Create Discounts That Accumulate or Cascade

Apply one or more discounts that accumulate on a single price list.

You can also apply one or more discounts that cascade. For example, on the running net price.

You apply discounts through a simple rule or through a pricing matrix according to different types of adjustments.

  • Discount Amount

  • Discount Percent

  • Markup Amount

  • Markup Percent

  • Price Override

Here are some important concepts.

  • Cascading discount. A calculation that subtracts the discount that each discount rule applies on an item. Here's what cascading discount does.

    • Subtracts discounts in alphabetic, ascending sequence according to rule name.

    • Uses Running Net Price as the basis when it applies each adjustment.

    • Reduces the value of Running Net Price each time it applies the discount for each rule.

    • Doesn't keep the basis constant for each rule. Instead, the discount cascades from rule to rule.

  • Cumulative discount. A calculation that subtracts the discount that each discount rule applies on an item. Here's what cumulative discount does.

    • Subtracts discounts in alphabetic, ascending sequence according to rule name.

    • Accumulates the total discount amount while it applies each rule.

    • Uses List Price as the basis when it applies each adjustment.

    • Doesn't modify the value of List Price when it applies each discount.

    • Keeps the basis constant for each rule. The discount remains the same from rule to rule.

  • Running net price. An object that can go up or down in value while Pricing applies discounts and does other calculations on the price of an item.

You can't create a discount that accumulates or cascades on a configured item.

Summary of the Set Up

  1. Create price element and pricing basis.

  2. Modify pricing algorithms.

  3. Modify pricing algorithms for discounts.

  4. Create discount rules.

  5. Test your set up.

Caution: The example in this topic describes one way to set up pricing. It is intended only as a general outline that you can use to learn about different ways to set up Pricing. You will need to use different procedures, different steps, different values, and different objects for your implementation, depending on your business requirements.

1. Create Price Element and Pricing Basis

Create the price element and pricing basis that you will use for the running net price.

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then go to the task.

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Pricing

    • Task: Manage Price Elements

  2. On the Manage Price Elements page, click Actions > Add Row, set values, then click Save and Close.



    Element Code


    Element Name

    Running Net Price




    Contains a check mark.

  3. On the Search page, search for, then open Manage Pricing Bases.

  4. On the Manage Pricing Bases page, click Actions > Create, set the values, then click Save and Close > Done > Done.




    Running Net Price


    Adjustment Basis

    Price Element

    Running Net Price


    Pricing basis for cumulative and cascading discounts on running net price.


    Contains a check mark.

Create Service Mapping Attributes

You modify the Sales service mapping differently, depending on whether you use a simple discount or discount according to attribute.

  1. Go to the Pricing Administration work area, then click Tasks > Manage Service Mappings.

  2. On the Manage Service Mappings page, click Sales.

  3. On the Edit Service Mapping page, click Services > Query by Example, enter the value, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.





Modify Service Mapping for Simple Discount

Here are the modifications that you make in the Sales service mapping.

TermQueue entity of the PriceRequestInternal service

You add the TermName_Custom attribute to the TermQueue entity of the PriceRequestInternal service.

If you need to add your discount on a tier adjustment, then use the TierLineQueue entity instead of the TermQueue entity. If you need to apply a discount according to an attribute, see Add Your Own Attributes to Items in Pricing.

  1. In the Details area, in the Entities tab, click the row that includes the value.





  2. In the Details area, click Actions > Add Row, then set the values.






    Contains a check mark.


    Contains a check mark.

  3. In the Entities area, click View > Columns > Show All, click Actions > Add Row, set the values, then click Save.








    Contains a check mark.


    Contains a check mark.



Modify Service Mapping for Discount According to Attribute

Here are the modifications that you make in the Sales service mapping.

MatrixQueue entity of the PriceRequestInternal service

You add the TermName_Custom attribute to the MatrixQueue entity of the PriceRequestInternal service.

  1. In the Details area, in the Entities tab, click the row that includes the value.





  2. In the Details area, click Actions > Add Row, then set the values.






    Contains a check mark.


    Contains a check mark.

  3. In the Entities area, View > Columns > Show All, click Actions > Add Row, set the values, then click Save.








    Contains a check mark.


    Contains a check mark.



Modify Service Mapping for Tier Adjustments

You will add the TierQueue entity.

You will add the TierQueue entity.

Try it.

  1. Click Tasks > Manage Service Mappings.
  2. On the Manage Service Mappings page, in the Name column, click Sales.
  3. On the Edit Service Mapping page, click Services.
  4. Click Query By Example, then query for PriceRequestInternal.
  5. In the PriceRequestInternal Details area, on the Entities tab, click Query By Example, then query for TierQueue.
  6. In the TierQueue Entities area, click View > Columns, then make sure Type contains a check mark.
  7. Click Actions > Add Row, then set the values.



    Name TermName_Custom
    Alias TermName
    Type String
  8. Click Save and Close.

2. Modify Pricing Algorithms

You modify pricing algorithms that calculate the discounts.

Modify the Pricing Algorithm That Applies Discounts

Here's the algorithm that you modify.

pricing algorithm that applies discounts

Modify the pricing algorithm that applies discounts.

  1. Click Tasks > Manage Algorithms.

  2. On the Manage Algorithms page, click Query by Example, enter the value, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.




    Apply Discounts

  3. Click Action > Create Version.

  4. In the Name column, click the link for the version you just created.

  5. On the Edit Algorithm page, expand the steps until you locate the Write Pricing Terms step.

  6. Click the row that includes Write Pricing Terms in the Name column.

  7. In the Step Details area, in the First Row Actions area, locate the code.

    //if (TermQuery.Name!=null) ts.Name = TermQuery.Name
  8. Remove the forward slashes ( // ) from the code.

    For example:

    if (TermQuery.Name!=null) ts.Name = TermQuery.Name

    This step instructs the algorithm to examine the TermQuery attribute that you set up in the service mapping earlier in this topic.

  9. Click Save and Close > Actions > Publish.

Modify the Pricing Algorithm That Applies Pricing Terms

Modify the pricing algorithm that applies pricing terms so it can process the running net price.

  1. Click Tasks > Manage Algorithms.

  2. On the Manage Algorithms page, click Query by Example, enter the value, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.




    Apply Pricing Terms

  3. Click Actions > Create Version.

  4. In the Name column, click the link for the version that you just created.

  5. Click Variables > Actions > Add Row, set the values, then click Save.





    Data Type




    Default Expression


    This value identifies the pricing element you created earlier in this topic.

    You must include the single quotation marks (' ).

  6. Click Algorithm.

  7. In the Steps area, click the row that includes Find Applicable Charges in the Name column.

  8. Add the step that creates the running net price.

    • Click Add Step > Composite Step, then click If.

      Here's the step that you add.

      adding step to the algorithm
    • In the Step Details area, set the values, then click Save.




      Create the Running Net Price


      'DISCOUNT_LINE' == TermType

      You must include the single quotation marks (' ).

    • In the Steps area, click the row that includes Examine Create Running Net Price in the Name column.

    • Click Add Step > Subalgorithm.

      You can add a condition only on the step. So, you create the step, then add the subalgorithm that specifies the pricing algorithm to run and the variable to send to this algorithm.

    • In the Step Details area, set the values.




      Create the Running Net Price


      This step creates a charge component for a running net price.

      Algorithm Name

      Create ChargeComponent with RunningUnitPrice

    • In the Input Variables area, set values.


      Assignment Value







      Don't use these variables. They are for Oracle internal use only.








      Leave empty





    • In the Output Variables area, set the value.


      Assignment Value



  9. Add the step that deletes the running net price.

    step that deletes the running net price

    Add the step.

    • Click the step that includes Process Custom Adjustment Flag in the Name column.

    • Click Add Step > Conditional Action, then set the values.




      Delete Running Net Price


      This step deletes a charge component for a running net price.


      RunningNetPriceElem == Comp.PriceElementCode

    • In the Data Sets area, click Add Row, then set the value.


      Variable Path




      Contains a check mark.

    • In the Execute Condition area, click Add Condition > Default Action, then set the value.




      //This action cascades the discounts. 
    • Click Save.

  10. Make sure the algorithm applies your rules in the sequence that you expect. Do this step when your discount list has more than one rule.

    • Click the step that has Process Other Adjustment Types in the Name column.

    • In the Conditional Actions area, in the Then Perform These Actions column, click the pencil.

    • In the Edit Actions dialog, notice the code.

      finer('\tSetting up queue for applying discount matrix '+TermSetup.AttributePricingMatrixId)
      mq = MatrixQ.insert([ParentEntityCode:'CHARGE', ParentEntityId:TermQ.ChargeId])
      mq.DynamicMatrixId = TermSetup.AttributePricingMatrixId
      mq.ApplyToRollupFlag = ('Y' == TermSetup.ApplyToRollupFlag)
      mq.FromCurrencyCode = TermSetup.PricingCurrencyCode
    • Locate the line that has mq.FromCurrencyCode = TermSetup.PricingCurrencyCode. Its the last line of code.

    • Add a new line after the code that you just located, then add mq.TermName=TermSetup.Name to the new line.

      Here's your revised code.

      finer('\tSetting up queue for applying discount matrix '+TermSetup.AttributePricingMatrixId)
      mq = MatrixQ.insert([ParentEntityCode:'CHARGE', ParentEntityId:TermQ.ChargeId])
      mq.DynamicMatrixId = TermSetup.AttributePricingMatrixId
      mq.ApplyToRollupFlag = ('Y' == TermSetup.ApplyToRollupFlag)
      mq.FromCurrencyCode = TermSetup.PricingCurrencyCode
    • Click OK > Save.

3A. Modify Pricing Algorithms for Simple Discounts

Do this section only if you're applying a simple discount.

  1. Add a function.

    • Click Functions.

      Here's the function that you will add.

      view object that the pricing algorithm can use in a function that gets the adjustment basis

      You add a view object that the pricing algorithm can use in a function that gets the adjustment basis.

    • Click Actions > Add Row, then set the value.


      Query Type


      View Object Lookup

    • In the Arguments area, add the arguments.




      Value that identifies the adjustment basis.


      Abbreviation that identifies the language.

    • Click View Object Query > Add Row, then set the values.



      Application Module


      Application Configuration

      ${(PriceRequest.PricingServiceParameter[0]?.CacheEnabledFlag==null || PriceRequest.PricingServiceParameter[0].CacheEnabledFlag) ? 'PricingProcessAMShared' : 'PricingProcessAMLocal'}

      View Object


      Single Row

      Contains a check mark.

