Costing Inventory Transactions

The Costing Inventory Transactions view object contains all transactions that are imported into Costing through the interface and also transactions that are created by costing processes during processing.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstInvTransactionsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstInvTransactionsPEOCstInvTransactionId

Initial Extract Date : CstInvTransactionsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstInvTransactionsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstInvTransactionsPEOAddnTxnCreatedFlag Value that identifies whether the in transit transactions have been created by the parent transaction. Valid values are: U, N, and NULL. U indicates unprocessed. N indicates not yet created. Null indicates the child transaction has been created or isn't applicable to this transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute1 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute10 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute11 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute12 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute13 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute14 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute15 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute16 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute17 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute18 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute19 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute2 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute20 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute21 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute22 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute23 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute24 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute25 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute26 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute27 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute28 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute29 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute3 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute30 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute4 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute5 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute6 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute7 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute8 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttribute9 Segment for the Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOAttributeCategory Context name for Costing Inventory Transactions descriptive flexfield.
CstInvTransactionsPEOBaseTxnActionId Value that identifies the inventory transaction action. For origin as INV, the value comes from lookup INV_TRANSACTION_ACTIONS and for origin as CST the value is from lookup_type CST_BASE_TXN_ACTIONS.
CstInvTransactionsPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId Value that identifies the transaction source type. This is a part of primary key of the Costing Internal Transaction Types view object. For origin as INV the value comes from INV_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES_TL table, but a custom source type is treated as INVENTORY, value less than 100 is brought in as 13, and for CST it comes from lookup_type CST_BASE_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES.
CstInvTransactionsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the of the transaction type. This is a part of primary key of the Costing Internal Transaction Types view object. For origin as INV the value comes from INV_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL table.
CstInvTransactionsPEOBusinessUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit of the inventory organization.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCallbackFlag Value that identifies if supply chain financial orchestration interface needs to be called to send the cost to supply chain financial orchestration so that the next node cost can be sent back to costing. Values are N, Y, and NULL. N indicates call back not done yet. Y indicates call back done. NULL indicates not applicable.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCodeCombinationId Value that identifies the code combination for the referenced account.
CstInvTransactionsPEOConsignedFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction is consigned or owned.
CstInvTransactionsPEOConsumptionUnitPrice Value that identifies the transfer to owned transaction unit price.
CstInvTransactionsPEOContingentOwnerId Value that identifies the party who bears the risk for the goods in custody. This is the party who will be the owner on ownership change. If the party type is SUPPLIER, then it represents the supplier site identifier. If the party type is INVENTORY_ORG, then it represents the inventory org identifier
CstInvTransactionsPEOContingentOwnerType Value that identifies the party type who bears the risk for the goods in custody. This is the party type who will be the owner on ownership change. Value: SUPPLIER, INVENTORY_ORG
CstInvTransactionsPEOCostPreprocessingStatus Value that identifies the status of the cost processing of transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCountryOfOriginCode Value that identifies the code for the country of manufacturer that used to stripe inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCreatedBy User who created the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the costing inventory transactions were created.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCstInvTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction within costing system. This is the primary key for the Costing Inventory Transactions view object.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCstTransferOrderDistId Value that identifies if required for transfer order related receipts.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCstTransferOrderLineId Value that identifies if required for all transfer order transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCstWoOperationTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the manufacturing operation transaction creating the material transaction. This is the primary key for the Costing Work Order Operation Transactions view object.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCstWorkOrderId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Orders view object.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCstWorkOrderOperationId Value that uniquely identifies the costing work order operation. This is the primary key of the Costing Work Order Operations view object.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCurrencyConversionRate Value that identifies the conversion rate from the entered currency on the purchase order to the functional currency of the bill to business unit on the purchase order.
CstInvTransactionsPEOCustodyInventoryOrgId Value that identifies the inventory organization where the goods are physically present. This attribute would have a value for scenarios when purchased goods are transferred without ownership change and ownership change happens in transferee org.
CstInvTransactionsPEODooFullfillLineId Value that identifies the distributed order orchestration source fulfillment line.
CstInvTransactionsPEODooSplitFulfillLineId Value that identifies a reference to the distributed order orchestration split fulfillment line.
