Report Work

Use the Report Work page to report on material, resources, and operations. You can report operation completion individually, or all at once, for each unique combination of a work order and an asset.

You can additionally update the asset's meters, capture a failure event, and create and manage turnover notes.

To report work from the My Maintenance Work page, click the work order number. Alternatively, select Report Work under the Actions menu for the work order row. You can also select Report Work from the work order preview page. After the reporting is complete, you can navigate to the Complete Work page to complete the work order.

For work orders that maintain or repair multiple assets, report work for each individual asset. The operations, items, and resources defined in the work order are common across all the assets. However, the tabs on the Report Work page always display information for the chosen combination of work order and asset. This lets you view indicators and status values, report transactions, and finally complete the work order at the asset level. Additional details on this key concept are covered throughout this chapter.


The Operations tab lists all the operations in the work order, including count point, automatic transact, optional and supplier operations, ordered by operation sequence. Each row includes the operation sequence and name, scheduled start and completion date, and the operation status, whether pending or complete. You must complete each operation row before you can submit a work order for completion. All transactions are for the unique combination of the selected work order and asset.

For each row, there may be additional indicators for the following:

  • Required Reporting: If any resources require manual reporting for an operation, then a Report Resource Transactions warning message appears against the operation. You can select the Resources tab to report the required transactions for each required resource in the operation.
  • Resource Qualification and Assignment: If you have a resource instance, then each operation includes an Available for assignment message if you are qualified. Once assigned to an operation, you see the text, Assigned to me. Assignments are optional and are covered later in this section.
Note: Items with a supply type of Pull are currently not supported in the Report Work page. As a result, mandatory reporting of lot or serial details for Pull materials does not display a required reporting indication for an operation row.

By default, operations are completed in-sequence unless the out-of-sequence indicator is defined in the work order header. The list of actions for the row shows the Complete action as enabled, once all the required validations have passed and the operation is ready to report. These validations include the following:

  • Work order is in released status.
  • Operation is not already complete for the asset.
  • For in-sequence operations, the previous count point operation is complete.
  • Required resource reporting is complete for the asset.
  • Pull type materials that require reporting are not defined for the operation.

Selecting the Complete action moves the row status from Pending to Complete. The status displayed against each operation is a derived status based on asset-level reporting. The status is not the work order-level operation status. Asset-level statuses let you report operations that are in-sequence or out-of-sequence, for one or more assets. During work order execution, the asset-level status and the work-order level operation status may be out of sync in some scenarios, but, eventually, the completion of the operations aligns their statuses.

Asset-level statuses help you with the logical reporting of operations. When you select the Complete action for an operation, the system updates the asset-level status and additionally determines if the operation is ready to complete at the work order level. The following table lists various scenarios for asset-level and work-order level statuses:

About Asset Level and Work-Order Level Statuses

Scenario Overview

Repair of a single asset in a work order (in-sequence)

When you report the completion of an operation for an asset, the asset-level status moves from Pending to Complete for a count point operation.

As there is only one asset in the work order, the system can then complete the operation and the work order level operation status also changes to Complete. The asset-level and work order-level status values are in-sync.

Repair of one or more assets using a common work order (in-sequence)

As you report the completion of an operation for each asset, the asset-level statuses moves from Pending to Complete. As there are multiple assets in the work order, the system does not automatically complete the operation. The work order level status value is out-of-sync.

The system checks if this is the last asset to be completed for the operation or not:

  • If true, the system then completes the operation and the work order level operation status also changes to Complete.
  • If false, the work order level operation status remains Incomplete until all the asset completions are reported. The status values are out-of-sync until the final asset is reported.

Repair of a single asset in a work order (out-of-sequence)

You can report the operation completion in any order and the asset-level statuses move from Pending to Complete for each count point operation that you complete. However, the work order level operation status remains Incomplete.

Once you have completed all the operations, submit the work order for completion. The system then completes each operation in sequence and the work order level operation status also changes to Complete.

