Troubleshoot Your Supply Chain Orchestration Flows

Troubleshoot problems that happen with supply orders in your fulfillment flow.

Troubles often happen because there's a problem in the setup for the application that requests supply. Learn how to identify the problem, then fix the setup that causes the trouble.

Use the Supply Orchestration work area as a starting point to get details about your supply request or supply order.



Supply Chain Orchestration receives a supply request but doesn't create a supply order.

Go to the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page. Search for your supply request, then examine the error message.

Supply Chain Orchestration creates the supply order but not the supply document.

Go to the Manage Supply Lines page. Search for your supply order, then examine the error message.

For details, see Manage Your Supply Process.

Problems in Back to Back Flows

Problems in Supply Chain Orchestration

Supply Chain Orchestration failed to create the supply order.



A preparer isn't specified.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Orders

    • Task: Manage Order Management Parameters

  2. Set a value for the Preparer for Procurement parameter. For details, see Manage Order Management Parameters.

  3. On the order line, do the Unschedule, then Reschedule tasks. Unschedule cancels the supply request in Supply Chain Orchestration. Reschedule creates a new supply request in Supply Chain Orchestration. For details, see Schedule Fulfillment Lines Manually.

The supply request remains on hold.

Its possible that Global Order Promising didn't make a recommendation because the Need By date happens within the date range that the time fence specifies. Global Order Promising examines the Infinite Availability Fence Definition attribute and assumes that supply is infinitely available, so it doesn't make a recommendation.

  1. Go to the Global Order Promising work area, then click Tasks > Manage ATP Rules.

  2. Go to the Global Order Promising work area, then click Tasks > Manage ATP Rules.

  3. Search for, then open your rule for editing.

  4. On the ATP Rule Criteria tab, set the Infinite Availability Fence Definition attribute to User-Defined Lead Time.

  5. Set the User-Defined Fence in Days attribute according to the actual lead time that you experience in manufacturing and procurement.

    For details, see Time Fence.

  6. Refresh the server.

    For details, see Collect Data for Global Order Promising.

  7. Go to the Order Management work area and revise the sales order. Unschedule, then reschedule the sales order line.

Orchestration fails in some other way.



Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create a reservation because the reservation quantity is greater than the available to reserve quantity.

  1. Collect and update data in Global Order Promising. For details, see Quick Start for Setting Up Order-to-Cash.

  2. Go to the Order Management work area and revise the sales order. Unschedule, then reschedule the sales order line.

Problems in Procurement

Procurement fails to create a purchase request.



The carrier, mode of transport, and service levels aren't set up correctly.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Carriers and Transit Times

    • Task: Manage Carriers

  2. On the Manage Carriers page, search for and open your carrier. If you don't have one, click Actions > Create, and create a new one.

    • Make sure you set up at least one carrier.

    • Specify at least one shipping method.

    • Specify at least one service level and mode of transport for each shipping method.

    • Make sure at least one shipping method is active.

    • For details, see Shipping Methods.

  3. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply line.

A blanket purchase agreement isn't set up. Procurement typically uses a blanket purchase agreement to automatically create a purchase agreement for the item that the supply order references.

  1. Use Document Builder to manually process your purchase request.

    For details, see How Purchasing Documents are Created and Managed for Outside Processing.

  2. Set up a blanket purchase agreement for your future orders. For details, see How You Set Up a Blanket Purchase Agreement for Outside Processing.

    For more, go to Using Procurement, then search for:

    • Supplier Agreements

    • Blanket Purchase Agreement Lines

    • Set Up a Blanket Purchase Agreement in Contract Manufacturing

  3. Manually process the purchase order.

I successfully set up a blanket purchase agreement, there's no error message, but the flow fails to create a purchase order.

  1. Set options in Document Builder to automatically create orders and automatically submit them to approval in the blanket purchase agreement for future orders.

