How You View Product Genealogy Details

For each product genealogy record, you can view the product genealogy details such as the relationship between the genealogy instances. On the Review Product Genealogy page, in the search results, select the record for which you want to view the lot or serial information.

The graphical view shows the genealogy hierarchy depicting the parent-child relationships between components and assembly. You can drill down to view additional details and related information.

Prior to this enhancement, when you transacted lot and serial-controlled input or output items with Enable Genealogy Tracking set to Yes, the application immediately ran the scheduled process Manufacturing Transactions to Genealogy Interface. The genealogy was built after the scheduled process was completed. When users performed large volume of transactions, the application automatically ran many Manufacturing Transactions to Genealogy Interface scheduled processes to build genealogy automatically. This reduced the performance of the overall application. Now you have a new profile option Genealogy Build Deferred During Execution which will help in addressing the issue quickly and efficiently.

Product Genealogy in Process Manufacturing

You can trace end-to-end lot genealogy of co-products and by-products. Visualize and analyze the parent-child relationships between input and output items under lot control, whether generated from in-house receiving, production, and shipping transactions, or imported through a spreadsheet from a supplier.

For all output lots completed in an operation, all of the material lots issued up to the operation have a child relationship in genealogy.

This will help in investigating and resolving product quality issues and customer complaints in a timely manner.

Caution: In a Process work order, if the input issue and output completion transactions happen simultaneously, the genealogy will not be built accurately.