Project Group, Project, and Project and Task Attribute Values

Project group, project, and project and task are planning attributes with one of these relationships:

  • Parent and child relationship: For example, a project group is the parent for the associated projects, or a project is the parent for its tasks.

  • Peer relationship: For example, projects in the same project group are peers or tasks of the same project are peers.

The Planning Attribute Values entity governs the collection of project group, project, and project and task attribute values and their relationships. This entity appears on the Reference Data tab of the Collect Planning Data page when your organization is enabled for project-driven supply chain and project-specific supply planning. You can select this entity for Net change, Targeted, or Automatic selection collection types.

For external source system collection, use this XLSM file:

Planning Data

XLSM File Name

Project group, project, and project and task


Here's what you can define in your XLSM file:

  • Project group, project, and project and task attribute values and their relationships. The Attribute Set Name for the project and task relationship must be Project_Task_Set only.

  • Start date, end date, planner, and the Net Common Supply values of your project groups.

  • Attribute-based planning netting sequences to designate tasks and net them to your project demands.

Note: You can also use Planning Attribute Values to purge project group, project, and project and task values and their relationships for a specific instance.