    • In the Bind Variables area, add the bind variables, then click Save.

      Bind Variable Name

      Bind Variable Value





  2. Modify the step that gets values for the adjustment basis.

    • Click Algorithm.

    • In the Steps area, click the step that includes Retrieve Basis Values in the Name column.

    • In the Step Details area, in the First Row Actions area, locate the code.

      finer('\tFound '+Comp.PriceElementCode+' charge component '+Comp.ChargeComponentId+' with unit price '+Comp.UnitPrice.Value)TermQ.AdjustmentBasisValue = Comp.UnitPrice.Value
    • Here is some more code. Add it immediately after the code you just located.

      TermQ.TermName = TermSetup.Name

      For example:

      step that gets values for the adjustment basis
    • Click Save.

  3. Modify the step that applies the simple adjustment.

    step that applies the simple adjustment
    • In the Steps area, click the step that includes Apply Simple Adjustments in the Name column.

    • In the Data Sets area, add the data sets.


      Variable Path





      This value specifies to use many charge components for the running price to one term in the term queue.




      This value specifies to use many pricing bases for the charge components to one term in the term queue.

    • In the Data Sets area, in the row that includes TermQ in the Name column, set the value.



      Order By


    • In the Execute Condition area, in the Local Variables area, add the local variables.

      Variable Name



      Leave empty.


      Leave empty.

    • In the Default Action area, locate these lines at the beginning of the code.

      if ('ROOT' == Line.ItemType && 'Y' == TermSetup.ApplyToRollupFlag) {
        finer('\tAdjustment type = '+TermSetup.AdjustmentTypeCode)
        finer('\tUnit price = '+Charge.RunningUnitPrice)
        finer('\tAdjustment amount = '+TermSetup.AdjustmentAmount)
        finer('\tBasis value = '+TermQ.AdjustmentBasisValue?:0)
    • Here's the code that cascades the discount according to the adjustment basis. Add it immediately before the code that you just located.

      // cascade your discount modifications according to the adjustment basis
      BasisElementCode = getAdjustmentBasis(TermSetup.AdjustmentBasisId, defaultLanguageCode())?.PriceElementCode
      if (BasisElementCode != null)
      TermQ.AdjustmentBasisValue = BasisComp.locate([ChargeId: TermQ.ChargeId, PriceElementCode: BasisElementCode])?.UnitPrice?.Value

      Make sure you add the code before this line.

      AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(TermSetup.AdjustmentTypeCode, Charge.RunningUnitPrice, TermSetup.AdjustmentAmount, TermQ.AdjustmentBasisValue?:0)
    • Locate this code.

      // Adjust running unit price
      Charge.RunningUnitPrice += Comp.UnitPrice.Value
      finest('\tAdjusted running unit price by ' + Comp.UnitPrice.Value)
    • Here's the code that cascades the discount onto the running price. Add it immediately after the code that you just located.

      //cascade your discount modifications onto the running price
      RunningPrice = RunningPriceComp.locate(ChargeId: Charge.ChargeId, PriceElementCode: RunningNetPriceElem)
      if (RunningPrice?.UnitPrice?.Value != null) 
         RunningPrice.UnitPrice.Value = Charge.RunningUnitPrice

      Here's the entire modified code.