Repair of one or more assets using a common work order (out-of-sequence)

You can report the operation completion in any order and the asset-level statuses move from Pending to Complete, as they complete. As there are multiple assets in the work order and you are completing them out-of-sequence,the system does not automatically complete the operation. The work order level status value is out-of-sync.

The same process happens for each asset, so that when you report operation completion, it reflects at the asset-level only. Additionally, you can submit the completion of the work order for the asset. However, the system does not automatically complete any of the operations. The work order level operation status remains Incomplete.

When you submit the work order for completion of the last asset, the system completes each operation in sequence, and the work order level operation status changes to Complete.

Operation level assignment to one or multiple users

If you are assigned to an operation, you see an indication at the operation level.

The status on each operation row is derived for asset-level reporting only and does not consider user-level reporting at this time. So, when an operation completes, the status reflects for all users, both those assigned and not assigned.

Note: Operation completion does not validate if the resources, whether equipment or labor, are qualified to complete the operation. Additionally, the Complete action does not support any automatic operations that have a qualification profile defined for an equipment or labor resource.

Once completed, the list of actions for the row enables the Undo Completion action for the last completed operation in the list. You can optionally undo completion for operations in a reverse sequence. There are several validations and limitations to enabling this action:

  • The work order should be in released or completed status.
  • The operation should not have already been reversed.
  • The previous operation must be in completed status.

Operation Assignments

You qualify for an operation if one or more operation resources match your resource instance. To use operation assignments, the user must be set up as a resource instance for a resource in a work center within the work order’s maintenance organization.

Your business processes determine if operation assignments are useful for managing your work. If useful, then you can further choose to use operation level assignments or work order level assignments. A resource instance can be assigned to only a single resource in the organization.

If you have a resource instance defined and you are qualified for an operation, then you see the overline text Available for assignment displayed for an operation row. If you don’t have a resource instance defined, or if you are not qualified for the operation, then you do not see any overline text. Additionally, if you were previously assigned, or you self-assigned at the work order level, all the operation level assignments are displayed.

You can self-assign an operation using the Assign to Me action. Once assigned, you see the indication change from Available for assignment to Assigned to Me. Once assigned, it is expected that you complete the operation. You can use the Unassign from Me action to unassign yourself from an operation. This action returns an error in case you have not reported any resource transactions using your resource instance, thus not allowing you to unassign yourself.

One or more qualified resources can be assigned, or self-assigned, to an operation. This lets you have multiple users work on an operation, report resource usage, and complete an operation.

You can use the My Work filter on the My Maintenance Work page to filter your work orders, as follows:

  • Assigned: Returns work orders for which you are assigned to at least one operation resource.
  • Qualified: Returns work orders for which you are qualified for at least one operation resource, but are not assigned. You can then self-assign yourself to the qualified operations.
  • Qualified and assigned: Returns work orders for which you are qualified for at least one operation resource, but are not assigned, as well as the work orders for which you are assigned to at least one operation resource.

The following recommendations and best practices help you effectively use resource assignments and the My Work filter to manage your work order queue and report work:

  • If using assignments, set up resources with a reporting type of Manual, indicating to the user that resource usage time should be entered by the user during reporting. This renders overline text in the Operation and Resources tabs. Resources setup with a reporting type of Automatic are not useful for assignments in the workbench.
  • If a single user will execute and report all operations of a work order, ensure that each operation has a matching resource defined for this resource instance. The user can then self-assign to the work order, search for it in their queue of released work orders, report their work, and complete it. Once complete, the work order disappears from their released work order queue.
  • If multiple users will execute and report all operations of a work order, ensure that each operation has a matching resource defined for their resource instances. Each user can then self-assign the work order and search for it in their queue of released work orders. During reporting, either user can issue and return materials for each operation on the Materials tab. On the Resources tab, the users are expected to only report time for themselves based on the indicated resource assignment. Once material and resource reporting are completed for an operation, then either user can go to the Operations tab and complete it. Once all the operations are completed, one user must complete the work order. Once complete, the work order disappears from each user’s released work order queue.
  • If a single user will only execute and report on certain operations in a work order, ensure that the applicable operation has a matching resource defined for the user's resource instance. The user can then self-assign the work order, which will assign them to only the matching operations, or they can manually assign themselves only to each matching operation on the Operations tab. Once assigned, they can search for the work order in their queue of released work orders. During reporting, they are expected to only report on their assigned operations, material and resources. However, they will not be restricted from reporting across unassigned or non-qualified operations. Once all the operations are completed, one user must complete the work order. Once complete, the work order disappears from their released work order queue.
Note: Assignments is an optional feature. If you are not using assignments, then you can disregard the My Work filter, as it will not return any result rows.