    For details, go to Using Procurement, then search for Automate Order Creation for Requisitions Without Previously Negotiated Agreements.

  2. Manually process the request to create a purchase order.

The Requested Date on the order line happens before the current date.

  1. Go to the Order Management work area, search for your sales order, then create a revision.

  2. Set the Requested Date on the order line to a value that happens on or after the current date.

  3. On the order line, unschedule, then reschedule the sales order line.

Problems in Back to Back Flows and Plan to Produce Flows

Problems in Supply Chain Orchestration



Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create the supply order because a default buyer isn't assigned to the item.

  1. Go to the Product Information Management work area, then click Tasks > Manage Items.

  2. Search for, then open your item for editing.

  3. On the Edit Item page, click Specifications > Purchasing.

  4. Select a value for the Default Buyer attribute.

  5. Use the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page to resubmit the supply request.

Supply Chain Orchestration sends a supply request to Manufacturing, but Manufacturing fails to create a work order for it. A work definition isn't set up or a work definition version isn't set up for the date and item that the order line references.

  1. Set up a work definition.

    For details, see Set Up a Work Definition in Contract Manufacturing.

  2. Go to the Supply Chain Orchestration work area, then use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply line.

Problems in Procurement

Procurement does its own validation. If validation in Procurement fails, then Procurement can't create a purchase request. It sends an error to Supply Chain Orchestration, and Supply Chain Orchestration displays the error on the Manage Supply Lines page. You can troubleshoot the error, then use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply order.



List Price is empty.

  1. Go to the Product Information Management work area, then click Tasks > Manage Items.

  2. Search for, then open your item for editing.

  3. On the Edit Item page, click Specifications > Purchasing.

  4. Enter a value in the List Price attribute.

Charge account is empty or isn't set up.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Cost Accounting

    • Task: Manage Mapping Sets

  2. On the Manage Mapping Sets page, in the search results, click Accrual Account - Organization.

    • On the Edit Mapping Set page, in the Chart of Accounts list, click the Operations Accounting Flex row.

    • In the Operations Accounting Flex area, add your inventory organization, such as 004.

  3. Repeat step 2 for your other accounts.

    • Cost of Sales Account Organization

    • Expense Account Organization

    • Expense Accrual Account Organization

    • Invoice Price Variance Account - Organization

    • Material Account Organization

  4. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply line.

The Requested Date on the order line happens before the current date.

  1. Run the supply plan again.

    • Go to the Supply Planning work area.

    • Click Tasks > Manage Plans.

    • On the Manage Plans page, in the search results, click the row that contains your plan.

    • Click Actions > Run.

      For details, see Create a Plan.

  2. Release the buy orders that Procurement planned for the item.

Problems with Configure to Order



I encounter one of these troubles.

  • Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create the supply order.

  • Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create a work order because a work definition isn't set up.

  • Procurement fails to create a purchase request.

  • Procurement fails to create a purchase request because a blanket purchase agreement isn't set up.

Use the solutions described in the back-to-back and plan-to-produce sections in this topic.

The sales order remains in Draft status even after you submit it. The flow fails to create the configured item.

  1. Go to the Manage Configured Item Exceptions page, then examine the error messages.

    The flow might create the configured item even though the sales order is still in Draft status. The error messages might provide sufficient guidance on where to fix your set up.

  2. Fix the problem, then submit the sales order again from the Order Management work area. As an alternative, use the Manage Configured Item Exceptions page to ignore the exception and proceed with processing.

For more details, see Troubleshoot Problems with Configure-to-Order.

Problems with Contract Manufacturing and Min-Max Planning

Contract Manufacturing



Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create the supply order because there's a problem with the supplier.

  1. Associate a supplier or supplier site with the contract manufacturing organization in your supply network model.

    For details, see the Supply Network Model chapter in Using Planning Central.

  2. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then use the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page to resubmit the supply request.

Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create the supply order because there's a problem with the service item.

  1. Go to the Product Information Management work area, search for, then open your item for editing.

  2. On the Edit Item page, click Specifications > Manufacturing, then set Contract Manufacturing to Yes.

  3. Set the service item as a Buy item in the item master set up.

  4. Associate the service item to the last count point operation in the work definition.

  5. Make sure you set the supply type to SCM.

  6. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then use the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page to resubmit the supply request.

Manufacturing fails to create a work order because a work definition isn't set up.

Procurement fails to create a purchase request because.

  • Charge account is empty.

  • List Price is empty.

Supply Chain Orchestration models each contract manufacturer as an inventory organization, so make sure you set up charge accounts for the contract manufacturing organization.

Make sure you add a list price to the service item for the contract manufacturing organization.

For details, use the solutions described in the back-to-back and plan-to-produce sections in this topic.

Purchasing fails to create a purchase order, but no error displays.

  1. Go to the line for the blanket purchase agreement, then select the correct item revision for the service item in the contract manufacturing organization.

  2. Manually process the request for the purchase order.

Min-Max Planning



The supply request doesn't exist in Supply Chain Orchestration, and the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page doesn't list the supply request.

This error might happen because the Print Min-Max Planning report doesn't recommend a reorder quantity.

  1. Go to the Inventory Management work area.

  2. On the Inventory Management page, click Reports and Analytics > Shared Reports and Analytics > Min-Max Report > More.

    Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence opens with the Folders tree expanded to Shared Folders > Supply Chain Management > Warehouse Operations > Inventory.

  3. In the list of reports that display, click the row that includes Min-Max Report.

  4. At the bottom of the list, click Preview Min-Max Report.

  5. If the report is empty, then do the steps described in Set Up Min-Max Planning.

  6. Examine the report.

  7. If the reorder quantity in the report is 0.

    • On the Inventory Management page, click Reports and Analytics > Shared Reports and Analytics > Min-Max Report > Schedule.

      A page displays that you can use to set parameters for the Print Min-Max Planning Report scheduled process.

    • Set the Restock parameter to Yes.

    • Evaluate the required parameters and reset them as necessary.

      For details, see Min-Max Planning Report Parameter Options.

    • Click Submit.

Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create a supply order, but no error displays.

  1. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. In the Search dialog, search for Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface.

  4. Set parameters, then click Submit.

Purchasing fails to create the purchase request because the Requested Date happens before the current date.

  1. Run the Print Min-Max Planning Report scheduled process.

  2. Run the Process Supply Orchestration Interface scheduled process as soon as Print Min-Max Planning Report finishes successfully.

Purchasing fails to create the purchase order but there's no error.

Try the solution that describes how to set up a blanket purchasing agreement in the back-to-back section of this topic.

I encounter one of these troubles.

  • Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create the supply order.

  • Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create a work order because a work definition isn't set up.

  • Procurement fails to create a purchase request.

Try the solutions described in the back-to-back and plan-to-produce sections in this topic.

Problems with Internal Material Transfers



The supply request doesn't exist in Supply Chain Orchestration, and the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page doesn't list the supply request.

Its possible that there's a problem in the data you imported through the Supply Request web service or file-based data import.

  1. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  2. Click Run Scheduled Process, then run the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process.

  3. Examine errors in the log of the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process.

  4. Manually fix the errors.

    Usually, there's a problem in the data you're importing.

  5. Run the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process again.

For details, see Overview of Importing Orders Into Order Management.

I import through file-based data import. The import fails to create a supply order but I don't encounter any errors.

Make sure you run the Import Sales Orders scheduled process.

I use the Create Supply Request page to create a request, but Supply Chain Orchestration can't find a source that it can use to supply the request.

For details, see Create a Plan.

  1. Set up an available-to-promise (ATP) rule.

    • Go to the Order Promising work area, click Tasks > Manage ATP Rules, then create an available-to-promise rule that uses the Infinite-Availability-Based promising mode.