      // Cascade your discount modifications according to the adjustment basis
      BasisElementCode = getAdjustmentBasis(TermSetup.AdjustmentBasisId, defaultLanguageCode())?.PriceElementCode
      if (BasisElementCode != null)TermQ.AdjustmentBasisValue = BasisComp.locate([ChargeId: TermQ.ChargeId, PriceElementCode: BasisElementCode])?.UnitPrice?.Value)
      if ('ROOT' == Line.ItemType && 'Y' == TermSetup.ApplyToRollupFlag) {
        finer('\tAdjustment type = '+TermSetup.AdjustmentTypeCode)
        finer('\tUnit price = '+Charge.RunningUnitPrice)
        finer('\tAdjustment amount = '+TermSetup.AdjustmentAmount)
        finer('\tBasis value = '+TermQ.AdjustmentBasisValue?:0)
      AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(TermSetup.AdjustmentTypeCode, Charge.RunningUnitPrice, TermSetup.AdjustmentAmount, TermQ.AdjustmentBasisValue?:0)
      finer('\tUnit price adjustment = '+AdjustmentValue)
      Comp = ChargeComponent.insert([ChargeComponentId:++ServiceParam.ChargeComponentIdCntr])
      Comp.UnitPrice.Value = AdjustmentValue
      Comp.UnitPrice.CurrencyCode = Charge.CurrencyCode
      Comp.CurrencyCode = Charge.CurrencyCode
      // currency conversion
      if ( TermSetup.PricingCurrencyCode!=Line.AppliedCurrencyCode ) {
          if ( 'ERROR'==ConvRate?.MessageTypeCode ) {
              finest('creating line message')
              Line.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
              Charge.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
              Term.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
              msg = Message.locate([ParentEntityCode:'LINE',ParentEntityId:Line.LineId,MessageText:ConvRate.PrcErrorMessage])
              if ( msg==null ) {
                  // create new error message for Line
                  msg = Message.insert([PricingMessageId:getNextId()])
                  msg.MessageName = ConvRate.PrcMessageName
                  msg.MessageText = ConvRate.PrcErrorMessage
                  msg.ParentEntityCode = 'LINE'
                  msg.ParentEntityId = Line.LineId
                  msg.MessageTypeCode = Term.MessageTypeCode
          else {
              Comp.UnitPrice.Value *= ConvRate.ConversionRate?:1
              finer('\tConverted currency, 1 '+TermSetup.PricingCurrencyCode+' = '+ConvRate.ConversionRate?:1+' '+Line.AppliedCurrencyCode)
      // end currency conversion
      if ( Charge.PricedQuantity!=null ) {
          Comp.ExtendedAmount.Value = Comp.UnitPrice.Value*Charge.PricedQuantity.Value
          Comp.ExtendedAmount.CurrencyCode = Comp.UnitPrice.CurrencyCode
          if (Line.ItemType in ['STANDARD', 'COMPONENT', 'ROOT'] && null != Line.ServiceDuration?.Value && null != Line.ServiceDurationPeriodCode ) {
              if ('ONE_TIME' == Charge.PriceTypeCode) {
                  Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.Value =  Comp.ExtendedAmount.Value
              else if ('RECURRING' == Charge.PriceTypeCode) {
                  if (Charge.PricePeriodicityCode != Line.ServiceDurationPeriodCode) {
                      // Partial Price Period with Conversion Rate from OKC tables
                      Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.Value =  Comp.ExtendedAmount?.Value * Charge.PartialPeriodDurationConversionRate?:0                                  
                  else {
                      //no partial Period pricing based on ServiceDuration      
                      Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.Value =  Comp.ExtendedAmount.Value * Line.ServiceDuration?.Value     
              Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.CurrencyCode = Comp.ExtendedAmount.CurrencyCode
      assert Charge.CompSeqCntr != null
      Comp.SequenceNumber = (Long) Charge.CompSeqCntr++
      Comp.PriceElementCode = TermElementCode
      Comp.PriceElementUsageCode = priceElementUsageCode
      Comp.ExplanationMessageName = TermExplanationMsg
      // Set price element code in order of setup value, step parameter, then hard-coded
      if (TermSetup.AdjustmentElementCode!=null) {
        Comp.PriceElementCode = TermSetup.AdjustmentElementCode
      } else {
        if (ElementCodeParam!=null) {
          Comp.PriceElementCode = ElementCodeParam
        } else {
          if ('PROMOTION'==TermSetup.ParentEntityTypeCode) {
            Comp.PriceElementCode = 'PROMOTIONAL_ADJUSTMENT'
          } else if ('SALES_AGREEMENT'==TermSetup.ParentEntityTypeCode) {
            Comp.PriceElementCode = 'CONTRACTUAL_ADJUSTMENT'
          } else if ('DISCOUNT_LINE'==TermSetup.ParentEntityTypeCode) {
            Comp.PriceElementCode = 'DISCOUNT_LIST_ADJUSTMENT'
      Comp.PriceValidFrom = Line.PricingDate
      Comp.PriceValidUntil = TermSetup.EndDate
      Comp.SourceId = TermQ.TermId
      Comp.SourceTypeCode = 'PRICING_TERM'
      finest('\tCreated ' + Comp.PriceElementCode + ' charge component ' + Comp.ChargeComponentId + ' with unit adjustment ' + Comp.UnitPrice.Value + ' ' + Comp.UnitPrice.CurrencyCode)
      // Adjust running unit price
      Charge.RunningUnitPrice += Comp.UnitPrice.Value
      finest('\tAdjusted running unit price by ' + Comp.UnitPrice.Value)
      //Cascade your discount modifications onto the running price
      RunningPrice = RunningPriceComp.locate(ChargeId: Charge.ChargeId, PriceElementCode: RunningNetPriceElem)
      if (RunningPrice?.UnitPrice?.Value != null) 
         RunningPrice.UnitPrice.Value = Charge.RunningUnitPrice

3B. Modify Pricing Algorithms for Tiered Discounts

Do this section only if you're applying a tiered discount.

  1. Click Tasks > Manage Algorithms.

  2. On the Manage Algorithms page, click Query by Example, enter the value, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.




    Apply Tiered Pricing

  3. Click Action > Create Version.

  4. In the Name column, click the link for the version you just created.

  5. Add a function.

    • Click Functions.

      Here's the function that you will add.

      view object that the pricing algorithm can use in a function that gets the adjustment basis

      You add a view object that the pricing algorithm can use in a function that gets the adjustment basis.

    • Click Actions > Add Row, then set the value.


      Query Type


      View Object Lookup

    • In the Arguments area, add the arguments.




      Value that identifies the adjustment basis.


      Abbreviation that identifies the language.

    • Click View Object Query > Add Row, then set the values.



      Application Module


      Application Configuration

      ${(PriceRequest.PricingServiceParameter[0]?.CacheEnabledFlag==null || PriceRequest.PricingServiceParameter[0].CacheEnabledFlag) ? 'PricingProcessAMShared' : 'PricingProcessAMLocal'}

      View Object


      Single Row

      Contains a check mark.

    • In the Bind Variables area, add the bind variables, then click Save.

      Bind Variable Name

      Bind Variable Value





  6. Modify the step that adjusts the running unit price.

    • Click Algorithm.