Report Materials

The Materials tab lists all the operation materials by operation and material sequence. Each row includes the item number, description, operation sequence and name, and status. The required quantity per asset, issued quantity per asset, and open quantity per asset metrics indicate the progress of material reporting. All transactions are for the unique combination of work order and asset.

Materials can be pre-defined for an operation or manually reported. Regardless of the method, the list of materials includes all materials in the work order. You can use keyword search to filter the list of results by item name or description. Additionally, you can choose to view open, required, or all rows. Materials display the completed badge status once the open quantity drops to zero.

Note: Materials rows also appear for operations that are automatically transacted. As this material does not require any additional reporting, you do not have to issue them. However, if you consume a quantity above the pre-defined quantity, you need to report it.

If an item row is pre-defined as a pull-type material that requires reporting of the lot or serial number, then a Report Material Transactions warning appears against the row. Currently, pre-defined items with a supply type of pull are not supported for issue, as they are automatically considered for backflush during operation completion, causing an error. Therefore, you must edit the work order operation, changing the supply type to push. You can then return and issue the item from the list.

Each material row displays metrics for the unique combination of work order and asset. The following features apply:

  • The quantity values for each material row displays in the context of the work order and asset being repaired. If the work order is repairing multiple assets, then the work order operation-level values are not displayed, only asset-level values are displayed.
  • When material is issued, it is recorded as issued at the asset level, updating the issued and open values. This key capability aligns with the asset-level operation process.
  • Adhoc material reflects in the materials list with an open quantity of zero for the asset.
  • Returned material reduces the issued and open quantity for the asset.

To report item consumption, you can either report using an existing pre-defined row, or manually report using the adhoc issue action. For a pre-defined item row, select Issue from the Actions menu for the row, which brings up the Issue Item dialog. Alternatively, you can click the Add button to manually report an item, which brings up the New item transaction dialog.

Provide additional details for the items being issued:

  • Transaction Type: For an adhoc issue, select whether you are reporting an Issue or Return transaction. The default transaction type is Issue.
  • Operation: For an adhoc issue, select the operation sequence.
  • Item: For an adhoc issue, select the item to be issued. You need to provide the item details.
  • Issue Quantity: Defaults to the open quantity, but you can update to any positive value. For adhoc issues, you must enter the value.
  • Supply Subinventory: Picks the organization’s default inventory, but you can update it to another inventory as required. For adhoc issues, you must search and select a value. You can either scan or select the subinventory name from the list.
  • Supply Locator: If an item is locator controlled, you can select the supply locator. You can either scan or select the supply locator from the list.
  • Lot: If an item is lot controlled, you can select the lot number. You can either scan or select the lot number from the list.
  • Serial: If an item is serial controlled, you can select the serial number. You can either scan or select the serial number from the list.
  • Asset: If the item is asset-tracked, then you can search for the asset by number or description. You can either scan or select the asset from the list.
  • Parent Asset: If the asset is in a physical hierarchy, then you can select the parent asset. During issue, it is installed as a child to the parent asset.
  • Repair Transaction Code: You can optionally define a code that will be recorded in the issue transaction. If you use coding for supplier warranty, this code is considered during the creation of a warranty claim.
  • Report Date: Record the date and time of issue. The value must be greater that the released date and time of the work order.

