How You Review Product Genealogy

You can search and view the genealogy details of products on the Review Product Genealogy page. This page also serves as a starting point to view genealogy instances, their relationships, and transaction history.

For a product or component to be tracked in genealogy, you must set the Enable Genealogy Tracking item attribute to Yes.

You can perform a basic keyword search or use the filters to perform an advance search. The filters enable you to perform the search based on a range of lot numbers, a range of serial numbers, or the item. Optionally, you can also provide the range of transaction dates to restrict the result to specific dates. You can save the frequently used search criteria and reuse it. You can also run a search automatically by creating a saved search and setting it as default. If you set a default search, the search is automatically run and the results are displayed whenever the Review Product Genealogy page is opened.

For each product genealogy record, you can perform the following actions:

  • Information: View detailed information such as lot number and serial number details.

  • Genealogy Details: View the genealogy details such as relationship between the genealogy instances.

  • Transaction History: View transaction history of the product genealogy record.

In the event of any failure during processing of genealogy transactions, you can resubmit the failed genealogy transactions for processing. The Retry in-Error Genealogy Transactions scheduled process enables you to retry the genealogy transactions that failed during previous data capture. You must have the Manage Asset Interface Errors privilege to run the Retry in-Error Genealogy Transactions scheduled process.

You can select or deselect the Review Errors Mode check box before running the scheduled process. If the Review Errors Mode check box is selected, the scheduled process lists the interface errors without reprocess the genealogy transactions. If the Review Errors Mode check box is deselected, the scheduled process reprocesses the genealogy transactions and then lists the remaining interface errors.

Note: Dual units of measure is supported in lot genealogy. You can view transaction history of manufacturing and inventory transactions in dual units of measure. It also displays the on-hand, issued, and shipped quantities dual units of measure.