Add or Remove Participants from Future Status

You can add or remove participants from a future status in the workflow when the change is in draft, open, interim approval, approval, or scheduled status. Note that this depends on the permissions assigned in the additional workflow controls table.

Your participants include reviewers, approvers, and optional approvers.

To add participants to a future status, you must select the future status in the workflow and click Add in the Participants section.

  • Your participants receive notifications which can be configured by your administrator.
  • A Claim button appears on the approval notification when multiple reviewers are added. If one of the reviewers claims the task, the others don't see any action buttons on the notification.
Current Change Status For Future Approval Status For Future Scheduled Status For Future Completed Status

Add or remove users and roles such as approvers, optional approvers, and reviewers.

Add or remove users and roles such as reviewers.

Add or remove users and roles such as reviewers.

Approval N/A Add users and roles such as reviewers. Add users and roles such as reviewers.