Create Channel Revenue Claims

If the short pay or overpay is specific to an invoice, you can create a claim investigation for the amount in the Amount Due field after an invoice is applied to the receipt.

How to Create Invoice Related Deductions and Overpayments

  1. Select Create Channel Revenue Claim from the Actions drop-down button on the Applications tab of the Receipt Details section of the receipt.

  2. Enter the claim details in the Create Channel Revenue Claim dialog box on the Receipt page, and save the receipt. Upon saving, the Application Reference Number field gets populated with the claim number that has been created.



    Transaction Business Unit

    Populated by default with the business unit of the invoice.

    Claim Amount

    Populated by default with the amount outstanding on the invoice. You can't edit this amount. Invoice related claims take the currency and business unit of the invoice.

    Application Reference Reason

    Select from the reference reasons configured in Channel Revenue Management for a claim.

    Customer Reason

    Enter any additional feedback regarding the customer reason for the claim.

    Customer Reference

    Enter any additional reference information related to the claim.

  3. The details of the Channel Revenue Management deduction or overpayment claim are displayed in the invoice application line of the receipt in the Edit Receipt page.