Project Control Level Attribute

The Project Control Level parameter allows you to:

  • Collect the project control level of an external source organization.
  • Collect supplies and demands from external source systems at the project or project and task level based on the project control of the organization. For example, if the parameter is set to project and task, you can collect the supplies and demands which contain both project and task attribute values. If the parameter is set to project, you can collect the supplies and demands with only the project attribute value or with the project and task attribute value.
  • Plan project supplies for organizations at the project or project and task level.
  • Release plan recommendations based on the project control level of the organization.

This feature applies to unconstrained supply planning and demand and supply planning with an attribute-based netting rule using project group, project and task planning attributes.

For external source systems, use this XLSM file to upload the value of Project Control Level parameter for your organization:

Planning Data

XLSM File Name

Link in FBDI Guide

Project Control Level


Supply Chain Planning Organizations