Average Costed Item Costs

The Average Costed Item Costs view object contains item costs for all combinations of cost organization and cost book which are average costed. Users can further refine these results for a particular cost organization and cost book combination, by the primary book or any other filter.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstPerpavgCostExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstPerpavgCostPEOPerpavgCostId

Initial Extract Date : CstPerpavgCostPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstPerpavgCostPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstPerpavgCostPEOCostBookId Value that uniquely identifies the cost book assigned to the cost organization for the item cost. This is the primary key of the Cost Books view object.
CstPerpavgCostPEOCostDate End date of cost date range.
CstPerpavgCostPEOCostElementId Value that uniquely identifies the cost element for the item cost. This is the primary key of Cost Elements view object.
CstPerpavgCostPEOCostEndDate End date for the cost.
CstPerpavgCostPEOCostOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the cost organization associated with the inventory organization for the item cost.
CstPerpavgCostPEOCreatedBy User who created the perpetual average cost for an item.
CstPerpavgCostPEOCreationDate Date and time when the perpetual average cost for an item was created.
CstPerpavgCostPEOCurrencyCode Code that identifies the currency associated with the item cost.
CstPerpavgCostPEODepTrxnId Value that uniquely identifies the depletion layer for which the perpetual average cost transaction is created.
CstPerpavgCostPEOEffDate The date from which the perpetual average cost is effective.
CstPerpavgCostPEOInventoryItemId Identifies the item for which the perpetual average cost is entered.
CstPerpavgCostPEOLastUpdateDate The date and time when the perpetual average cost was last updated.
CstPerpavgCostPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the perpetual average cost.
CstPerpavgCostPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the perpetual average cost.
CstPerpavgCostPEOPerpavgCostId The unique identifier of the perpetual average cost. This is the primary key of the Average Costed Item Costs view object.
CstPerpavgCostPEOQuantityAdjust Current adjustment quantity of the transaction.
CstPerpavgCostPEOQuantityNew Current quantity of the transaction.
CstPerpavgCostPEOQuantityOnhand Quantity on hand at the valuation unit.
CstPerpavgCostPEORecTrxnId Value that uniquely identifies the receipt layer for which the perpetual average cost transaction is created.
CstPerpavgCostPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies a transaction in costing.
CstPerpavgCostPEOUnitCostAdjust Current adjustment cost of the transaction.
CstPerpavgCostPEOUnitCostAverage New average cost that replaces the existing average cost of the item.
CstPerpavgCostPEOUnitCostNew Current cost of the transaction.
CstPerpavgCostPEOUnitCostOnhand Quantity on hand of the inventory item.
CstPerpavgCostPEOUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure of the item quantity.
CstPerpavgCostPEOValUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the valuation unit. This is the primary key of the Valuation Units view object.