Cost Distributions

The Cost Distributions view object stores the distribution header information for the costing transactions.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CostDistributionsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CostDistributionsPEODistributionId

Initial Extract Date : CostDistributionsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CostDistributionsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CostDistributionsPEOAccountedFlag Value that identifies the accounting status of the cost distribution. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CST_ACCOUNTED_FLAG.
CostDistributionsPEOAdditionalProcessingCode Value that identifies an optional further definition of the cost transaction type. Possible values are: TRANSFER, LAYER, ACQUISITION, ITEM, USER, WIP_STD_RESOURCE, WIP_COST, STANDARD, and so on. Example: For adjustment transactions, cost transaction type will be set to ADJUST and additional processing code will be set to USER or ACQUISITION or ITEM or LAYER or STANDARD based on the type of adjustment.
CostDistributionsPEOBaseCurrencyCode Code that identifies the currency of the legal entity.
CostDistributionsPEOCostBookId The unique identifier of the cost book associated with the cost organization.
CostDistributionsPEOCostOrganizationId The unique identifier of the cost organization associated with the inventory organization.
CostDistributionsPEOCostTransactionType Value that identifies the cost transaction type for the cost distribution. Possible values are: ISSUE, RECEIPT and ADJUST.
CostDistributionsPEOCostTransactionUom The unit of measure code of the transaction quantity.
CostDistributionsPEOCreatedBy User who created the cost distribution row.
CostDistributionsPEOCreationDate Date when the cost distribution row was created.
CostDistributionsPEODepTrxnId Value that uniquely identifies the deplete transaction.
CostDistributionsPEODistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the cost distribution. This is the primary key of the cost distributions view object.
CostDistributionsPEOEffDate Date that indicates the effective date of the cost.
CostDistributionsPEOEffDateChar Date that indicates the effective date of the cost. As SLA doesn't support date as system identifiers, this attribute is defined as varchar and is sent to SLA event API.
CostDistributionsPEOEntityCode Value that identifies the entity of the event for the cost distribution.
CostDistributionsPEOEventClassCode Value that identifies the event class for which the accounting template is defined.
CostDistributionsPEOEventId Value that identifies the event created in the SLA for the cost distribution.
CostDistributionsPEOEventTypeCode Value that identifies the type of the event for the cost distribution.
CostDistributionsPEOGlDate Date when the cost distribution is accounted in the general ledger. Depending upon the status of the costing period, this date can be different from the transaction date.
CostDistributionsPEOGrossMarginFlag Value that identifies if the gross margin calculations have been done for the cost distribution. Possible values are: N, Y, and NULL. N indicates not processed. Y indicates needs to be reprocessed when cost distribution is final accounted. NULL indicates processed for gross margin calculations.
CostDistributionsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the cost distribution row was last updated.
CostDistributionsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the cost distribution row.
CostDistributionsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the cost distribution row.
CostDistributionsPEOLayerQuantity Value that identifies the layer quantity in the costing UOM. This can be different from the transaction quantity due to multiple depletions.
CostDistributionsPEOLedgerId Value that uniquely identifies the ledger associated with the cost organization book where the cost distribution is recorded.
CostDistributionsPEOLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the cost organization.
CostDistributionsPEOPeriodName Value that identifies the period in which the transaction is processed. This value is populated for transactions of items using the periodic average cost method.
CostDistributionsPEOPjcTxnStatusCode Code that indicates whether the cost distribution record has been interfaced to projects.
CostDistributionsPEORecTrxnId Value that uniquely identifies the receipt transaction.
CostDistributionsPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the costing transaction for which the cost distribution is created.
CostDistributionsPEOTransactionNumber Value that identifies the transaction number used to create SLA events.
CostDistributionsPEOValOnhandFlag Value that identifies if the on hand calculations have been done for the cost distribution. Possible values are: N and NULL. N indicates not processed. NULL indicates processed for on hand calculations.