Review Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations

You can review the recommendations to transfer supply from a combination of values for one set of attributes to another set of attributes.

Using this feature, you can review plan recommendations for change of attribution on supplies. The Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view allows you to view the set of supplies across different attributes that are pegged to a demand. You can navigate from supply and see what demands the supply is allocated to, along with the "from" and "to" attributes and Transfer Quantity. This view provides insight to planners into shortages in supplies when certain supplies are set aside with specific attribution.

You can drill to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view from the:
  • Supply Planning and Demand and Supply Planning work areas
  • Supplies and Demands table or from a material plan

The view is applicable to unconstrained supply plans and demand and supply plans associated with the attribute-based netting rule.

Here’s more information about the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view:
  • You can save the search criteria and table layouts in the view.
  • You can review the attribute-based transfer recommendations for Project-Driven Supply Planning with the "from" and "to" project group, project, and task attributes.
  • You can review the attribute-based transfer recommendations for an attribute-based plan with the "from" and "to" planning attributes.
  • The transfer recommendations for supplies can be released only from the Supplies and Demands view, and not from the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view.
  • The Attribute-Based Recommendations view displays Item, Organization, Planner Code, demand details, supply details, and the "from" and "to" planning attributes.
  • The Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view displays Demand Order Type, Demand Order Number, Demand Line Number, Demand Quantity, and Demand Date details for demand, and displays Supply Order Type, Supply Order Number, Supply Line Number, Supply Quantity, and Supply Date details for supply.
  • The "from" and "to" planning attributes with transfer quantity are displayed for each supply in the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view.
  • The planning attributes columns are displayed with the name of the planning attribute associated with the attribute-based netting rule assigned to the plan.
  • The "from" planning attributes columns display attribution of the supply pegged to a demand, and the "to" planning attributes columns display attribution of the demands to which the supplies are pegged.
  • The pegged quantity of a supply is displayed as the Transfer Quantity for each supply.
  • Each pegging record is displayed as an attribute-based transfer recommendation with its corresponding supply and demand details, "from" planning attributes, "to" planning attributes and Transfer Quantity in the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view.
  • Drilling from the Attribute Transfer Demand measure to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view displays one or multiple supplies and their attributes as “from” attributes and pegged demand attributes as “to” attributes.
  • The measure value, which is the total pegged quantity of the supplies from planning attributes to the pegged demands, is displayed with relevant pegged quantity for each supply and demand pegging. Drilling from the Attribute Transfer Demands measure to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view has the same “from” attribution for all supplies and different attribution for all demands. This means the view has the same “from” planning attributes and different “to” planning attributes.
  • Drilling from the Attribute Transfer Supply to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view displays one or multiple supplies and their attributes as “from” attributes and pegged demands attributes as “to” attributes. The measure value, is displayed with the relevant pegged quantity for each supply and demand pegging.
  • Drilling from the Attribute Transfer Supply measure to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view has the same “to” attributes for all demands and different attributes for all supplies. This means the attribute-based transfer recommendations have the same “to” planning attributes and different “from” planning attributes.
  • You can select either a single supply or demand or multiple supplies and demands in the Supplies and Demands view and drill to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view.
  • You can also select a record in the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view and drill to the Supplies and Demands view with the context of attributes to review additional details.
  • The Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view only shows information for the portion of the plan horizon for which pegging is computed.
  • The details are not displayed in the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view beyond the value provided in the plan option Number of Days to calculate pegging until the plan horizon.
  • Drilling to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view is supported only for the Attribute Transfer Demand and Attribute Transfer Supply measures.


Example 1: This is an example of reviewing the attribute-based transfer recommendations when you drill from the Supplies and Demands view to the On Hand supply.
  • The On Hand supply of 25 units with Project 3999C and Task 10 is pegged to the project forecast demand with the Project as 3999A and the Task as 20 with a pegged quantity of 10 units, and another project forecast demand with the Project as 3999B and the Task as 10 with a pegged quantity of 15 units.
  • Select the On Hand and drill to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view. The view displays two records for the supply.
  • The first record displays one of the pegging records with the “from” Project as 3999C and Task as 10 of the supply, and the “to” Project as 3999A and Task as 20 of the demand with the transfer quantity for the supply as 10 units.
  • The second record displays attribute transfer recommendation for the On Hand supply with the “from” Project as 3999C, Task as 10, the “to” Project as 3999B, and Task as 10 with the Transfer Quantity as 15 units. You can also see the Attribute-Transfer Recommendations view project forecast demand details along with supply details.
Example 2: This is an example of reviewing the attribute-based transfer recommendations when drilling from the attribute transfer demand measure in a pivot table.
  • Select the measure value and drill to the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view.
  • The Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view displays the pegging details for the corresponding supply and demand for which the attribute transfer supply measure value is displayed.
  • The view displays the “from” Project as 3999C and Task as 10, and the “to” Project as 3999A and Task as 20 with the Transfer Quantity as 10 units.
  • The Transfer Quantity is the same as the pegged quantity and measure value for the Attribute Transfer Demand on January 15th, 2030.