
You will receive email notifications when workflow tasks are assigned to you.

As the quality issue or action advances through a workflow, notifications are sent to inform participants about the occurrence of different events and actions you must take. You will receive notifications for each task you're assigned to, either by email or through the bell notification. You can access the in-app notifications either in the Things to Finish section on the home page or the notifications list in the global header.

Use the Send action to notify other users about an issue or action. Select users from the list in the Send dialog box and add a message to the notification to help solve issues. In addition to users, you can add roles as recipients in Send notifications. It's recommended to send notifications to roles and not to many users. Once you expand roles to display the list of its members, you can further refine the list manually to include only the users you want to notify. Send notifications and notify large groups of stakeholders or approvers and ensure faster cross-functional collaboration. Add all recipients within a role quickly, instead of adding them one by one, thus improving user experience. Notifications are sent to all users and to the users of the role that isn't expanded in the recipient list. Notifications also display the Sent By field to help you identify the user who sent it. This eliminates delays and improves time to response. Assignees will receive an FYI notification and optionally an FYI notification email.