Reschedule Work Orders at the Midpoint

You can use a REST API to reschedule a work order at the midpoint.

Let's discuss these scenarios:

  • Get dispatch state quantities for one work order operation.

  • Post quantities completed for one work order operation.

Get Work Order Details

You create a solution that allows John Smith, a discrete manufacturer, to use a mobile client to connect to your partner application, and then use a REST API. The production supervisor uses your client application to enter the work order number M1-1208, operation sequence number 10, scheduling option 1, which is Forward Scheduling, and the scheduling date.

Flow where The production supervisor uses your client application to enter the work order number M1-1208, operation sequence number 10, scheduling option 1, which is Forward Scheduling, and the scheduling date.

Here's a typical application processing flow for the scenarios:

  1. You send a REST API request from the client to the server.

  2. The response payload includes details that describe the results of the request.

  3. Your partner application extracts the values for the following attributes from the response payload, and then displays them in the client.




    Unique key that Oracle Manufacturing Cloud creates when it creates a work order. For example, 300100071643547.


    Unique key that Oracle Manufacturing Cloud creates when it creates a work order operation. For example, 300100071643548.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


curl -u username:password "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/workOrders?q=OrganizationCode=M1;WorkOrderNumber=M1-1208&expand=WorkOrderOperation"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.


This payload includes two operations, and the client must filter the operations that it does not require.