For lot and serial controlled items, you must define item details for each unique item or serial item. In the Add Item Details area, click the Add button to add a new item row and details region. After supplying the details, click Save to save the item row. You can add more item rows, which lets you report many item transactions at once. You can click Edit to update an item's row region, or click Delete to delete an item row before submitting. After defining your items, you can click Submit to process the transaction.

Items can also be returned to report the removal of an item from an asset, or to return unused items that were previously issued. Use the adhoc issue action to manually return an item to inventory that was not previously issued in the same work order. Select the transaction type of Return in the New item transaction dialog. Once submitted, the transaction returns the item as stock removal to inventory.

If you wish to return previously issued material in the same work order, use the Return action on an item row. The Return item dialog retrieves the previously issued item details, letting you select the item, lot, and serial to return. Once submitted, the transaction returns the item as material return to inventory.

Report Resources

The Resources tab lists all the operation resources by operation and resource sequence. Each row includes the resource name, operation sequence and name, and status. The required usage quantity per asset, charged usage, and open usage quantity metrics indicate the progress of resource reporting. All transactions are for the unique combination of work order and asset.

Resources can be pre-defined for an operation or manually reported. Regardless of the method, the list of resources includes all resources in the work order. You can toggle the view to return Required, Open, or All reporting rows. Resources that require reporting show a status of pending. Rows show a completed status once the open usage drops to zero.

Note: Resources rows also appear for operations that are automatically transacted. As these resources normally do not require any additional reporting, you do not have to report them. However, if you consume a quantity above the pre-defined usage quantity, you need to report it.

If an item row is pre-defined with a reporting type of manual, then the Report Resource Transactions warning appears against the row. This indicates that you must report the actual usage consumed in completing the operation. If a warning is not displayed, then either the usage has been reported and the open usage has dropped to zero, or the resource will be automatically reported during operation completion.

Each resource row displays metrics for the unique combination of work order and asset. The following features apply:

  • The usage values for each resource row are shown in the context of the work order and asset being repaired. If the work order is repairing multiple assets, then the work order operation-level values are not shown, only asset-level values are shown.
  • When resources are reported, it is recorded as reported at the asset level, updating the reported and open usage values. This key capability aligns with the asset-level operation process.
  • Adhoc reporting reflects in the resources list with an open usage value of zero for the asset.
  • Reversed resource reporting reduces the reported and open usage values for the asset.

To report resource usage, you can either report using an existing pre-defined row, or manually report using the adhoc report action. For a pre-defined resource row, select Report from the Actions menu for the row, which brings up the Report Resource dialog. Alternatively, you can click the Add button to manually report a resource, which brings up the New resource report dialog.

Provide additional details for the resource being reported:

  • Operation: For an adhoc report, select the operation.
  • Resource: For an adhoc report, select the resource.
  • Resource Type: Shows the resource type for the resource for reference.
  • Resource Instance: Optional. Lets you identify the user who performed the work. If you are assigned to an operation, then it is recommended to select your resource instance.
  • Required Usage: Displayed for a pre-defined resource requiring manual reporting.
  • Open Usage: Displayed for a pre-defined resource comparing required and actual usage reporting.
  • Activity: Optional. Lets you select an activity.
  • Reason for Repair: Optional. Lets you select a reason for repair code.
  • Repair Transaction Code: Optional. Lets you select a repair transaction code. If you use coding for supplier warranty, this code is used during the creation of a warranty claim.
  • Work Accomplished Code: Optional. Lets you select a work accomplished code.
  • Transaction Quantity: Defaults to the open usage, but you can update to any positive value. For adhoc reporting, you must enter the value.
  • Transaction Date: Record the date and time of usage. The value must be greater that the released date and time of the work order.

You can also reverse a resource report to correct a data entry mistake. You must enter a transaction quantity and date. You can also optionally enter the resource instance.

Report Asset Meters

The Meters tab lists all the asset’s active meters that exist for the asset. Each row includes the meter name, meter code, displayed reading, and life-to-date reading. The list of meters lets you record readings for meters that require mandatory reporting, as indicated by the Required badge. All other meter rows that do not display the Required badge, indicate optional reporting.

