How You Create an Asset

Click Create on the Manage Assets page to open the Create Asset page. The Create Asset page enables you to create an asset manually by one of two methods:

  • Create new asset

  • Copy existing asset

Create a New Asset from Scratch

The Create Asset page has the following fields when you select the Create new option:



Asset Number

An asset number that uniquely identifies the new asset. This value can be alphanumeric and must be unique for each asset. If you don't enter any value, the asset number is automatically generated.

Note: Assets will be created with an asset ID that’s automatically derived by the application using a database sequence. This value doesn’t support a prefix, nor can a customer control it. The asset number is set to the same value as the asset ID during creation if a user-defined asset number is not provided. The asset number can be updated after the asset is created.


Brief information describing the new asset. If you leave the asset description blank when you create an asset, then the description defaults from the description of the asset's associated item.

Operating Organization

The organization in which the asset is where the asset is operating. The list of available organizations is limited to only those organizations which are associated to the selected inventory item.

For an enterprise asset, this is the primary organization where work orders are created. This field is optional for a customer asset that'sn't maintained using work orders.

You can create organizational relationships for manual creation of work orders across maintenance organizations. Once you a create an asset, the asset displays the maintenance organizations attribute and dialog box. The dialog box lists the possible maintenance organizations based on the asset's item. However, the actual organizations where an asset work order can be created are determined by the organizational relationships that are defined.

Note: Assets can only be defined in a Preventative Maintenance Program if they operate in a maintenance enabled organization.

Item required

A check box that, when selected, makes an item reference is required to create an asset. The check box is selected by default.


The item number of the item from which the new asset is to be created. To create an enterprise asset, you can only use the items that are full lifecycle tracked and serial controlled. This field is applicable only if the Item required check box is selected.

For an enterprise asset, the list of available items is filtered by the selected operating organization.

For a customer asset, an operating organization is defined only if the asset may be maintained using maintenance work orders in Service Logistics or Depot Repair.

Note: Maintenance work orders can only be created for an asset that's based on an item that's full lifecycle tracked. Assets based on a item set as customer asset tracking may not be used to create maintenance work orders.

Item Description

Brief information regarding the item from which the new asset is to be created.


Unit of measure. This field is only available and required for assets without item reference.


Serial number for the asset. This field is optional, but can be defined for assets based on serial tracked items.


Lot number. This field is optional.


The quantity of the new asset. If the asset is associated with a serialized item, then the quantity is set to 1 and it isn't editable. If the asset is associated with a nonserialized item, then the quantity is set to 1 but it's editable.

Secondary Quantity

The quantity is based on the item setup:

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to fixed, you enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM, which is automatically converted to the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM based on the standard or item-specific UOM conversion.

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and override the secondary quantity that's defaulted from the standard or item-specific UOM conversion.

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to no default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and enter the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM.

Use BOM for Initial Hierarchy

The asset hierarchy is created by BOM explosion. During asset creation, an asset hierarchy is created if the base inventory item has a Bill of Materials defined.

Enable IoT

Check box to determine if the asset is enabled as Internet of Things. The check box is used to synchronize the asset to the IoT Asset Monitoring application, if enabled.

Competitor asset

Check box to determine if the asset is a competitor asset and isn't expected to be maintained. The check box isn't selected by default.


The customer of the new asset. This field is only available for customer assets.

Location Type

The location of the new asset. The valid values are:

  • Customer address: If selected, the location is defined using a customer’s site address
  • External address: If selected, a location is defined using an external address
  • Internal address: If selected, a location is defined using an HCM location address
  • Unknown

  • Work center: If selected, a location organization and work center should be selected.


The site address of the asset when it's located at a customer, external, or internal address location.

  • Customer address: location is setup for a customer party and is searched for and selected by customer name, site name, site number or address.

  • External address: location is setup for trading community location and is searched for and selected by the address.

  • Internal address:location is setup in HCM and is searched for and selected by the internal location name, location code, town, city, postal code, or country.

  • For a customer asset, the location may be different that the customer's address.
  • External addresses are set up using a SOAP service. For more details on setting up a trading community location refer to the Business Object Services chapter of the SOAP Web Services for CX Sales and B2B Service guide.

Location Organization

The organization associated with the new asset. Currently, only maintenance and manufacturing organizations are supported. This field is applicable only if the location type is set as work center.

Work Center

The work center associated with the asset. This field is applicable only if the location type is set as work center.

