Tabs on Concepts and Concept Structure

Use the tabs to view information on selected concepts and concept structures.

General Information Tab

You can use this tab to view basic information about concepts. It includes standard and custom attributes.

Content tab

You can use this tab to enter a description of concepts and format it using the Rich Text Editor. The Content field supports graphics, attachments, and URLs. So if you’re creating a new item or product, you can format the program code.

Requirements Tab

You can view the list of requirements associated with the concept. When a component fulfills your requirement, you can select the check box in the Fulfilled column. The requirement status then changes to another color (green).

Attachments Tab

You can use this tab to add new attachments or view existing attachments for concepts. For example, upload a file or a URL to provide more information about the concept.

  1. From the Attachments side tab, click Add.
  2. Select the attachment type and category. Click Browse.
  3. Select the attachment and click Open.

    You can also add multiple attachments in a single action. Just drag and drop, or select and move attachments to the Add Files window.

  4. Click Save.

Here's what you can do:

  • Check out and edit an attachment; check in when you’re done. A new revision is created when you check in the attachment.
  • View attachment revisions.

    To view the revision history, click the File Revision History icon. You can download the current and previous revisions using the Download icon appearing against each revision.

    To indicate the latest revision, the term latest appears against the revision and a check mark is shown. When you do a Save As on the requirements specification or requirement, only the latest revision is copied over.

  • Change the latest revision and quickly edit attachment details across multiple attachments. Here’s how:

    On the Attachments side tab, click Direct Edit.

    In the Revision column, select the revision you want to be considered as the latest.

    You can also edit details such as title, description, category, and revision.