Add or Remove Participants in Current Status

You can add or remove approvers in the interim approval and approval status. You can add or remove participants of type reviewers when the change is in draft, open, approval, and interim approval, scheduled, or completed statuses.

You can add roles as approvers or reviewers while approvals are in progress.

  • Participants include reviewers, approvers, and optional approvers.
  • This is applicable for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.
  • Adding participants depends on the permissions assigned in the additional workflow controls table.

Here are some additional details:

  • The newly added participants receive notifications. You’re restricted from adding a role that has more than 40 members to the approval workflow if the Response Required From field is set to All. This happens when you promote the change. Also, automatic promotion is prevented. You’ll see a new entry in the action log and a notification is sent to the analyst.
  • Optional approvers can't be added when approval is in progress.
  • Only the change analyst can remove approvers or reviewers in the current approval status.
  • You can't add the same user as reviewer and approver.
  • You can also remove a person or role from the participants list as long as there's at least one person or role remaining as an approver. Only the change analyst can remove participants.
  • You can't remove approvers who have already approved or rejected the change.
  • You receive an FYI notification if you're removed as an approver or reviewer in the current interim approval or approval status, and if you’re removed from the approval group.
    • You can see the comments provided during the removal action in the notification.
    • In BPM Worklist configuration, it’s recommended that you make commenting mandatory when rejecting a change order so that rejection comments are captured.
    • Comments are visible in the rejection notification for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.