Perform Inventory Inspection Against Sample Numbers For Serial Controlled Item

You can use REST API to perform an inventory inspection against sample numbers, not serial numbers, if the serial generation method for the item is set to Entry at sales order, transfer order, or work order issue and Entry at inventory pick.

Let's discuss these scenarios:

  1. Create inventory inspection against serials

  2. Create Inventory Inspection against samples

Create Inventory Inspection Against Serials

In this scenario, you create serials for an item with serial generation method by setting the entry at sales order, transfer order, or work order issue and the entry at inventory pick.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

Content-Type : application/
	"ItemNumber" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3",
	"SubinventoryCode" : "ABCSUB01",
	"INVInspectionPlanName":"MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3 Plan",
	"SerialResultsEntryFlag": "Y"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

	"CategoryId" : null,
	"CategorySetId" : null,
	"CustomerId" : null,
	"DispatchStatus" : null,
	"DispositionDate" : null,
	"DocumentLineNumber" : null,
	"DocumentNumber" : null,
	"DocumentScheduleNumber" : null,
	"DocumentType" : null,
	"Draft" : "N",
	"EventType" : "INV",
	"Inline" : "N",
	"InspectedBy" : "QUALITY_ENGINEER",
	"InspectionDate" : "2020-09-16T00:00:00+00:00",
	"InspectionLevelId" : 100,
	"InspectionPlanId" : 300100189014474,
	"InspectionStatus" : "PENDING",
	"InterfaceTransactionId" : null,
	"InventoryItemId" : 300100039626686,
	"IpCriteriaId" : null,
	"IpEventId" : 300100189092966,
	"LocatorId" : null,
	"LotNumber" : "LN1018",
	"ObjectVersionNumber" : 4,
	"OperationSequenceNumber" : null,
	"OrganizationId" : 207,
	"OriginalDisposition" : "PENDING",
	"QuantityAccepted" : 0,
	"QuantityInspected" : 0,
	"QuantityRejected" : 0,
	"QuantityRequested" : 2,
	"ReceiptNumber" : null,
	"ResourceId" : null,
	"RevisionId" : null,
	"SamplingQuantity" : 2,
	"ShipmentHeaderId" : null,
	"ShipmentLineId" : null,
	"SourceLineQuantity" : null,
	"SourceOrgId" : null,
	"SubinventoryCode" : "ABCSUB01",
	"SupplierId" : null,
	"SupplierLotNumber" : null,
	"SupplierSiteId" : null,
	"TransactionType" : null,
	"UOMCode" : "Ea",
	"WoOperationId" : null,
	"WorkAreaId" : null,
	"WorkCenterId" : null,
	"WorkOrderId" : null,
	"OrganizationCode" : "M1",
	"WorkOrderNumber" : null,
	"ItemNumber" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3",
	"WIPInspectionPlanName" : null,
	"ItemRevision" : null,
	"WoOperationCode" : null,
	"SubinventoryId" : 5161,
	"Locator" : null,
	"INVInspectionPlanName" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3 Plan",
	"ResourceInspectionPlanName" : null,
	"WorkCenterCode" : null,
	"ResourceCode" : null,
	"InspectionLevelName" : "100%",
	"isSkiplotEnabled" : "N",
	"SamplingRate" : 100,
	"NumofLotsInspect" : 0,
	"NumofLots" : 0,
	"InspectionPlanType" : "INVENTORY",
	"InspectionPlanVersion" : "1",
	"InspectionPlanVersionDescription" : null,
	"isSamplingEnabled" : "N",
	"FromOrganizationId" : null,
	"ItemDescription" : null,
	"VendorId" : null,
	"VendorSiteId" : null,
	"SourceDocumentCode" : null,
	"EventTypeLOV" : null,
	"InspectAllSamplesFlag" : null,
	"SerialResultsEntryFlag" : true,
	"SourceOrganizationCode" : null,
	"Supplier" : null,
	"SupplierSite" : null,
	"InspectionName" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3ABCSUB01",
	"RCVInspectionPlanName" : null,
	"links" : [ {
		"rel" : "self",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966",
		"name" : "inspectionEvents",
		"kind" : "item",
		"properties" : {
			"changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000478"
	}, {
		"rel" : "canonical",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966",
		"name" : "inspectionEvents",
		"kind" : "item"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/WorkCenterCodeLOV",
		"name" : "WorkCenterCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/SubInventoryLOV",
		"name" : "SubInventoryLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/InventoryItemLOV",
		"name" : "InventoryItemLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/WorkOrderNumberLOV",
		"name" : "WorkOrderNumberLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/ItemRevisionLOV",
		"name" : "ItemRevisionLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/ResourceCodeLOV",
		"name" : "ResourceCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/ResourceInspPlanNameLOV",
		"name" : "ResourceInspPlanNameLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/WoOperationCodeLOV",
		"name" : "WoOperationCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/InspectedByLOV",
		"name" : "InspectedByLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/WIPInspPlanNameLOV",
		"name" : "WIPInspPlanNameLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/LotNumberLOV",
		"name" : "LotNumberLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/LocatorLOV",
		"name" : "LocatorLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/OrganizationCodeLOV",
		"name" : "OrganizationCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/InspectionTypeLOV",
		"name" : "InspectionTypeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/lov/INVInspPlanNameLOV",
		"name" : "INVInspPlanNameLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "child",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/child/EventDisposition",
		"name" : "EventDisposition",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "child",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189092966/child/Sample",
		"name" : "Sample",
		"kind" : "collection"
	} ]