Default Maintenance Work Order Type

Refers to the specific nature of the maintenance work being performed. You can set this value on the Edit Asset page after the asset is created.

The valid values are: Corrective and Preventive.

This attribute is applicable only for assets with item reference.

Note: Additional validation and defaulting rules for the default work order type and subtype attributes are defined in the topic How You Edit Asset Attributes.

Default Maintenance Work Order Subtype

Refers to the specific nature of the maintenance work being performed at more granular level. You can set this value on the Edit Asset page after the asset is created.

The valid values are: Condition based, Emergency, Planned, Reactive, Safety, and Under warranty.

This attribute is applicable only for assets with item reference.

Shipment Date

The date on which the new asset is shipped to the customer. This field is initially populated by default by the application, but you can set it to a past, present, or future date. This field is available for customer assets only.

After you have entered the values, you can click any of the following buttons to create the asset:

  • Save and Continue: The asset is created and the Edit Asset page opens for the asset.

  • Save and Create Another: The asset is created and a new Create Asset page opens for creating another asset.

  • Save and Close: The asset is created and the Create Asset page is closed.

Note: In the following scenarios, the asset is created with location type set as Unknown:

Creating a New Asset by Copying from an Existing Asset

To create a new asset by copying an existing asset, search for and select an asset number in the Copy Existing Asset region. Once selected, the item and item description is populated automatically in the New Asset region. Also, a meters check box is displayed under the asset number, if the source asset has any utilization meters defined. If selected, then the meters are also copied and applied to the newly created assets. Regardless of selection, when you create the asset, the application verifies if there are any default meters defined, to ensure no duplicate meters are created for the asset.

The New Asset region has the following fields:



Asset Number

An asset number that uniquely identifies the new asset. This value can be alphanumeric and must be unique for each asset. If you don't enter any value, the asset number is automatically generated.

Note: Assets will be created with an asset ID that’s automatically derived by the application using a database sequence. This value doesn’t support a prefix, nor can a customer control it. The asset number is set to the same value as the asset ID during creation if a user-defined asset number is not provided. The asset number can be updated after the asset is created.


Brief information describing the new asset. If you leave the asset description blank when you create an asset, then the description defaults from the description of the asset's associated item.

Operating Organization

The organization in which the asset is where the asset is operating. The list of available organizations is limited to only those organizations which are associated to the selected inventory item.

For an enterprise asset, this is the primary organization where work orders are created. This field is optional for a customer asset that'sn't maintained using work orders.

You can create organizational relationships for manual creation of work orders across maintenance organizations. Once you a create an asset, the asset displays the maintenance organizations attribute and dialog box. The dialog box lists the possible maintenance organizations based on the asset's item. However, the actual organizations where an asset work order can be created are determined by the organizational relationships that are defined.

Note: Assets can only be defined in a Preventative Maintenance Program if they operate in a maintenance enabled organization.

Item required

A check box that, when selected, makes an item reference is required to create an asset. The check box is selected by default.


The item number of the item from which the new asset is to be created. To create an enterprise asset, you can only use the items that are full lifecycle tracked and serial controlled. This field is applicable only if the Item required check box is selected.

For an enterprise asset, the list of available items is filtered by the selected operating organization.

For a customer asset, an operating organization is defined only if the asset may be maintained using maintenance work orders in Service Logistics or Depot Repair.

Note: Maintenance work orders can only be created for an asset that's based on an item that's full lifecycle tracked. Assets based on a item set as customer asset tracking may not be used to create maintenance work orders.

Item Description

Brief information regarding the item from which the new asset is to be created.


Unit of measure. This field is only available and required for assets without item reference.


Serial number for the asset. This field is optional, but can be defined for assets based on serial tracked items.


Lot number. This field is optional.


The quantity of the new asset. If the asset is associated with a serialized item, then the quantity is set to 1 and isn't editable. If the asset is associated with a nonserialized item, then the quantity is set to 1 but it's editable.

Secondary Quantity

The quantity is based on the item setup:

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to fixed, you enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM, which is automatically converted to the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM based on the standard or item-specific UOM conversion.

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and override the secondary quantity that's defaulted from the standard or item-specific UOM conversion.

  • When the item's UOM defaulting control is set to no default, you can enter the transaction quantity in the primary or transactional UOM and enter the secondary quantity in the secondary UOM.

Use BOM for Initial Hierarchy

The asset hierarchy is created by BOM explosion. During asset creation, an asset hierarchy is created if the base inventory item has a Bill of Materials defined.

