View Quality Issues and Quality Actions Graphically

This topic describes how to view affected objects and other related objects for quality issues and quality actions using the Graphical Navigator.

The Graphical Navigator is a read-only 360-degree view of all the relationships on a quality issue and quality action. Run it from any quality issue or quality action, and click any object in the view for more details.

The graphical view consists of the Dependency Graph and Dependency Map.

  • The dependency map lets you map the data to visualization and configure possible interaction and visual properties. The dependency map appears in the Graphical Navigator window. The connector lines depict the different type of connections between the components. A thick line indicates an affected objects relationship. A dotted line indicates a related objects relationship.

  • The dependency graph displays the visual cards related to the data and the relationship between the data. The dependency graph appears in the center of the Graphical Navigator window. In the dependency graph, when you hover over the visual card, the tooltip displays the name of the component. If the cursor is over the attribute of the component, then the tooltip displays the attribute.

    You can also click the card to view more details, and directly open the Edit page for some objects.