Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources

The Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources view object contains the references to the purchase order and payables data that's the root cause of this cost adjustment.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstAcqCostAdjSourcesExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOAdjustmentTransactionId, CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOChargeLineNumber, CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOCmrApInvoiceDistId, CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOTradeOperationId, CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOCmrPoDistributionId, CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOFiscalDocHeaderId

Initial Extract Date : CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOAdjustmentTransactionId Value that identifies the cost adjustment. This is a part of the primary key for the Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources view object.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOChargeLineNumber Value that identifies the source trade operation charge line that contributed to this adjustment. This is a part of the primary key for the Costing Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources view object.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOCmrApInvoiceDistId Value that identifies the AP invoice distribution that contributed to this acquisition cost adjustment. This is a part of the primary key for the Costing Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources view object.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOCmrPoDistributionId Value that identifies the PO distribution that contributed to this acquisition cost adjustment. This is a part of the primary key for the Costing Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources view object.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOConsPriceUpdEffectiveDate Effective date of the consigned purchase order price update.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOCreatedBy User who created the costing acquisition costs adjustment sources.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOCreationDate Date and time when the costing acquisition costs adjustment sources were created.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOFiscalDocHeaderId Identifier for the fiscal document header. This is a part of the Primary Key for the Costing Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources view object.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the costing acquisition costs adjustment sources were last updated.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOLastUpdateLogin Session identifier for the user who last updated the costing acquisition costs adjustment sources.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the costing acquisition costs adjustment sources.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOPoEventDate Value that identifies the event date of the purchase order distribution that contributed to this acquisition cost adjustment.
CstAcqCostAdjSourcesPEOTradeOperationId Value that identifies the source trade operation that contributed to this acquisition cost adjustment. This is a part of the primary key for the Costing Acquisition Cost Adjustment Sources view object.