Enable IoT

Check box to determine if the asset is enabled as Internet of Things. The check box is used to synchronize the asset to the IoT Asset Monitoring application, if enabled.

Competitor asset

Check box to determine if the asset is a competitor asset and isn't expected to be maintained. The check box isn't selected by default.


The customer of the new asset. This field is only available for customer assets.

Customer Account

The account for the customer that purchased the asset. This attribute is applicable only when the location type is customer address and is based on the selected customer and selling business unit. You can edit this field. If edited, the bill-to account information is updated in the Last Sales Order Details tab.

Selling Business Unit

The selling business unit for the asset. It's displayed once a customer account is selected.


The address of the customer where the asset is located. This attribute is applicable only when the location type is Customer Address. This is a read-only attribute.

Location Type

The location of the new asset. The valid values are:

  • Customer address: If selected, a location should be selected by the site address.

  • External address: If selected, a location should be selected by the site address.

  • Internal address: If selected, a location should be selected by the site address.

  • Unknown

  • Work center: If selected, a location organization and work center should be selected.


The site address of the asset when it's located at a customer, external, or internal address location.

  • Customer address: location is setup for a customer party and is searched for and selected by customer name, site name, site number or address.

  • External address: location is setup for a customer party and is searched for and selected by address.

  • Internal address: location is setup in human resources and is searched for and selected by name or code.

Note: For a customer asset, the location may be different that the customer's address.

Note: for a customer asset, the location may be different that the customer's address.

Location Organization

The organization associated with the new asset. Currently, only maintenance and manufacturing organizations are supported. This field is applicable only if the location type is set as work center.

Work Center

The work center associated with the asset. This field is applicable only if the location type is set as work center.

Shipment Date

The date on which the new asset is shipped to the customer. This field is initially populated by default by the application, but you can set it to a past, present, or future date. This field is available for customer assets only.

After you have entered the values, you can click any of the following buttons to create the asset:

  • Save and Continue: The asset is created and the Edit Asset page opens for the asset.

  • Save and Create Another: The asset is created and a new Create Asset page opens for creating another asset.

  • Save and Close: The asset is created and the Create Asset page is closed.

Note: You can extend the Create Asset page using Application Composer. You can configure the page layout, change the display labels, and their order. You can also enable and add configured fields to the page and even hide non-required standard fields. For more details, refer to the topic Overview of Using Application Composer.

Split an Asset

Split non-serialized assets into unique asset numbers and quantity. The assets that are eligible to be split have a new Split icon beside the Quantity and Unit of Measure fields. Click the icon to open the Split Asset dialog box where you can enter either a split quantity or select a split all option, and then click the Split Asset button.

The Split Asset Dialog Box: You can consider a variety of options when you split an asset. For example, you split your original asset quantity from 100 to the new asset quantity of 50. In the same dialog box, you can continue to split the remaining quantity of 50 again to 25 and so forth, as needed. After each split action, the List of Split Assets section of the dialog box displays each newly created asset and quantity. When all the splits are completed, click Save and Close to create the new assets and quantity. At any time, if you click Cancel, the split action in the dialog box is canceled and no new assets are created. If you select the Split All check box, each of the newly created assets get a quantity of 1 after saving and closing.

Make sure the quantity your newly created assets is a whole number greater than or equal to one. If the asset has a primary and secondary unit of measure, the split quantity is always in the context of the primary unit of measure, however the new asset quantity is also recalculated for a secondary unit of measure.

There's an export function for all the rows in the List of Split Assets region that helps you export an excel-compatible file containing the list of assets. You can review the list of assets before committing to their creation using the Save and Close button. Remember, when you click Save and Close, your new assets are created.

New Assets: The newly created assets are assigned a new unique asset number based on the original asset being split. The new asset numbers have a sequential number appended to the end of the original asset number. But, you can select to enter a starting prefix and starting number for your newly created assets. For each new asset, the asset's number considers these prefixed or suffixed values and not base the new asset numbers off the original asset number. You can enter only a starting prefix or starting number, or a combination of both values.

In your new assets, all of the asset attributes are inherited from the original asset in the Edit Asset tab. Also, the new assets have a transaction created in the Asset History tab. This transaction displays details about the original asset that was split. This helps you keep track of old and new assets being split overtime. You can also know the number of times the original asset are split by looking at the asset history record individually for each new asset.