CstInvTransactionsPEODsSourceLineId Value that identifies the source line. Based on Flow Type, ASN OR INVOICE, either Shipment Line Identifier or Transaction Event Identifier will be stored.
CstInvTransactionsPEOExpenseTransactionFlag Value that identifies whether a transaction is an asset or expense transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOExternalSystemRefId Value that identifies the unique transaction in the source system.
CstInvTransactionsPEOExternalSystemReference Value that identifies the external source system.
CstInvTransactionsPEOFiscalDocAccessKnum Value that identifies the access key number corresponding to the fiscal document.
CstInvTransactionsPEOFiscalDocHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the reference fiscal document header.
CstInvTransactionsPEOFiscalDocLineId Value that uniquely identifies the reference fiscal document line.
CstInvTransactionsPEOFiscalDocScheduleId Value that uniquely identifies the fiscal document schedule.
CstInvTransactionsPEOFobPoint Value that identifies the free on board point and determines the point of transfer of liability and ownership. Values are: 1 for SHIPMENT and 2 for RECEIPT.
CstInvTransactionsPEOFromGradeCode Value that identifies the from grade code.
CstInvTransactionsPEOIntercompanyInvoicingFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction is eligible for intercompany invoicing.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInterfaceBatchName Value that identifies the batch name for the external systems' interface run.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInterfaceBatchNumber Value that identifies the batch number for the external systems interface run. This is added to facilitate source system in identifying the transactions run information on the source system.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInternalProfitTracking Value that identifies whether the profit has to be tracked in the inventory. Valid values are: Y indicates yes, N indicates no
CstInvTransactionsPEOIntransitFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction is an in transit logical transaction created by the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process. Valid values are: Y indicates yes. N indicates no.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInvStripingCategory Segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for inventory striping attributes
CstInvTransactionsPEOInvTransferOrderDistId Value that identifies the inventory transfer order distribution line.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInvTransferOrderHeaderId Value that identifies the inventory transfer order header.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInvTransferOrderLineId Value that identifies the inventory transfer order line.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInvTxnSourceTypeId Value that identifies the transaction source type, including custom types.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInventoryItemId Value that identifies the inventory item.
CstInvTransactionsPEOInventoryOrgId Value that identifies the inventory organization to which the item belongs.
CstInvTransactionsPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the costing inventory transactions were last updated.
CstInvTransactionsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session identifier for the user who last updated the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOLoadRequestId Value that identifies the Enterprise Service Scheduler to indicate the request identifier of the interface load job that created the record.
CstInvTransactionsPEOLocatorId Value that identifies the inventory locator.
CstInvTransactionsPEOManualReceiptReqdFlag Value that identifies whether a manual receipt is created for the transfer to expense destination.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOrigTransferInventoryOrgId Value that identifies the transfer transaction identifier as stamped in the transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOriginalReceiptInvOrgId Value that identifies the inventory organization where the original receipt of consigned goods was received.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOriginalReceiptNumber Value that identifies the combination of receipt number and the inventory organization code.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOriginalReceiptTxnId Value that identifies the original receipt transaction. This is required to find the purchase order delivery to which the interorganization receipt is linked.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOriginalToShipmentTxnId Value that identifies the original forward flow transaction identifier for the return shipment transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOriginalTransactionTempId Value that identifies the temporary transaction identifier that was generated when the transaction was saved.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOwnerName Value that identifies the owner code that's used in the valuation unit generation.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOwnerType Value that identifies the party that transfers the ownership to the organization where the ownership change happens. Valid values are: 1, 2, or NULL. 1 indicates SUPPLIER. 2 indicates INVENTORY_ORG. NULL is for nonconsigned scenario.
CstInvTransactionsPEOOwningEntityId Value that identifies the party that transfers the ownership to the organization where the ownership change happens. Owner Type equals SUPPLIER, represents the supplier site identifier. Owner type equals INVENTORY_ORG, represents the inventory organization identifier.
