Add Suppliers to Use When Doing Buyer Planning

Though replenishment plan recommendations contain supplier information, you need to add participating suppliers to the Buyer Planning work area to see order details and insights that can help you make buying decisions.

Two ways to add suppliers to the Buyer Planning work area:
  • Use the buyerPlanningSuppliers REST service
  • Add each supplier in the Suppliers tab of the Buyer Planning work area
Here’s how you add suppliers manually:
  1. In the Buyer Planning work area, Suppliers tab, Click Add.
  2. On the Add Supplier panel drawer, start typing in name of a supplier.

    You see a list of matching suppliers. Alternatively, you can click the dropdown to see all the suppliers. Select the one you want to add.

  3. Click Add.

    The Suppliers table shows the name and number of the supplier you added.