Cost Distribution Lines

The Cost Distribution Lines view object contains the debit and credit distribution amount for the costing transactions created by the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CostDistributionLinesExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CostDistributionLinesPEODistributionLineId

Initial Extract Date : CostDistributionLinesPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CostDistributionLinesPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CostDistributionLinesPEOAccountingDefinitionId Value that identifies the cost accounting definition for the cost distribution line.
CostDistributionLinesPEOAccountingLineType Value that identifies the accounting line type against which the distribution amount is debited or credited.
CostDistributionLinesPEOAeHeaderId Value that identifies the subledger journal entry created for the cost distribution.
CostDistributionLinesPEOAeLineNum Value that identifies the subledger journal line entry created for the cost distribution line.
CostDistributionLinesPEOCodeCombinationId Value that identifies the code combination of the account entered by the users while creating the transaction.
CostDistributionLinesPEOCostElementId Value that identifies the identifier of the cost elements distribution line.
CostDistributionLinesPEOCostId Value that identifies the cost record for which the distribution line is created.
CostDistributionLinesPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost distribution line.
CostDistributionLinesPEOCreationDate Date and time when the cost distribution line was created.
CostDistributionLinesPEODistributionId Value that identifies the cost distribution for which the cost distribution line is created.
CostDistributionLinesPEODistributionLineId Value that identifies the cost distribution line. This is the primary key of the Cost Distribution Lines view object.
CostDistributionLinesPEODistributionQuantityRate Value that identifies the distribution line quantity by total transaction quantity.
CostDistributionLinesPEODrCrSign Value that identifies determines if the distribution line is debit or credit line. Possible Values are DR and CR.
CostDistributionLinesPEOEnteredCurrencyAmount Value that identifies distribution line amount in the transaction currency.
CostDistributionLinesPEOEnteredCurrencyCode Value that identifies the currency code in which the transaction amount is entered.
CostDistributionLinesPEOEventId Value that identifies the subledger accounting event for which the cost distribution header is created.
CostDistributionLinesPEOExchangeDate Date for which the exchange rate is used.
CostDistributionLinesPEOExchangeRate Value that identifies exchange rate from transaction to base currency.
CostDistributionLinesPEOExchangeRateType Value that identifies the type of the exchange rate.
CostDistributionLinesPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the cost distribution line was last updated.
CostDistributionLinesPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost distribution line.
CostDistributionLinesPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost distribution line.
CostDistributionLinesPEOLedgerAmount Value that identifies the distribution amount in the ledger currency.
CostDistributionLinesPEOLineNumber Value that identifies the distribution line number.
CostDistributionLinesPEOPjcTxnStatusCode Value that identifies the status of transactions that have been transferred to projects. A indicates successfully interfaced to projects. P indicates interfaced and pending cost processing in Oracle Projects. R indicates rejected. F indicates failed to interface.
CostDistributionLinesPEOSlaCodeCombinationId Value that identifies the subledger accounting code combination for the cost distribution line.
CostDistributionLinesPEOSourceTable Value that identifies the source cost table from which the distribution line is created.
CostDistributionLinesPEOTransactionCostId Value that identifies the receipt transaction cost using which the cost is created for distribution lines.
CostDistributionLinesPEOTransactionEventId Value that identifies the transaction event of cost transaction event view object.