Actions on Proposals

On proposals, the Actions menu offers ways to modify the business object or gather more information about the object.

The options available are:

  • Open Concept: opens the related concept.

  • Send: opens a dialog to send notification to other users. You can even add a message in the notification.

  • Bookmark URL: bookmarks the url for future reference - clicking this will redirect you to the website the bookmark is linked to.

  • View Version History: view previous versions of the product proposal, irrespective of the product proposal version you're currently on.

  • View Approvals: a quick-view access to the Approval History of a Submitted or Approved Proposal (from within the object).

  • Manage Team: controls who has access to read and modify and access the object

  • Define Metrics: add or delete metrics or set threshold values for proposal metrics
  • Export: opens a dialog to configure an export procedure of the object's content.

  • Terminate Workflow: terminates the approval workflow of a proposal.

  • Delete: opens a dialog to delete the object.