Manage Tasks in Change Orders and Change Requests

You can create a checklist of tasks related to the change order (or change request) and assign work to individuals.

You can make it compulsory for certain tasks to be completed by specified users before the change order can progress to a status.

Here are some more details on tasks:

  • Your ability to manage tasks depends on the permissions for the Add Tasks, Remove Tasks, and Update Tasks actions in Additional Workflow Controls for the change type.
  • You can mark the status of a task and assign tasks even after the change order is complete. Use this to manage post-completion tasks such as documentation or qualification of contract manufacturers. Note that only the change assignee can manage tasks in Completed status.
  • The task can't be set as required if the Complete Before Status is one of the following: blank, first Open status, Scheduled, or Completed.
    Note: Status first Open indicates the first open status in case your administrator has configured additional open statuses.

Here are some examples of tasks:

  • Prepare Functional Specification document.
  • Review and update cost attributes of affected objects.
  • Define regulatory attributes.
  • Publish information to Marketing and Sales.

The Tasks table includes the following fields that let you specify task details:

  • Sequence: Determines the order in which the tasks are performed. By default, this increments by 10.
  • Required: Indicates that the task is compulsory for the change order to progress. If a task is compulsory, then a Complete-Before Status must be specified.
  • Assigned To: Specifies the person to whom the task is assigned.
  • Assigned By: Specifies the user who assigned the task.
  • Assigned On: The date and time when the task was assigned.
Note: If the same task has been assigned by different users, the Assigned By and Assigned On fields show details of the latest assignment.
  • Start-by Status: The status at which the tasks should be initiated. Includes current and future statuses, and a blank value. Use the blank value when you want the task to being irrespective of the change status.
  • Complete-Before Status: The status before which the task should be completed. Includes future statuses and a blank value. Use the blank value to leave this field blank when Start-by Status is set to Completed.
  • Need-by-Date: Indicates the date on which the tasks should be completed.
  • Task Status: Can be updated only by the task assignee or the change analyst.

Copy Existing Tasks to New Change Orders

You can create a new change order based on an existing one, and copy over the tasks. Use the Save As action (in the change order). Tasks in the newly created change order are reset to the Open state.