about the resource and the changes in the request and response payloads, see Item Version 2. In addition to getting items, here's what you can use the new Items Version 2 resource for:

  • Create, update, and search items of various types such as master items, organization items, style and stock keeping units (SKUs).
  • Specify values for attributes of different types such as primary, operational, descriptive flexfields, extensible flexfields, single row, and multi-row attributes
  • Create and update items-related entities such as item revisions, attachments, supplier associations, and item-catalog-category associations.

Manage Configuration Initialization Parameters

The deprecated Initialization Parameters resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Configuration Initialization Parameters resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


There are no changes to the attributes for this resource.

Manage Change Orders

The deprecated Product Change Orders resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Product Change Orders Version 2 resource endpoint is HTTP GET:


The new Product Change Orders Version 2 resource contains changes in the attributes and resource name. By using the Product Change Orders Version 2 resource, you can manage change orders and its affected items-related information. The affected items-related information includes item attributes, item revisions, item attachments, and item structures. For more information about the resource and the changes in the request and response payloads, see Product Change Orders Version 2.