Use Calendar Details View to Analyze Supply Dates

When you analyze a plan, it’s important for you to have insight into how supply dates were generated.

The View Calendar Details action displays a Gantt chart that shows the schedule details of a specific supply, such as lead times and calendar constraints. The View Calendar Details action is available from the Supplies and Demands page.

You can use the View Calendar Details action to readily gain insight into information such as:

  • The calendar used in calculating a specific supply date, as well as the associated calendar’s nonworking days
  • The lead times used in calculating a supply date
  • Other related attributes that factor into calculating supply dates, such as the planning time fence date of an item or the time zones of the related entities

The View Calendar Details action can help you troubleshoot supply dates when there are questions.

To use the View Calendar Details action:

  1. From the Supplies and Demands page, select a single supply that is not an on-hand supply.
  2. Select View Calendar Details from the Actions menu.

The Calendar Details window opens and displays a Gantt chart with a timeline that specifies the details of the calendars used.

Note: The View Calendar Details action is not available in Replenishment Planning.

Calendar Details Overview

The Calendar Details window displays the attributes that factored into the calculation of supply dates. Based on order type, these attributes might vary.

  • For example, the Supplier and Supplier Site fields are applicable only for purchase orders, purchase requisitions, and planned buy orders. Therefore these fields aren't displayed when viewing calendar details for a transfer order or work order.
  • Other fields, such as Supply Planning Calendar and Plan Start Date, are always displayed, regardless of order type.
  • Earliest Start Date and Latest Start Date are specific to constrained planning and, therefore, these fields appear only when a supply in a constrained plan is displayed.
  • The rows that are displayed in the Gantt chart vary based on order type. For example, the Suggested Ship Date and the Transit Lead Time rows aren't displayed when viewing a work order or a planned make order because these rows aren’t applicable for make orders.

The View menu can be used to hide or show columns in the Gantt chart. For example, you might choose to hide the Time Zone column if all supply dates are in the same time zone.

Within the Gantt chart, a vertical red line represents the plan start date. For interpreting other icons, refer to the legend below the Gantt chart.

Hover over any milestone or bar within the Gantt chart to display the applicable start and end dates. When milestone dates overlap, the suggested date is always displayed on top in the Gantt chart. If you hover over the milestone, you can see if there are any overlapping dates. Dates that have a potential to overlap are also displayed in the header fields of the Calendar Details window. For example, the Need-by Date might be hidden by the suggested due date, so the Need-by Date is displayed in the header section of the window.

When viewing the Calendar Details window, you should be aware of how lead times are calculated for this view. When displaying lead time duration, the Calendar Details window uses the applicable suggested date and time that is output by the planning process as the end date and then calculates the start date. All supply dates, after they are saved to the database, have an end-of-day time stamp of 23:59:00. As a result, the start date as calculated for this window might appear to be off by a day.

For example, let’s say during plan run, the planning process calculated a Suggested Dock Date of September 14, 12 p.m. Assuming transit lead time is 1.75 days, the planning process would calculate a Suggested Ship Date of September 12, 6 p.m. When the supply dates are written to the database, the actual times are replaced with an end-of-day time stamp of 23:59:00. The Calendar Details window uses the Suggested Dock Date of September 14, 11:59 p.m. as the end date of the Transit Lead Time Gantt bar. It then subtracts 1.75 days of transit lead time to get the start date for the Transit Lead Time Gantt bar, which would be September 13, 5:59 a.m. Because the Calendar Details window is using the end-of-day time stamp, there’s a gap between the Suggested Ship Date, which is September 12, and the calculated start of the Transit Lead Time, which is September 13. This is just something to be aware of when viewing the Calendar Details window.