	"items": [
		"OrganizationId": 207,
		"OrganizationCode": "M1",
		"OrganizationName": "Tall Manufacturing",
		"WorkOrderId": 300100071643547,
		"WorkOrderNumber": "M1-1208",
		"WorkOrderDescription": "Work Order for Mobile 5.5"",
		"WorkMethodId": 300100070832877,
		"WorkOrderType": "STANDARD",
		"WorkOrderTypeDescription": "Standard",
		"WorkOrderSubType": "ORA_STANDARD",
		"WorkOrderSubTypeDescription": "Standard Production",
		"InventoryItemId": 100100037416744,
		"ItemNumber": "M1-1234",
		"Description": "Mobile 5.5"",
		"ItemRevision": "A",
		"ItemStructureName": "Primary",
		"TransformFromItemId": null,
		"TransformFromItemNumber": null,
		"WorkDefinitionAsOfDate": "2016-01-04T17:27:57-08:00",
		"WorkDefinitionId": 300100071643498,
		"WorkDefinitionVersionId": 300100071643499,
		"WorkDefinitionVersionNumber": "1",
		"WorkDefinitionCode": "RT-A-NC3001WD1",
		"WorkDefinitionName": "RT-A-NC3001WD1",
		"WorkOrderPriority": 1,
		"WorkOrderStatusId": 10004,
		"WorkOrderStatusName": "Released",
		"WorkOrderStatusCode": "ORA_RELEASED",
		"WorkOrderSystemStatusCode": "RELEASED",
		"SchedulingMethod": "DEFAULT_SCHEDULER",
		"PlannedStartQuantity": 15,
		"CompletedQuantity": null,
		"ScrappedQuantity": null,
		"RejectedQuantity": null,
		"NettableSupplyQuantityOverride": null,
		"UnitOfMeasure": "EA",
		"FirmPlannedFlag": false,
		"PlannedStartDate": "2016-01-04T17:27:00-08:00",
		"PlannedCompletionDate": "2016-01-20T23:09:55-08:00",
		"ActualStartDate": null,
		"ActualCompletionDate": null,
		"ReleasedDate": "2016-01-02T17:31:13-08:00",
		"ClosedDate": null,
		"CanceledDate": null,
		"DelayStatus": 0,
		"WorkOrderDate": "2016-01-20T23:09:55-08:00",
		"CanceledReason": null,
		"OvercomplToleranceType": null,
		"OvercomplToleranceValue": null,
		"OvercomplToleranceTypeDescription": null,
		"SupplyType": "7",
		"SupplyTypeDescription": "Based on Work Definition",
		"CompletionSubinventoryCode": "Stores",
		"CompletionLocatorId": null,
		"CompletionLocator": null,
		"SerialTrackingFlag": false,
		"BackToBackFlag": false,
		"ContractMfgFlag": false,
		"OrchestrationCode": null,
		"InterfaceSourceCode": null,
		"ScoSupplyOrderId": null,
		"CmPOHeaderId": null,
		"CmPOLineId": null,
		"CmPOLineLocId": null,
		"OrderLessFlag": false,
		"SourceSystemType": null,
		"SourceSystemId": null,
		"SourceHeaderReference": null,
		"SourceHeaderReferenceId": null,
		"SourceLineReference": null,
		"SourceLineReferenceId": null,
		"WorkOrderOperation": [
			"OrganizationId": 207,
			"WorkOrderId": 300100071643547,
			"WorkOrderNumber": "M1-1208",
			"WorkOrderOperationId": 300100071643548,
			"OperationSequenceNumber": 10,
			"OperationName": "op10",
			"OperationDescription": "Assemble",
			"OperationType": "IN_HOUSE",
			"OperationTypeDescription": "In-house",
			"StandardOperationId": null,
			"StandardOperationName": null,
			"StandardOperationCode": null,
			"WorkAreaId": 300100071643435,
			"WorkAreaCode": "RT-A-WA1",
			"WorkAreaName": "RT-A-WA1",
			"WorkAreaDescription": "RT-A-WA1",
			"WorkCenterId": 300100071643453,
			"WorkCenterCode": "RT-A-WC1",
			"WorkCenterName": "RT-A-WC1",
			"WorkCenterDescription": "RT-A-WC1",
			"OSPItemId": null,
			"OSPItemDescription": null,
			"SupplierId": null,
			"SupplierName": null,
			"SupplierSiteId": null,
			"SupplierSiteDescription": null,
			"FixedLeadTime": null,
			"VariableLeadTime": null,
			"LeadTimeUnitOfMeasure": null,
			"CountPointOperationFlag": false,
			"AutoTransactFlag": false,
			"PORequestedQuantity": null,
			"POApprovedQuantity": null,
			"OverReceiptQuantity": null,
			"InProcessQuantity": null,
			"ReceivedQuantity": null,
			"ShippedQuantity": null,
			"ReadyQuantity": null,
			"CompletedQuantity": null,
			"ScrappedQuantity": null,
			"RejectedQuantity": null,
			"UnitOfMeasure": "EA",
			"PlannedStartDate": "2016-01-04T17:27:00-08:00",
			"PlannedCompletionDate": "2016-01-11T14:16:13-08:00",
			"ActualStartDate": null,
			"ActualCompletionDate": null,
			"DelayStatus": 0,
			"MaterialsCount": 4,
			"ResourcesCount": 2,
			"SerialTrackingFlag": false,
			"ShippingDocumentsFlag": null,                    
			"OrganizationId": 207,
			"WorkOrderId": 300100071643547,
			"WorkOrderNumber": "M1-1208",
			"WorkOrderOperationId": 300100071643549,
			"OperationSequenceNumber": 20,
			"OperationName": "op20",
			"OperationDescription": "Test,
			"OperationType": "IN_HOUSE",
			"OperationTypeDescription": "In-house",
			"StandardOperationId": null,
			"StandardOperationName": null,
			"StandardOperationCode": null,
			"WorkAreaId": 300100071643435,
			"WorkAreaCode": "RT-A-WA1",
			"WorkAreaName": "RT-A-WA1",
			"WorkAreaDescription": "RT-A-WA1",
			"WorkCenterId": 300100071643453,
			"WorkCenterCode": "RT-A-WC1",
			"WorkCenterName": "RT-A-WC1",
			"WorkCenterDescription": "RT-A-WC1",
			"OSPItemId": null,
			"OSPItemDescription": null,
			"SupplierId": null,
			"SupplierName": null,
			"SupplierSiteId": null,
			"SupplierSiteDescription": null,
			"FixedLeadTime": null,
			"VariableLeadTime": null,
			"LeadTimeUnitOfMeasure": null,
			"CountPointOperationFlag": true,
			"AutoTransactFlag": false,
			"PORequestedQuantity": null,
			"POApprovedQuantity": null,
			"OverReceiptQuantity": null,
			"InProcessQuantity": null,
			"ReceivedQuantity": null,
			"ShippedQuantity": null,
			"ReadyQuantity": 15,
			"CompletedQuantity": null,
			"ScrappedQuantity": null,
			"RejectedQuantity": null,
			"UnitOfMeasure": "EA",
			"PlannedStartDate": "2016-01-11T14:16:13-08:00",
			"PlannedCompletionDate": "2016-01-20T23:09:55-08:00",
			"ActualStartDate": null,
			"ActualCompletionDate": null,
			"DelayStatus": 0,
			"MaterialsCount": 0,
			"ResourcesCount": 2,
			"SerialTrackingFlag": false,
			"ShippingDocumentsFlag": null,

Reschedule the Work Order at the Midpoint

The client gets the work order Id and work order operation Id, and then reschedules the work order at the midpoint.

Flow where the client gets the work order Id and work order operation Id, and then reschedules the work order at the midpoint.

Here's a typical application processing flow for the scenarios:

  1. You send a REST API request from the client to the server.

  2. The response payload includes details that describe the results of the request.

  3. Your partner application processes the values. If it receives the WorkOrderId in the response payload, then it displays a success confirmation message in the client.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format to post an operation transaction for assembly MI-1234, work order M1-1208, and operation sequence number 20.


curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

	"name" : "midpointRescheduleWorkOrderOperation",
	"parameters" :   [
	{ "operationId" : 300100071643548},
	{ "scheduleOption" : 1 }, 
	{ "scheduleDate" : "2016-06-15T12:30:00-05:00" }

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"result" : "300100071643547"