Get Price Details from Cost Accounting

Set up a pricing algorithm to get cost details from Oracle Cost Accounting instead storing these details on a cost list in Oracle Pricing.

Set up a pricing algorithm to get cost details from Oracle Cost Accounting instead storing these details on a cost list in Oracle Pricing. You can use the Item Cost SOAP API to periodically call Cost Accounting and get the latest charge data.

Note: In this example, Pricing uses Oracle Integration Cloud Service to establish an integration between Oracle Pricing and Oracle Cost Accounting. You might use a different integration technology. You can use this feature to integrate only with Oracle Cost Accounting. You can’t use it to integrate with any other application.

Here's how it works.

Pricing uses Oracle Integration Cloud Service to establish the integration.


  1. Create a sales order in Oracle Order Management. Order Management then sends a request to Pricing to price your item.

  2. Create a service mapping that specifies sources, entities, and mapping between entities and attributes so Pricing can create the structure for the output SDO it will send to Order Management.

  3. Create a pricing algorithm that specifies when to call the web service, what details to get from the web service, and how to process the details it receives from the web service.

  4. Set up Oracle Integration Cloud Service so it gets connector details, then sends a SOAP request to the web service endpoint that resides on the system outside of Pricing.

    Use the Manage Connector Details page to specify how to call the web service, including the URL that locates the end point, and the user and password that the end point requires to sign in.

  5. The web service sends the reply in a SOAP payload to Integration Cloud Service.

  6. Integration Cloud Service sends details to the pricing algorithm.

  7. The pricing algorithm uses the details that it receives from the web service to calculate the price, including for pricing rules in Oracle Pricing, then sends price details to Order Management.

You can also use the Price Request Service to determine and validate sales transactions. For details, go to SOAP Web Services for Oracle Cloud SCM, then search for Price Request Service.