    • In the Steps area, expand the Tiered Pricing Processing step, then click the step that has Compute Tier Adjustment in the Name column.

    • In the Data Sets area, add the value TermName in the Order By attribute for the TierLineQ data set.
      Name Variable Path Order By
      TierLineQ PriceRequest.TierLineQ TermName
    • In the Default Action area, add code to the beginning of the default action.
      def BasisElementCode = getAdjustmentBasis(TierLine.AdjustmentBasisId, defaultLanguageCode())?.PriceElementCode
      if ('XX_RUNNING_NET_PRICE'==BasisElementCode )
          TierLineQ.AdjustmentBasisValue = Charge.RunningUnitPrice
    • Add code to the end of the default action.
      // Adjust running unit price
        if (!IsInternalCall) {
               Charge.RunningUnitPrice += TierLineQ.TierAdjustmentValue
    • Click Save.

  7. Modify the step that creates the charge component.
    • Expand the Create Tier Adjustments step, then click the row that has the Create Charge Component step.
    • In the Default Action area, comment out the if (!IsInternalCall) condition. Your code should like this.
      // Adjust running unit price
      /*if (!IsInternalCall) {
          Charge.RunningUnitPrice += Comp.UnitPrice.Value
          finest('\tAdjusted running unit price by ' + Comp.UnitPrice.Value)

3C. Modify Pricing Algorithms for Attribute Discounts

As an option, you can modify the pricing algorithm that applies a discount. Do this section only if you want to apply a discount.

  1. On the Manage Algorithms page, click Query by Example, enter the value, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.




    Apply Matrices

  2. Click Action > Create Version.

  3. In the Name column, click the link for the version that you just created.

  4. Disable the step that gets the adjustment basis.

    • On the Edit Algorithm page, click the row that includes Process Pricing Matrices in the Name column.

    • Click Add Step > Composite Step > If, set the values, then click Save.




      Disable the Retrieve Adjustment Basis Step


      Disable the step that gets the adjustment basis.



    • In the Steps area, use Move Up and Move Down repeatedly until you achieve this hierarchy.

      Process Pricing Matrices
      	 Disable the Retrieve Adjustment Basis Step
      		 Retrieve Adjustment Basis

      For example:

      using move up and move down
  5. Modify the step that applies the discount according to the attribute.

    • Click the row that includes Process Matrix Queue in the Name column.

    • In the Data Sets area, add the data sets.


      Variable Path








    • In the row that includes MatrixQ in the Name column, set this value.



      Order By


    • In the Execute Condition area, in the Local Variables area, add these local variables.

      Variable Name




      This value identifies the pricing element that you created earlier in this topic.

      You must include the single quotation marks (' ).


      Leave empty.


      Leave empty.

    • In the Conditional Actions area, locate this condition.

      If This Condition is True

      Then Do This Action

      !MatrixQ.ApplyToRollupFlag && 'CURRENCY_CONVERSION' != MatrixType

      finest('\tUnit price adjustment = '+MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue)

    • In the code for Then Perform These Actions, locate these lines.

      finest('\tUnit price adjustment = '+MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue)
      finest('Basis Value: '+MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue)

      They are the first two lines in the code.

    • Comment the lines that you just located.

    • Here is some more code. Add it immediately after the lines that you just commented.

      //Cascade the discount.
      BasisElementCode = getAdjustmentBasis(MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisId, defaultLanguageCode())?.PriceElementCode
      if (BasisElementCode != null)
      MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue = BasisComp.locate([ChargeId: MatrixQ.ParentEntityId, PriceElementCode: BasisElementCode])?.UnitPrice?.Value
    • Locate this code.

      if ('PRICE_OVERRIDE' == MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode)
        MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0, MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0)
        MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode, MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue, MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0)
    • Replace the contents of the else statement of the code that you just located. Replace it with this code.

        //MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode, MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue, MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0)
        MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0, MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue, MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue)

      You are commenting the existing else statement that uses the adjustment basis to calculate the adjustment, and then adding a new else statement that uses the running unit price to calculate the adjustment.

    • Here is some more code. Add it immediately before the last line of code, which is a closing curly bracket ( } ).

      //Cascade the discount.
          RunningPrice = RunningPriceComp.locate(ChargeId: MatrixQ.ParentEntityId, PriceElementCode: RunningNetPriceElement)
          if (RunningPrice?.UnitPrice?.Value != null) {
            RunningPrice.UnitPrice.Value = Charge.RunningUnitPrice

      Here is the entire modified code.

