Infolets for Issues and Actions

The infolets on the quality issue edit page summarize important data about the current quality issue. Click each category to see pertinent issues or actions.

The following infolets appear on the overview page in Quality Management:

  • My Favorites: Depending on your privileges, the My Favorites infolet displays problem reports and corrective actions.

  • My Issues

  • My Actions

  • Open Issues by Severity

  • My Open Issues by Age

  • Unassigned Issues: Displays only the issues on which you can take action. Excludes issues that have no workflow assigned or are in the Draft, Complete, and Canceled statuses from the infolet.

  • Recent Activity: Depending on your privileges, the Recent Activity infolet displays problem reports and corrective actions.

Note: Issues and Actions in Approval status are included in the respective infolet counts.