Control Order Policy Enforcement in Aggregate Time Buckets

You can control the planning cycle time by deciding whether to use the order policies for an item in aggregate time buckets, such as a week or period.

You will have shorter plan runtimes if you choose to not enforce order policies in aggregate time buckets. However, you might have planned supply quantities aggregated for the entire time bucket. You can control order policy enforcement for constrained and unconstrained supply plans by using the order modifier parameters in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box, General tab.

Let’s see how this functionality works. For our example, we have a Fixed Order Quantity of 50 that’s respected in the weekly bucket.

  • If you don’t select the Enforce order modifiers in aggregate time buckets check box, the order policy isn’t enforced. You might have planned supply quantities aggregated for the entire time bucket.
    Demand/Planned Orders Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
    Demand 80 120 90
    Planned Orders 80 120 90
  • If you do select the Enforce order modifiers in aggregate time buckets check box, the order policy is enforced. When you enforce order modifiers in aggregate time buckets, you will have multiple planned orders in each week. In our example, the Maximum Number of Planned Orders per Item-ORG per Time Bucket is set to 3. You will have 2 planned orders for Week 1, 3 planned orders for Week 2, and 2 planned orders for Week 3.
    Demand/Planned Orders Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
    Demand 80 120 90
    Planned Orders 50 + 30 50 + 50 + 20 50 + 40

Note that the last planned order in each bucket can be less than the Fixed Order Quantity.

Let’s use the following parameters to show you another example of how the control order policy enforcement in aggregate time buckets functionality works.

  • Enforce order modifiers in aggregate time buckets check box is selected
  • Maximum Number of Planned Orders per Item-ORG per Time Bucket is set to 5
  • Fixed Order Quantity is 2
  • Forecast demand is 20

When you look at the Supplies and Demands table for your plan, you will see the following information for the item:

Order Type Order Quantity Uses Order Modifier
Planned Order 2 Yes
Planned Order 2 Yes
Planned Order 2 Yes
Planned Order 2 Yes
Planned Order 12 No
Forecast -20 n/a

In this example, the plan created 5 planned orders for the forecast demand of 20. The order quantity for the first 4 planned orders is 2, which respects the Fixed Order Quantity. However, the last planned order has a quantity of 12 to satisfy the remaining balance of demand, which is 12.

The Uses Order Modifier column in the Supplies and Demands table is read-only and indicates whether the planning process respected the order modifiers in aggregate time buckets. For the last planned order in our second example, the planning process needed more than the fixed order quantity to satisfy demand, so the Uses Order Modifier column will indicate No. Also, the Uses Order Modifier column is No if the Enforce order modifiers in aggregate time buckets check box isn’t selected in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box, General tab.