      //finest('\tUnit price adjustment = '+MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue)
      //finest('Basis Value: '+MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue)
      //Cascade the discount.
      BasisElementCode = getAdjustmentBasis(MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisId, defaultLanguageCode())?.PriceElementCode
      if (BasisElementCode != null)
      MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue = BasisComp.locate([ChargeId: MatrixQ.ParentEntityId, PriceElementCode: BasisElementCode])?.UnitPrice?.Value
      if ('PRICE_OVERRIDE' == MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode)
        MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0, MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0)
        //MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode, MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue, MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0)
        MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue = pricingUtil.computeUnitAdjustment(MatrixQ.AdjustmentTypeCode, Charge.RunningUnitPrice?:0, MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue, MatrixQ.AdjustmentBasisValue)
      // currency conversion
      if (MatrixQ.FromCurrencyCode!=Charge.CurrencyCode ) {
          if ( 'ERROR'==ConvRate?.MessageTypeCode ) {
              finest('creating line message')
              Line.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
              Charge.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
              Term.MessageTypeCode = 'ERROR'
              msg = Message.locate([ParentEntityCode:'LINE',ParentEntityId:Line.LineId,MessageText:ConvRate.PrcErrorMessage])
              if ( msg==null ) {
                  // create new error message for Line
                  msg = Message.insert([PricingMessageId:getNextId()])
                  msg.MessageName = ConvRate.PrcMessageName
                  msg.MessageText = ConvRate.PrcErrorMessage
                  msg.ParentEntityCode = 'LINE'
                  msg.ParentEntityId = Line.LineId
                  msg.MessageTypeCode = ConvRate.MessageTypeCode
          else {
              MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue *= ConvRate.ConversionRate?:1
              finest('\tConverted currency, 1 '+MatrixQ.FromCurrencyCode+' = '+ConvRate.ConversionRate?:1+' '+Charge.CurrencyCode)
              finest('Adjustment Value: '+MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue)
      // end currency conversion
      if ( 'ERROR' != Line.MessageTypeCode ) {
          Comp = ChComp.insert([ChargeComponentId:++Param.ChargeComponentIdCntr])
          Comp.UnitPrice.Value = MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue
          Comp.UnitPrice.CurrencyCode = Charge.CurrencyCode
          Comp.CurrencyCode = Charge.CurrencyCode
          Comp.PriceElementCode = MatrixElementCode
          if(!(MatrixType in ['PRICE_LIST_ATTR_ADJ','PRICE_LIST_TIER']))
          Comp.SourceTypeCode ='MATRIX_RULE'
          Comp.SourceId = MatrixQ.DynamicMatrixRuleId
          Comp.ChargeId = Charge.ChargeId
          Comp.MatrixConditionString = MatrixQ.ConditionString
          Comp.MatrixResultString = MatrixQ.ResultString
          Comp.ExplanationMessageName = MatrixExplanationMsg
      if ( Charge.PricedQuantity!=null ) {
              Comp.ExtendedAmount.Value = Comp.UnitPrice?.Value*Charge.PricedQuantity?.Value
              Comp.ExtendedAmount.CurrencyCode = Comp.UnitPrice?.CurrencyCode
              //Populate CoverageExtendedAmount for Subscription for selling services.
              if ( Line.ItemType in ['STANDARD', 'COMPONENT', 'ROOT'] && null != Line.ServiceDuration?.Value && null != Line.ServiceDurationPeriodCode) {
                  if ('ONE_TIME' == Charge.PriceTypeCode) {
                      Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.Value =  Comp.ExtendedAmount.Value
                  else if ('RECURRING' == Charge.PriceTypeCode) {
                      if (Charge.PricePeriodicityCode != Line.ServiceDurationPeriodCode) {
                      // Partial Price Period with Conversion Rate from OKC tables
                      Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.Value =  Comp.ExtendedAmount?.Value * Charge.PartialPeriodDurationConversionRate?:0                                        
                      else {
                      //no partial Period pricing based on ServiceDuration      
                      Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.Value =  Comp.ExtendedAmount.Value * Line.ServiceDuration?.Value     
                  Comp.CoverageExtendedAmount.CurrencyCode =  Comp.ExtendedAmount.CurrencyCode
          assert Charge.CompSeqCntr != null
          Comp.SequenceNumber = (Long) Charge.CompSeqCntr++
      Charge.RunningUnitPrice += MatrixQ.AdjustmentValue
      //Cascade the discount.
          RunningPrice = RunningPriceComp.locate(ChargeId: MatrixQ.ParentEntityId, PriceElementCode: RunningNetPriceElement)
          if (RunningPrice?.UnitPrice?.Value != null) {
            RunningPrice.UnitPrice.Value = Charge.RunningUnitPrice
  6. Click Save and Close.

  7. On the Manage Algorithms page, click Actions > Publish.

4. Create Discount Rules

Create discount rules for the AS54888 item.

  1. In the Pricing Administration work area, click Tasks > Manage Discount Lists.

    For this example, assume you already created a discount list named Discount List for Standard Desktop, and added a discount line for the AS54888. For details, see Manage Discount Lists.

  2. On the Manage Discount Lists page, search for, then open Discount List for Standard Desktop for editing.

  3. On the Edit Discount List page, in the Discount Lines area, in the Name attribute, search for AS54888.

Create Simple Discount Rules

The adjustment basis that you use depends on the type of discount that you implement.

Type of Discount

Adjustment Basis


If the adjustment type is according to percent, then you must use list price as the adjustment basis.


You must use running net price as the adjustment basis.

Create simple discount rules.

  1. In the Item AS54888 Each Buy area, add the rules. Click Action > Create > Simple Rule to create each rule.

    Rule Name

    Adjustment Amount

    discount rule 1


    discount rule 2


    discount rule 3


    Set attributes for each rule.