Create Inventory Inspection Against Samples

In this scenario, you create samples for an item with serial generation method set to entry at sales order, transfer order, or work order issue and entry at inventory pick.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

Content-Type : application/
	"ItemNumber" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3",
	"SubinventoryCode" : "ABCSUB01",
	"INVInspectionPlanName":"MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3 Plan",
	"SerialResultsEntryFlag": "N"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

	"CategoryId" : null,
	"CategorySetId" : null,
	"CustomerId" : null,
	"DispatchStatus" : null,
	"DispositionDate" : null,
	"DocumentLineNumber" : null,
	"DocumentNumber" : null,
	"DocumentScheduleNumber" : null,
	"DocumentType" : null,
	"Draft" : "N",
	"EventType" : "INV",
	"Inline" : "N",
	"InspectedBy" : "QUALITY_ENGINEER",
	"InspectionDate" : "2020-09-16T00:00:00+00:00",
	"InspectionLevelId" : 100,
	"InspectionPlanId" : 300100189014474,
	"InspectionStatus" : "PENDING",
	"InterfaceTransactionId" : null,
	"InventoryItemId" : 300100039626686,
	"IpCriteriaId" : null,
	"IpEventId" : 300100189093188,
	"LocatorId" : null,
	"LotNumber" : "LN1018",
	"ObjectVersionNumber" : 4,
	"OperationSequenceNumber" : null,
	"OrganizationId" : 207,
	"OriginalDisposition" : "PENDING",
	"QuantityAccepted" : 0,
	"QuantityInspected" : 0,
	"QuantityRejected" : 0,
	"QuantityRequested" : 2,
	"ReceiptNumber" : null,
	"ResourceId" : null,
	"RevisionId" : null,
	"SamplingQuantity" : 2,
	"ShipmentHeaderId" : null,
	"ShipmentLineId" : null,
	"SourceLineQuantity" : null,
	"SourceOrgId" : null,
	"SubinventoryCode" : "ABCSUB01",
	"SupplierId" : null,
	"SupplierLotNumber" : null,
	"SupplierSiteId" : null,
	"TransactionType" : null,
	"UOMCode" : "Ea",
	"WoOperationId" : null,
	"WorkAreaId" : null,
	"WorkCenterId" : null,
	"WorkOrderId" : null,
	"OrganizationCode" : "M1",
	"WorkOrderNumber" : null,
	"ItemNumber" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3",
	"WIPInspectionPlanName" : null,
	"ItemRevision" : null,
	"WoOperationCode" : null,
	"SubinventoryId" : 5161,
	"Locator" : null,
	"INVInspectionPlanName" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3 Plan",
	"ResourceInspectionPlanName" : null,
	"WorkCenterCode" : null,
	"ResourceCode" : null,
	"InspectionLevelName" : "100%",
	"isSkiplotEnabled" : "N",
	"SamplingRate" : 100,
	"NumofLotsInspect" : 0,
	"NumofLots" : 0,
	"InspectionPlanType" : "INVENTORY",
	"InspectionPlanVersion" : "1",
	"InspectionPlanVersionDescription" : null,
	"isSamplingEnabled" : "N",
	"FromOrganizationId" : null,
	"ItemDescription" : null,
	"VendorId" : null,
	"VendorSiteId" : null,
	"SourceDocumentCode" : null,
	"EventTypeLOV" : null,
	"InspectAllSamplesFlag" : null,
	"SerialResultsEntryFlag" : false,
	"SourceOrganizationCode" : null,
	"Supplier" : null,
	"SupplierSite" : null,
	"InspectionName" : "MFG-W-SER-LOT-REV-LOC-PROD3ABCSUB01",
	"RCVInspectionPlanName" : null,
	"links" : [ {
		"rel" : "self",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188",
		"name" : "inspectionEvents",
		"kind" : "item",
		"properties" : {
			"changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000478"
	}, {
		"rel" : "canonical",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188",
		"name" : "inspectionEvents",
		"kind" : "item"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/WorkCenterCodeLOV",
		"name" : "WorkCenterCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/SubInventoryLOV",
		"name" : "SubInventoryLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/InventoryItemLOV",
		"name" : "InventoryItemLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/WorkOrderNumberLOV",
		"name" : "WorkOrderNumberLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/ItemRevisionLOV",
		"name" : "ItemRevisionLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/ResourceCodeLOV",
		"name" : "ResourceCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/ResourceInspPlanNameLOV",
		"name" : "ResourceInspPlanNameLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/WoOperationCodeLOV",
		"name" : "WoOperationCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/InspectedByLOV",
		"name" : "InspectedByLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/WIPInspPlanNameLOV",
		"name" : "WIPInspPlanNameLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/LotNumberLOV",
		"name" : "LotNumberLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/LocatorLOV",
		"name" : "LocatorLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/OrganizationCodeLOV",
		"name" : "OrganizationCodeLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
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		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "lov",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/lov/INVInspPlanNameLOV",
		"name" : "INVInspPlanNameLOV",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "child",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/child/EventDisposition",
		"name" : "EventDisposition",
		"kind" : "collection"
	}, {
		"rel" : "child",
		"href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/inspectionEvents/300100189093188/child/Sample",
		"name" : "Sample",
		"kind" : "collection"
	} ]