Capturing E-Signatures and Generating E-Records for Inspection Dispositions: Explained

Once you enable inline electronic signature for the Quality Inspection Disposition, you can enter all inspection results and sign off the quality inspection disposition by submitting it for approval.

An electronic record is generated and the E-Signature page opens where you can view the status of the approval process of the inspection disposition.

When you initiate the approval process, notifications are sent to all approvers. Approvers can view these in bell notifications and click the notification to view the e-record approval page, read the e-record, enter their comments, and approve or reject it.

Note: If the initiator is also an approver, the initiator's signature is captured in the inline signature page. Notifications are sent to subsequent approvers to capture the remaining signatures. The new or updated transaction data remains in the pending status until all approvals are complete.You can refresh the E-Signature page to retrieve and view the latest status of the e-record.

You can search and view the existing e-records from the Electronic Records work area. For more information on the Electronic Records work area, see the Oracle SCM Cloud Using E-Signatures and E-Records guide.