Complete Work

Use the Complete Work page to complete a work order. The page helps you verify the progress of required reporting and submit a work order for completion.

You can complete a work order from the My Maintenance Work page. Use the Actions menu for the work order row to complete the work order. You can also complete the work order from the Report Work or Preview Work Order pages.

Note: Until you complete the work order on the Complete Work page, the status for the last count point operation shows as incomplete.

Work Summary

Use the Work Summary section to optionally record a short narrative of the work that was performed on the asset. You can use the summary to outline the purpose of the work order, conditions observed, actions taken to resolve the issue or complete the planned service. Once finalized, the summary is saved as a special type of note that can be viewed on the Complete Work page or the Preview Work page.

Click Add Notes to create a work summary. You have the following options to define a work summary:

  • You can manually compose the narrative text and save it.
  • You can click the AI Assist button to automatically summarize your work order based on the work order description, operations performed, materials used, and any reported failure, cause, and resolution codes. You can then save the summary.
  • You can use AI Assist to generate the summary, review and manually edit the generated summary, and then save it.
Note: The AI Assist capability is optional, only enabled for the English language. The capability needs to be enabled for use in the work summary. Additional details for enabling AI Assist are covered in the Maintenance chapter of the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

Return to Inventory

A Return to Inventory section appears below the Work Summary if the work order is enabled for the completion of assets to inventory. In this section, you must define the completion sub-inventory location, and if locator controlled, a return locator. Additionally, if an asset is not repairable, you can return to an unserviceable or Material Review Board (MRB) sub-inventory location.

If the Return to Inventory section is enabled, then the work order completion Submit button is disabled until the inventory details are defined.

Reporting Overview

The Reporting Overview section tracks the reporting progress for your work order. Each card has a status badge and a link to the relevant tab in the Report Work page. Use this section to review pending reporting under the following:

  • Operations: The status moves from pending to completed once all operations have been completed for the work order and asset. If multiple users are assigned to operations, then completions by each assigned user must be reported.
  • Materials: The status moves from pending to completed once all mandatory reporting materials are reported. Currently, pull-type materials that require reporting are not supported and will prevent work order completion. For such cases, you must edit the pull materials and change them to push type.
  • Resources: The status moves from pending to completed once all manual reporting resources have been reported.
  • Meters: The status moves from pending to completed once all the mandatory meters have been reported. If there are no mandatory meters, the status will show as completed.
  • Failures: The status moves from pending to completed once a mandatory failure capture event has been reported. If there is no mandatory event, the status will show as completed.
  • Notes & Attachments: The status always shows completed.

The work order completion Submit button shows disabled until all statuses show as completed.

Submit for Completion

The Submit button is enabled once all items in the Reporting Overview section show as Completed. Clicking Submit processes the work order for completion. This completes the last operation sequence for the work order and returns the asset to inventory if applicable. If no error messages are returned, the work order is completed and the status is updated in the page header.

Note: Work orders will only show a status of Completed in the My Maintenance Work page results once the ingestion is run to refresh the search index.