    • Assign the available-to-promise rule to each of the organizations that you created for your fulfillment warehouses.

      For details, see Promising Modes for ATP Rules.

  2. Set up a sourcing rule.

    • Go to the Order Promising work area, click Tasks > Manage Sourcing Rules, then create a global sourcing rule that specifies the warehouse you use to fulfill the sales order.

      Set up rules for your planned items. For details, see Source Your Supply Chain.

    • On the Manage Sourcing Rules page, click Tasks > Manage Assignment Sets, then create an assignment set that assigns the sourcing rule that you created in step 1 to the Global assignment level.

      See the Sourcing Assignment Levels topic.

For items where you haven't set up a plan, set up interorganization parameters. For details, see Enable Interorganization Transfers.

Use the Create Supply Request page to resubmit the supply request. For more details, see Internal Material Transfer Setup Tasks.

My flow fails to create a transfer order.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Carriers and Transit Times

    • Task: Manage Transit Times

  2. On the Manage Transit Times page, set up transit times between the origin and destination.

    For details, see Transit Times.

  3. Use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply line that's in error.

Problems with Outside Processing

Problems in Procurement

Procurement fails to create a purchase request.



The charge account isn't set up or its not set up correctly.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Cost Accounting

    • Task: Manage Mapping Sets

  2. In the search results, in the Name column, click Work Order.

  3. On the Edit Mapping Set page, add a charge account.

  4. Use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply line that's in error.

The preparer is missing because the manufacturing user who submitted the purchase request isn't associated with a valid person Id.

  1. Use Oracle Identity Management to associate a valid person number with the manufacturing user.

    For details, see Securing SCM.

  2. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then use the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page to cancel the supply request.

  3. Create a new purchase request.

  4. Go to the Work Execution work area, then click Tasks > Manage Supplier Operations.

  5. On the Manage Supplier Operations page, in the row that contains your work order, click the Review Supplier Operation Details icon.

  6. On the Review Supplier Operation Details page, click Create Purchase Requisition.

Other set ups are missing, such as.

  • Missing a buyer.

  • Problem with the list price.

Use the solutions described in the back-to-back and plan-to-produce sections in this topic.

Other Problems with Outside Processing



Procurement fails to create a purchase order but there's no error.

The outside processing flow doesn't require you to set up an blanket purchase agreement or approved supplier list, but you can set them up to automate the flow.

  1. Set up a blanket purchase agreement.

  2. Set up an approved supplier list.

  3. Manually process the purchase request to create the purchase order.

I encounter a shipment request not found error.

Outside processing doesn't require you to create a shipment line, but you can set it up to meet your needs.

Create a shipment request.

  1. Go to the Work Execution work area, then click Tasks > Manage Supplier Operations.

  2. On the Manage Supplier Operations page, in the row that contains your work order, click the Review Supplier Operation Details icon.

  3. On the Review Supplier Operation Details page, set the Generate Shipment option to Yes.

Manufacturing fails to create the shipment line because the item isn't shippable.

Make the item shippable.

  1. Go to the Product Information Management work area, then click Tasks > Manage Items.

  2. Search for, then open your item for editing.

  3. On the Edit Item page, click Specifications > Sales and Order Management.

  4. Set the Shippable attribute to Yes.

  5. Go to the Supply Orchestration work area, then use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply line.

Other Problems



Chain fails to create the supply order because the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) server is down.

  1. Contract your server administrator to bring the SOA server back into service.

  2. Use the Manage Supply Request Exceptions page to resubmit the supply request.

Supply Chain Orchestration fails to create the supply document because the service that communicates with your downstream fulfillment system is down.

Supply Chain Orchestration creates the supply document from a sales order, transfer order, or work order. It can't do this if it can't communicate with Manufacturing, Purchasing, or Inventory.

  1. Contact your service administrator to bring the services back up.

  2. Use the Manage Supply Lines page to resubmit the supply order.