Cost Books

The Cost Books view object contains the cost book codes. Cost book is independent and doesn't require any other setup. It's created at the time of system setup and is then associated to cost organization.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CostBookExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CostBookBPEOCostBookId

Initial Extract Date : CostBookBPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CostBookBPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CostBookBPEOAttributeCategory Context name for Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar1 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar10 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar11 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar12 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar13 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar14 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar15 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar16 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar17 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar18 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar19 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar2 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar20 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar3 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar4 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar5 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar6 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar7 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar8 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeChar9 Character segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Cost Book descriptive flexfield.
CostBookBPEOCostBookCode Code that identifies the user-defined cost book. Cost books are associated with ledgers where accounting entries for inventory transactions are posted
CostBookBPEOCostBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book. This is the primary key of the Cost Books view object.
CostBookBPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost book.
CostBookBPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost book was created.
CostBookBPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost book was last updated.
CostBookBPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost book.
CostBookBPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost book.
CostBookBPEOPeriodicAverageFlag Indicates a periodic average enabled cost book.
CostBookTLPEOCostBookDesc Description of the cost book.
CostBookTLPEOCostBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book. This is the foreign key of the Cost Books view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Cost Books view object.
CostBookTLPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost book.
CostBookTLPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost book was created.
CostBookTLPEOLanguage Code that identifies the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
CostBookTLPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost book was last updated.
CostBookTLPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost book.
CostBookTLPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost book.
CostBookTLPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the cost book has been updated.
CostBookTLPEOSourceLang Code that identifies the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.