Gain Insights on Lead-Time Variances

The Lead-Time Insights analytics summary that you have opened from Planning Advisor, shows three tabs: Overview, Suppliers, and Order Details.

Here’s a screenshot of the Overview tab of the insights page that shows metrics such as Items with Variance, Supplier with Variance, Orders with Variance, and a tree-map view of variances by supplier and category with the size of the node governed by count of items and the highest average variance percentage displayed in a color range from low to high.
This is the screenshot of the Overview tab of the Lead-Time Insights UI that shows variances in items, suppliers, and orders and a tree-map view that helps you get a quick visual representation of anomalies.

These three tabs show three different views related to lead-time variances:

  • Overview: You land on this view when you click the Purchase Lead-time variances link from Planning Advisor. Here, you see an analytical summary that represents the lead-time variance in a range of low to high-impact nodes on a tree-map view with supplier variances organized by supplier and category with the size of the node governed by count of items and the highest average variance percentage displayed in a color range from low to high.
  • Suppliers: You see this table view when you click the Purchase items have variance link from Planning Advisor. The table shows items with variances and statistics on the lead-time performance. You can see details such as minimum and maximum range, variance days, and variance percentage. You can evaluate the historical lead times and wherever needed and adjust the supplier lead time here. See the Adjust Supplier Lead-Time Variances and Simulate Plan topic to learn more about adjusting lead times and copying the adjusted values to simulation sets.
  • Orders Details: You see this table view when you click the Affects orders in this plan link from Planning Advisor. The table helps you review the purchase shipment receipt history received at an item level and provides details such as order number, line number, order date, shipping date, receipt date, and statistics such as supplier lead-time, historical lead-time, and the variance in days and percentage for each order receipt.

Learn more about each of these insights: