Terminate and Restart a Workflow

If an approval workflow for a change order is stuck, you can terminate and restart the workflow.

You can terminate and restart the workflow in an engineering change order, change order without revision control, and engineering change request.
Note: Only the Assigned to user sees the terminate and restart actions in the Actions menu.

Here are some scenarios in which the approval can be stuck:

  • Approver has resigned from the company.

  • Approver is mistakenly added and doesn't want to approve the change.

  • Approver is on leave and a vacation rule hasn't been set up.

  • Something unanticipated prevents the workflow from being approved as planned.

To terminate the approval workflow, use the Terminate Workflow action from the Actions list. This action is only available for the change order assignee.

When you terminate the workflow:

  • It stops and remains in the Interim Approval or Approval status.

  • Previous approval notifications for which the approvers haven't responded are removed. Notifications are removed from: BPM Worklist, worklist information tile in the Product Development work area, and bell notification.
    Note: Except for the Analyst (assignee), all other users need the BPMWorkflowScmAdmin role to cancel, terminate, and restart change orders. This is regardless of the permissions defined in the additional workflow controls table. So if you modify the assignee, you must assign the BPMWorkflowScmAdmin role to the new assignee.

You can modify the list of approvers and restart the workflow. Use the Restart Workflow action from the Actions list. When you use this action:

  • The workflow restarts from the status it was terminated.

  • New approval notifications are sent.