Analyze Impact on Inventory

You can evaluate the impact on projected inventory balances and updated projected inventory balances when you change planned order quantities or dates.

Inventory analysis gives visibility to the time-phased view of a selected item. You get to know the projected available balance of an item before and after any changes, including order consolidation and grouping.
To see inventory analysis:
  1. In the Buyer Planning work area, Overview tab, click on a status bar of the planned order bar chart.

    You see the Order Lines view on the Buyer Planning tab.

  2. Select an order line.

    You see the Order Details view on the Buyer Planning tab. The order details are based on the supplier-site-location combination.

  3. Select an order.
  4. From More Actions, select Inventory Analysis.

    You can see inventory analysis of only one item at a time.

  5. You can use Change Dates to set different time periods and see the trend of inventory demand.
Inventory Analysis shows these insights based on the item-location combination in an order:
  • Projected Available Balances line chart
  • Table with inventory details

Projected Available Balances Line Chart

On the chart, you see a line graph for the projected available balance and a dotted line graph for the updated projected available balance of an item against its quantities and date ranges.

In the background of the line graphs, you see safety stock, final minimum quantity, and final maximum quantity maintained for an item. This information helps you know how long the remaining stock can last before your supplier delivers the order.

Inventory Details Table

Inventory details display the measures that help organizations understand how much demand exists for an item for a given time period, what’s the total demand and supply, projected available balance, updated projected available balance, average daily demand for the item, and updated days of cover.

Based on this information, you can estimate if the item needs refilling in the near future.

Updated Projected Available Balance

All the measures, including Updated Projected Available Balance, are available in the replenishment plan. However, the Updated Projected Available Balance measure keeps changing whenever you change the quantities of your planned orders from Buyer Planning.

Here are the other possible scenarios when the Updated Projected Available Balance measure is updated:

Scenario Description
When you change the Implement Quantity of an order after marking it for release When you add or change implement quantities of more than one order, select Calculate Inventory Balances from Actions to update the Updated Projected Available Balance.
When you create planned orders from the Buyer Planning work area Updated Projected Available Balance is automatically updated when you create new planned orders and add quantities for them from the Buyer Planning work area.

Let’s assume that on Jan 4, 2024, you create a planned order from Buyer Planning. The ordered quantity is added to the Updated Projected Available Balance Jan 4, 2024. The quantity changes are reflected in the chart and the inventory details table.