Release Planned Supplies from the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations View

The Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view enables you to release, reschedule, and cancel recommendations for planned supplies with user-defined planning attributes to the source systems.

Here’s what you can release from the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view:
  • Transfer recommendations to create transfer orders to move supply from one designation specified by a set of values to another designation specified by a different set of values for the same set of attributes.
  • Reschedule in, reschedule out, and cancel the recommendations for common and attribute-specific supplies to the source systems.
  • Recommendations for transfers based on project and task attributes on hand, purchase orders, work orders, and transfer orders to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM.
  • Planned order recommendations to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM and external source systems.
  • Partial common and project on hand for attribute transfers.

The feature is applicable to unconstrained supply plans and demand and supply plans.

The following is additional information about the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view:
  • You can mark and unmark plan recommendations for the release and see the relevant release status.
  • If you peg the on hand to two project demands, the new lot acquires the new attribution, and the existing lot (with the remaining on hand quantity) retains the existing attribution.
  • You can peg the common and project on hand across multiple project demands. You can select specific recommendations for transfer based on project and task attributes common and project on hand that is allocated partially to multiple demands and release recommendations to Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM.
  • The release status of a partial released on hand is set to “Partially released” in Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations and Supplies and Demands views. The remaining recommendation for transfer based on project and task attributes for a partially released on hand can be released from the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view.
  • The transfer recommendations can also be released from the Supplies and Demands view.

Examples of releasing supplies from the Attribute-Based Transfer Recommendations view

Example 1: This example shows how to release common and project supplies from one project and task to another:

Consider 2 projects with on hand 10 and 20 units pegged to project forecast demands of 50 units. The transfer recommendation for the two on hand supplies is released to Oracle Inventory Management to initiate project transfer based on the pegged quantity and pegged demand’s project and task.

For a purchase order pegged to the project demand, a transfer recommendation can be released to update project and task attributes and either reschedule in or reschedule out recommendation in Oracle Purchasing.

Example 2: This example shows how to release the transfer recommendation for a project work order.

Consider a work order allocated to project demands with different project and task attributes. Select one or all transfer recommendations to release the recommendation for transfer based on project and task attributes for the work order to Oracle Manufacturing.

The work order’s project and task attributes are updated with the pegged demand’s project and task in Oracle Manufacturing.

Example 3: This example shows how to release the recommendation for transfer based on the project on hand.

Consider a project on hand that is pegged to multiple project demands with different projects and tasks. Select a transfer recommendation for the project on hand which corresponds to one of the on hand pegged to a project demand. Release the recommendation to initiate a recommendation for transfer based on project and task attributes in Oracle Inventory Management.

The release recommendation transfers the pegged on hand to the demand’s project and task in Oracle Inventory Management.

Example 4: This example shows how to release the reschedule recommendation for a work order supply with user-defined planning attributes.

Consider a work order supply with a user-defined planning attribute with a priority that is pegged to a demand with a different priority. Releasing the recommendation only reschedules the work order. The planning attribute priority value for the work order is not updated during the release.