Edit Quality Issues and Actions

When you open an issue or action, you can view and edit its details.

These include the general information, affected objects, related objects, attachments, comments, workflow, similar issues, security, and history tabs.

  • General Information: View basic information about the issue or action. Some fields appear with a contextual information icon that you can click to open an information panel with more details.

    The panel displays the following details:

    • For customers - Account Description, Account Number, Registry ID, D-U-N-S Number, Country, and Address.

    • For suppliers - Alternate Name, Supplier Number, and D-U-N-S Number.

    These additional parameters also help you search for customers and suppliers.

  • Affected Objects: View, add, or remove objects affected by a specific issue or action. Affected objects can include inventory inspections, resource inspections, receiving inspections, WIP inspections, resources, work areas, work centers, work order operations, receipt, and items.

  • Related Objects: View, add, or remove more objects related to the issue or action from either Quality Management, Innovation Management, or Product Development.

  • Attachments: Add text or graphic files, or URLs, with more information about the issue or action. You can also classify the attachments into categories.

  • Comments: Use the Comments side tab to communicate issue details, share possible root cause and resolution, and clarify tasks. With easy access to a combined, and uncluttered view of all the user comments for a quality issue or action, you're equipped to deal with quality processes in a quick and effective way.

  • Workflow: Control the status of the quality issue or action. Add approvers and reviewers.

  • Similar Issues: Analyze similar issues to resolve multiple related issues together, and to avoid replicating any parallel efforts to resolve an issue. You can also identify trends in quality issues, the base of which may be a broader problem and require more attention.

    The Similar Issues infotile or tab automatically displays quality issues that have the same affected objects as the current issue. Each time you update the quality issue with new affected objects, the Similar Issues infotile is refreshed. In the Similar Issues list, click any of the quality issues to view them in detail. On the Similar Issues infotile, the count of:

    • Item Match: shows the number of issues that have the same affected items (affected objects of type item).

    • Other Matches: shows the number of issues that have the same affected objects, other than items. For example, work order operations, resources, or inspections.

      Since there can be issues that have the same items and other objects, the All or Both count isn't necessarily equal to the sum of Item Matches and Other Matches.

  • Security: Define who should have access to the object. You can search and select by Person (user name) or by Role.

  • History: View the complete history of a quality issue or action from its inception to completion on the History side tab, without navigating to the audit reports. You can view and access audit details of a quality issue or action for the object attributes that were configured for inclusion in Setup and Maintenance. And thus, track when it was created, updated, or deleted easily. Remember to first enable Auditing of Issues and Actions to see any audit log entries in the History side tab.