    Rule Type


    Price Type

    One Time

    Charge Type


    Charge Subtype


    Adjustment Basis

    Running Net Price

    Adjustment Type

    Discount Percent

    For example:

    definition for simple discount rule

    The Pricing Administration work area runs each rule in the sequence that the Discount Rules list displays them, according to Rule Name. To set the sequence, click View > Sort > Advanced, set the sequence, such as Sort By to Rule Name in Ascending sequence, then click OK.

Assume the list price is $2500.00 for the AS54888.

Here are the calculations that Pricing will do for the cascading discount.

Rule Name


Running Net Price

discount rule 1


$2,500.00 running net price multiplied by 50% adjustment amount equals $1250.00.


$2,500.00 running net price minus $1,250.00 discount equals $1,250.00.

discount rule 2


$1,250.00 running net price multiplied by 10% adjustment amount equals $125.00.


$1,250.00 running net price minus $125.00 discount equals $1125.00.

discount rule 3


$125.00 running net price multiplied by 5% adjustment amount equals $56.25.


$1125.00 running net price minus $56.25 discount equals $1068.75.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Net Price equals $1068.75.

Assume you modify the Adjustment Basis for each of the discount rules to List Price. Here are the calculations that Pricing will do.

Rule Name


Running Net Price

discount rule 1


$2,500.00 list price multiplied by 50% adjustment amount equals $1250.00.


$2,500.00 running net price minus $1,250.00 discount equals $1,250.00.

discount rule 2


$2,500.00 list price multiplied by 10% adjustment amount equals $250.00.


$1,250.00 running net price minus $250.00 discount equals $1,000.00.

discount rule 3


$2,500.00 list price by 5% adjustment amount equals $125.00.


$1,000.00 running net price minus $125.00 discount equals $875.00.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Net Price equals $875.00.

Create Discount Rules According to Attribute

In the Item AS54888 Each Buy area, add rules. Click Action > Create > Attribute Based Rule to create each rule.

Rule Name

Adjustment Amount

discount rule 1


discount rule 2


discount rule 3


discount rule 4


Set attributes for each rule.



Rule Type

Attribute Based

Price Type


Charge Type


Charge Subtype


Adjustment Basis

Running Net Price

Adjustment Type

Discount Percent

For example:

rule that discounts according to attribute

Assume the list price is $3,500.12 for the AS54888. Here are the calculations that Pricing will do for the cascading discount.

Rule Name


Running Net Price

discount rule 1


$3,500.12 running net price multiplied by 10% adjustment amount equals $350.01.


$3,500.12 running net price minus $350.01discount equals $3,150.11.

discount rule 2


$3,150.11 running net price multiplied by 5% adjustment amount equals $157.51.


$3,150.11 running net price minus $157.51 discount equals $2,992.60.

discount rule 3


$2,992.60 running net price multiplied by 10% adjustment amount equals $299.26.


$2,992.60 running net price minus $299.26 discount equals $2,693.34.

discount rule 4


$2,693.34 running net price multiplied by 2% adjustment amount equals $53.87.


$2,992.60 running net price minus $53.87 discount equals $2,639.47.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Net Price equals $2,639.47.

Assume you modify the Adjustment Basis for each of the discount rules to List Price. Here are the calculations that Pricing will do for the cumulative discount.

Rule Name


Running Net Price

discount rule 1


$3,500.12 list price multiplied by 10% adjustment amount equals $350.01.


$3,500.12 running net price minus $350.01discount equals $3,150.11.

discount rule 2


$3,500.12 list price multiplied by 5% adjustment amount equals $157.00.


$3,150.11 running net price minus $157.00 discount equals $2,993.11.

discount rule 3


$3,500.12 list price running net price multiplied by 10% adjustment amount equals $350.01.


$2,993.11 running net price minus $350.01 discount equals $2,643.10.

discount rule 4


$3,500.12 list price multiplied by 2% adjustment amount equals $70.00.


$2,643.10 running net price minus $70.00 discount equals $2,573.10.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Net price equals $2,573.10.

Create Simple Discount Rules and Attribute Discount Rules

In some deployments you might need to create simple discount rules and discount rules according to an attribute on the same item.

Assume you create these rules.

Rule Name

Rule Type

Adjustment Basis

Adjustment Type

Adjustment Amount

discount rule 1


Running Net Price

Discount Percent


discount rule 2

Attribute Pricing

Running Net Price

Discount Percent


discount rule 3


Running Net Price

Discount Percent


discount rule 4


Running Net Price

Discount Percent


For example:

Simple Discount Rules and Attribute Discount Rules

If you create a simple rule and an attribute rule on running net price, then here's the sequence that Pricing uses.

  1. Apply all simple rules.

  2. Apply all rules according to attribute.

Pricing uses this sequence regardless of when you create the rules or the sequence that the Discount Rules list uses to display them.

Assume the list price equals $2500.00. Here's the sequence that Pricing will use when it applies the adjustments.

Rule Name

Rule Type


Running Net Price

discount rule 1



$2,500 running net price multiplied by 10% equals $1,250.00.


$2,500 list price minus $1,250.00 discount equals $1,250.00.

discount rule 3



$1,250.00 running net price multiplied by 10% equals $125.00.


$1,250.00 running net price minus $125.00 discount equals $1,125.00.

discount rule 4



$1,125.00 running net price multiplied by 5% equals $56.25.


$1,125.00 running net price minus $56.25 discount equals $1,125.00.

discount rule 2

Attribute Pricing


$1,068.75 running net price multiplied by 10% equals $106.88.


