Adjust Price for Pricing Rules

Use tier pricing or a pricing matrix to adjust the price that a pricing rule calculates.

Assume you define a price list that includes a desktop computer and you set the base price for the item to $2,000.

Here's how you can use tier pricing and a pricing matrix to adjust the price.

diagram that illustrates how you can add tier pricing and a pricing matrix to adjust the price for this computer in two different ways


  1. Tier pricing. Adjust a pricing rule according to quantity or monetary value. For example:

    • If the quantity on the sales order is 10 to 19, then reduce the price for each unit by $200.

    • If the quantity on the sales order is 20 or more, then reduce the price for each unit by $400.

  2. Pricing matrix. Adjust a pricing rule according to the value of an attribute. For example:

    • If the customer on the sales order is Computer Service and Rentals, then reduce the total price by $50.

    • If the customer on the sales order is Computers Direct to U, then reduce the total price by $25.

Here's the calculation that the rule does if Computer Service and Rentals orders 10 computers.



Base price for each item before tier discount



The quantity of 10 places the sales order in tier 1.

Tier adjustment

$200 discount for each unit.

Price for each unit after tier adjustment

$2,000 base price minus $200 discount equals $1,800.

Price for all units after tier adjustment

10 unit multiplied by $1,800 equals $18,000.

Adjustment in pricing matrix

$50 discount off total price.

Price after tier adjustment and matrix adjustment

$18,000 minus $50 equals $17,950.

Here are the lists where you can add an adjustment.


Tier Pricing

Pricing Matrix

Price list



Cost list



Currency conversion list



Shipping charge list



Examine an example that uses a tier adjustment. For details, see Add Tiers to Pricing Rules.

Examine an example that uses a pricing matrix. For details, see Manage Shipping Charge Lists.

See how a matrix class determines the attributes that you can select in a pricing matrix. For details, see Pricing Matrix Class.