User Interface Details in Requirements

On an Edit Requirements Specification page, as you select an object in the tree structure within the Requirements pane, the heading and contents of the opposite pane changes.

For example:

  • If the top-level requirements specification is selected, the pane's heading is Requirements Specification: [named object]. The pane's content is the General Information tab of the requirements specification.

    When you click the Save As option in Save and Close button, a new requirements specification is created with structure.

  • If a requirement is selected, the pane's heading is Requirement: [named object]. The pane's content is the General Information tab of the requirement, which contains different attributes than a requirements specification. The Content field of requirements has a large capacity and full Rich Text Editor functionality. As a requirement is enriched, the description can add fully formatted text, technical specifications, and graphics.

Note: Attachments tab is another way to enrich the requirement with graphics, URLs, documents, and so forth.

Standard View and Table View

On a requirements specification's Edit Requirements Specification page, the default view is the Standard view. Click the grid icon for the Table view, which presents the structure's items in an editable table format.

The Table view is a powerful editor, as you can edit all rows of requirements in a requirements specification - attribute by attribute - without having to open each requirement or even select its row. You can even view and edit a requirement's description in the Content field, in a Table view row, again without opening, editing, and saving the requirement. (You must reattach a document or graphic file that's modified, or reestablish a URL link that's changed.)

Other Buttons and Links

There are also Save, Save and Close, and Cancel buttons. Save and Close has a list, Save As which copies the structure as well. You can create a duplicate of the requirements specification, giving it a new name and editing the description, in the Save As process.