How You Update Work Order Status

You can use status of a work order to manage the work order through its entire lifecycle. Work orders are generally created in the Unreleased status. After editing the work order details, you can update the status to Released, or a user-defined equivalent status value. This will transition the work order from a scheduling to execution. Once Released, Maintenance Technicians can use the maintenance dispatch list to review the work order operations and report various transactions.

Once released, you can also update the work order status to On Hold or Canceled. Upon executing the work order, when the last operation is completed, the work order is automatically updated to a Completed status. You then update the status of the work order to Closed.

Note: For more information on how a work order is closed, refer to the topic How You Close a Maintenance Work Order.

This table lists the valid status transitions allowed for a work order. These rules also apply to user-defined equivalent status values.

From Status

To Status Unreleased

To Status Released

To Status On Hold

To Status Completed

To Status Closed

To Status Canceled

From Status Unreleased

Not applicable



Not allowed



From Status Released

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Released to Unreleased isn't allowed when transactions or pending transactions against the work order exist.

Not applicable


Allowed only by application

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Released to Closed isn't allowed when pending transactions against the work order exist.


From Status On Hold

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from On Hold to Unreleased isn't allowed when transactions or pending transactions against the work order exist.


Not applicable

Not allowed

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Released to Closed isn't allowed when pending transactions against the work order exist.


From Status Completed

Not allowed

Allowed only by application

Not allowed

Not applicable


Not allowed

From Status Closed

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Closed to Unreleased is only allowed when any of the Released, Completed, or Canceled dates weren't available on the work order.

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Closed status to Released is only allowed if there is a Released Date but no Completion or Canceled date on the work order.

Not allowed

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Closed to Completed status isn't allowed when the completion date isn't available on the work order.

Not applicable

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Closed to Canceled isn't allowed when the canceled date isn't available on the work order.

From Status Canceled

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Canceled to Unreleased isn't allowed when transactions or pending transactions against the work order exist.



Not allowed

Conditionally allowed

Updating the work order status from Canceled to Closed isn't allowed if any pending transactions against work order exist.

Not applicable

The following table summarizes the work order status change rules specific to supplier operations:

From Status

To Status Unreleased

To Status Released

To Status On Hold

To Status Completed

To Status Closed

To Status Canceled

From Status Unreleased

Not applicable

Purchase requisition creation initiated, if eligible.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

From Status Released

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Change Management Action: Attempt canceling the associated purchasing documents as appropriate. If not successful, report a work order exception.

Change Management Action: Attempt canceling the associated purchasing documents as appropriate. If not successful, report a work order exception.

From Status On Hold

Not applicable

Creation of purchase requisition is initiated, if eligible.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Change Management Action: Attempt canceling the associated purchasing documents if open. If not successful, report a work order exception.

Change Management Action: Attempt canceling the associated purchasing documents as appropriate.If not successful, report a work order exception.

From Status Completed

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Change Management Action: Attempt canceling the associated purchasing documents as appropriate. If not successful, report a work order exception.

Not applicable

From Status Closed

Not applicable

Purchase requisition creation initiated for eligible quantity, if applicable.

Not applicable

Purchase requisition creation initiated for eligible quantity, if applicable.

Not applicable

Not applicable

From Status Canceled

Not applicable

Purchase requisition creation initiated, if applicable.

Purchase requisition creation initiated for eligible quantity, if applicable.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable