Supply and Demand Reservation with Project and Task

Select the Reservations entity on the Supply Planning Data tab of the Collect Planning Data page to collect reservations of demand and supplies with project and task attributes.

Here are the key points to keep in mind:

  • A sales order with a project and task attribute can be reserved to an on hand, purchase order, transfer order, or work order supply that has the same project and task attribute. For example, a sales order with Project1 and Task1 can be reserved to a supply with Project1 and Task1. This sales order can't be reserved to a supply with Project1 and Task2 or Project2 and Task1.

  • A sales order can also be reserved to a common supply if the item in the sales order is allowed to use common supplies. The common supply can be an on hand with no project and task. For example, a sales order with Project1 and Task1 can use common supplies when Allow Use of Common Supplies for the item is Yes.

You can collect reservations of demand and supplies with project and task attributes when your organization is enabled for project-driven supply chain and project-specific supply planning.

For external source systems, use this XLSM file:

Planning Data

XLSM File Name

Link in FBDI Guide



Supply Chain Planning Reservations