$1,068.75 running net price minus $106.88 discount equals $961.87.

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Net Price equals $961.87.

Test the Price Sales Transaction Algorithm

  1. Get details for your test input payload.

    • Sign into Order Management with the privileges that you need to manage sales orders, go to the Order Management work area, create a sales order, add the AS54888 item to an order line, click Submit, then note the order number that displays in the dialog.

      For this example, assume the order number is 5678.

    • Run an SQL query on the database that stores the sales order.

      select header_id, sold_to_party_id as CustomerId, org_id as SellingBusinessUnitId, legal_entity_id as
      SellingLegalEntityId from doo_headers_all where Order_Number = OrderNumber;


      • OrderNumber is the sales order number that you noted after you clicked Submit.

      For example, run a query for sales order 5678.

      select header_id, sold_to_party_id as CustomerId, org_id as SellingBusinessUnitId, legal_entity_id as
      SellingLegalEntityId from doo_headers_all where Order_Number = 5678;
    • Run an SQL query.

      select header_id, sold_to_party_id as CustomerId, org_id as SellingBusinessUnitId, legal_entity_id as SellingLegalEntityId 
      from doo_headers_all where Order_Number = $OrderNumber;


      • CustomerId, SellingBusinessUnitId, and SellingLegalEntityId are each an attribute on the order header.

      For example, run a query for sales order 5678.

      select header_id, sold_to_party_id as CustomerId, org_id as SellingBusinessUnitId, legal_entity_id as SellingLegalEntityId 
      from doo_headers_all where Order_Number = $5678;
    • Verify that the query returns a value of 5678 for header_id.

    • Run an SQL query.

      select inventory_item_id as InventoryItemId, inventory_organization_id as InventoryOrganizationId, ordered_uom as LineQuantityUOMCode from doo_fulfill_lines_all where header_id = $header_id;


      • InventoryItemId, InventoryOrganizationId, LineQuantity.UOMCode, and LineQuantityUOMCode are each an attribute on the order line.

    • Add the values that your query returned into the test input payload.

      See the Test Input Payload section later in this topic.

  2. Test the pricing algorithm.

    • On the Edit Algorithms page, click Test.

    • In the Test Input area, click the pencil icon in the row that includes PriceRequest in the Variable Name column.

    • In the Edit Variable dialog, delete all the code lines.

    • Copy and paste the input payload into the dialog, then click OK.

    • Click Run Test.

    • Wait for the test to finish, then verify that the Last Execution Status option contains a check mark.

      If you encounter this error.

      Error: Unable to parse the variable[PriceRequest] using the service definition [Sales.PriceRequestInternal]. Please check the variable value or service schema

      Then paste the full contents of the test payload into an XML editor and make sure the XML format is correct.

    • Click Test Output, then verify that the output includes these details.

      • Discounts applied on ChargeComponent entries are correct.

      • Calculation for UnitPrice on each ChargeComponent is correct.

      • Calculation for UnitPrice on ChargeComponent where PriceElementCode equals QP_NET_PRICE is correct.

  3. Click Save and Close.

  4. On the Manage Algorithms page, click Actions > Publish.

Test Input Payload

Here's the input payload you can use to test your sales order.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PriceRequestInternal:PriceRequestInternalType xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:PriceRequestInternal="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="PriceRequestInternal:PriceRequestInternalType">
      <PriceRequestInternal:CalculatePricingChargesFlag>true</PriceRequestInternal:CalculatePricingChargesFlag>       <PriceRequestInternal:CalculateShippingChargesFlag>false</PriceRequestInternal:CalculateShippingChargesFlag>
<PriceRequestInternal:CalculateTaxFlag>false</PriceRequestInternal:CalculateTaxFlag>      <PriceRequestInternal:SellingBusinessUnitId>selling_business_unit_id </PriceRequestInternal:SellingBusinessUnitId>
      <PriceRequestInternal:SellingLegalEntityId>selling_legal_entity_id </PriceRequestInternal:SellingLegalEntityId>
      <PriceRequestInternal:InventoryItemId>inventory_item_id </PriceRequestInternal:InventoryItemId>
      <PriceRequestInternal:InventoryOrganizationId>inventory_organization_id </PriceRequestInternal:InventoryOrganizationId>
      <PriceRequestInternal:LineQuantity unitCode="unit_code" xmlns:tns="">2</PriceRequestInternal:LineQuantity>
      <PriceRequestInternal:LineQuantityUOMCode>line_quantity_uom_code </PriceRequestInternal:LineQuantityUOMCode>
   <PriceRequestInternal:ChangeSummary logging="false" xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo"/>

Make these replacements.

Variable in Code

Attribute from SQL Query You Can Use to Replace the Variable















5. Test Your Set Up

  1. Sign into Order Management and create a sales order.

  2. Set the Customer to a value, such as PennyPack Systems.

  3. Click Actions > View Pricing Segment and Strategy, then verify that the Segment is the default segment, and that the Strategy is correct for PennyPack Systems.

  4. In the Order Lines area, search for item AS54888, wait for the results, tab out of the search attribute, then verify that Order Management gets the price from the price list for PennyPack Systems.

  5. Add the AS54888 item to an order line, click Amount on the order line, then verify that Pricing correctly calculates the Net Price and applied the discounts.