Note: Mandatory meter entry is tracked and displayed on a card on the Complete page. A card status of Pending means that one or more meters require reporting to complete the work order. The card status changes from Pending to Complete when at least one meter reading for each mandatory reporting meter is recorded. Note that the Required badge against a row on the Meters tab is not affected by whether the card is Pending or Complete.

You can expand a meter row to show the following details:

  • Meter Type
  • Reading Type
  • Reading Direction
  • Rollover indicator
  • Reset indicator

Select Edit from the Actions menu for a meter row to record a new reading. The row refreshes to show a meter reading entry region, which lets you enter the following information:

  • Reading Date and Time: Defaults to the current date and time. You can update the date if it follows the last meter reading in history validations.
  • New Reading: Enter a reading value that follows the last meter reading in history validations. For example, you must enter a value for an absolute reading that is greater than or equal in value to the last reading in history based on the date and time entered.
  • Comments: Optional. Lets you record a text comment about the reading.
  • Work Order: The work order reference is automatically recorded for each reading and not displayed to you in the edit region.

Clicking the Save action submits the meter reading update. If there are any errors, they are shown in the edit region. You can correct the reading or date values and save again to resolve any data entry mistakes. You can also click the Cancel action to disregard the meter reading details and refresh the meters results list.

You can select the action View Meter History for a meter row to view a recent history of meter readings recorded for the meter.

Record Failure Events

The Failures tab lets you record a failure event and one or more failure instances. To create a new failure, click Add Failure Event. Provide the following information:

  • Failure Date: Defaults to the current date and time, but can be updated.
  • Failure Set Name: Read only value based on the failure set definitions.
  • Asset Down indicator: Lets you indicate if the failure event has led to an asset down time.

Click Save to create the event, or Cancel to cancel creating the failure event.

To create a failure instance, click Add Failure under the Failures section that appears below the Failure Event. Enter the details related to the failure:

  • Failure: Select a failure code.
  • Cause: Select a cause code. The values are filtered based on the selected failure code.
  • Resolution: Select a resolution code. The values are filtered based on the selected cause code.
  • Asset Number: Optional. You can select a related asset as the source of the failure.
  • Failed Component: Optional. You can select a failed component as the source of the failure.
  • Operation: Optional. You can select an operation reference where the failure was detected.
  • Failure Comments: Optional. You can optionally add other details, as comments.

Click Save to add the failure. You can use the Add Failures button to add more failures. You can also edit the failure events and failures after they are created.

Note: Mandatory failure entry is tracked and displayed on a card on the Complete page. A card status of Pending means that failure reporting requires creating an event to complete the work order. The card status changes from Pending to Complete once the mandatory failure event is created.

Add Notes

The Notes & Attachments tab lets you record notes for the work order. Click the Add to add a new note. Provide details for the new note:

  • Secondary Source: The primary source is automatically designated as the work order. However, you can optionally select a secondary source of Operation to further designate the new note as being related to a specific operation sequence.
  • Secondary Source Value: If a secondary source of Operation is selected, then the secondary source value lists the operations in the work order.
  • Note Type: Select between General Note, Repair Suggestion, and Turnover Note. Custom note types may also appear.
  • Note Visibility: You can indicate if the note is Public or Private.
  • Note Text: Enter your note text here. After entering the note, you can optionally click the AI Assist action, if enabled, to reformat your text entry.
  • Attachments: You can optionally add or remove attachments within the note.
Note: The AI Assist capability is optional, only enabled for the English language. The capability needs to be enabled for use in the work summary. Additional details for enabling AI Assist are covered in the Maintenance chapter of the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

You can optionally create custom note types and determine if they have a note type of public or private. Additional details are covered in the HCM documentation.

When you create a note, it is available under the Notes & Attachments tab. You can see a preview of the note text, type of note, work order asset, and the user who created the note. You can sort the notes by date, author, source type, and note type.