Cost Components

The Cost Components view object contains the incoming cost components.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CostComponentsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CostComponentsBPEOCostComponentId

Initial Extract Date : CostComponentsBPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CostComponentsBPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CostComponentTLPEOCostComponentId Value that uniquely identifies the incoming cost component. This is the primary key of the Translated Cost Components view object.
CostComponentTLPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost component.
CostComponentTLPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost component was created.
CostComponentTLPEODescription Value that identifies the cost component.
CostComponentTLPEOLanguage Value that identifies the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
CostComponentTLPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost components row was last updated.
CostComponentTLPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost component row.
CostComponentTLPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the translated cost component row.
CostComponentTLPEOName Value that uniquely identifies name of the cost component.
CostComponentTLPEOSeedDataSource Source of seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that record was bulk loaded. Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file.
CostComponentTLPEOSourceLang Value that identifies the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeCategory Context name for Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar1 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar10 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar11 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar12 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar13 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar14 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar15 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar16 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar17 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar18 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar19 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar2 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar20 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar3 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar4 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar5 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar6 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar7 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar8 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeChar9 Character segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Cost Component descriptive flexfield.
CostComponentsBPEOCostComponentCode Value that identifies the cost component.
CostComponentsBPEOCostComponentId Value that uniquely identifies the incoming cost component. This is the primary key of the Cost Components view object.
CostComponentsBPEOCostComponentType Value that identifies the type of the cost component. Options are Material and Overhead.
CostComponentsBPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost component.
CostComponentsBPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost component was created.
CostComponentsBPEOExpensePoolId Value that uniquely identifies the expense pool information for the overhead cost component.This is the primary key of the Overhead Expense Pools view object.
CostComponentsBPEOInactiveFlag Value that identifies whether the cost component is active or not.
CostComponentsBPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost component row was last updated.
CostComponentsBPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost component row.
CostComponentsBPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost component row.
CostComponentsBPEOSeedDataSource Value that identifies the source of seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that record was bulk loaded. Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file.
CostComponentsBPEOSetId Value that identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as Reference Data Sets, they're used to filter reference data in transactional UIs.
CostComponentsBPEOSourceCode Value that identifies the sources of the cost component. Options are Landed Cost, Cost Planning, System Defined and User Defined.
CostComponentsBPEOSourceRefId Value that identifies the source reference identifier, such as charge_id if the component is a LCM charge.