CstInvTransactionsPEOParentTransactionId Value that identifies the parent transaction identifier, if the transaction is a logical transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcBillableFlag Value that identifies if a project-related item is available to be billed to customers. Valid values are: Y and N. Y indicates yes. N indicates no.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcCapitalizableFlag Value that identifies whether a project-related item is eligible for capitalization. Valid values are: Y and N. Y indicates yes. N indicates no.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcContextCategory Value that identifies the segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for the project-related standardized cost collection.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcContractId Value that uniquely identifies the contract. This attribute is used when the oracle contract billing or oracle grants accounting is installed.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcContractLineId Value that uniquely identifies the contract line. This attribute is used when the oracle contract billing or oracle grants accounting is installed.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcExpenditureItemDate Date on which a project-related transaction is incurred.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcExpenditureTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the expenditure type used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcFundingAllocationId Value that uniquely identifies the project funding override. This attribute is used when the oracle contract billing or oracle grants accounting is installed.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the expenditure organization used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions. Foreign key to PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B.PROJECT_ID.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute1 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute10 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute2 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute3 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute4 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute5 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute6 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute7 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute8 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcReservedAttribute9 Reserved for project-related functionality.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the task used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions. Foreign key to PJF_PROJ_ELEMENTS_B.PROJ_ELEMENT_ID.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute1 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute10 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute2 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute3 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute4 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute5 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute6 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute7 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute8 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcUserDefAttribute9 Reserved for user-definable project information.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPjcWorkTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the project-related classification of the worked performed.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPoDistributionId Value that identifies the purchase order distribution.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPoItemDescription The description for the purchase order item, when a purchase is made for noninventory items.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPoItemDescriptionType Value that identifies the type of purchase, in case purchase is made for noninventory item based on a description. Valid values are GOODS or SERVICE.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPreprocessingStatus Value that identifies he status of quantity processing of transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPricingOption Value that identifies the pricing option. It signifies whether the option is to use the PO price, transfer price, or the cost plus markup as the transfer cost.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPrimaryProductFlag Value that identifies whether this is the primary output for the work order. Valid values are Y or N.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPrimaryQty Value that identifies the transaction quantity in primary unit of measure.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPrimaryUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure code in which primary transaction quantity is specified.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPriorBusinessUnitId Required for direct interorganization receipt to provide as a source in SLA because accounting of this touched trade in transit, as there is no receiving involved here.
CstInvTransactionsPEOPriorInventoryOrgId Required for direct interorganization receipt to provide as a source in SLA because accounting of this touched trade In Transit, as there is no receiving involved here.
CstInvTransactionsPEOProjectId Value that identifies the project used to stripe inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOQppTxnGroupsUpdatedFlag Processing option to support the update of the TRANSACTION_GROUP_ID and TRANSFER_TRANSACTION_GROUP_ID columns. Valid values are: Y and N. Y indicates yes. N indicates no.
CstInvTransactionsPEORcvTransactionId Value that identifies the receiving transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEORecallHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the recall header.
CstInvTransactionsPEORecallLineId Value that uniquely identifies the recall line.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReceiptAdviceLineNumber Value that identifies the line identifier used for sales order RMA transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReceiptAdviceNumber Value that identifies the identifier used for sales order RMA transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEORefFiscalDocAccessKnum Value that identifies the access key number corresponding to the reference fiscal document.
CstInvTransactionsPEORefFiscalDocHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the reference fiscal document header.
CstInvTransactionsPEORefFiscalDocLineId Value that uniquely identifies the reference fiscal document line.
CstInvTransactionsPEORefFiscalDocScheduleId Value that uniquely identifies the reference fiscal document schedule.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReferenceDeliveryId The reference delivery identifier for RMA.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReferenceDooFullfillLineId Value that identifies the distributed order orchestration reference fulfillment line.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReferencedReturnFlag Possible values Y, N, and NULL. Mainly used in Release 13 for referenced RMA. May be used for more flows later.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReferencedSoLineNumber Value that identifies the referenced sales order line number.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReferencedSoNumber Value that identifies the referenced sales order number for sales order RMA transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReturnBuId Value that identifies the business unit of the inventory organization of the return receipt.
CstInvTransactionsPEOReturnInvOrgId Value that identifies the inventory organization of the return receipt.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSalesOrderSourceSystem Value that identifies the source of the sales order document.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSecondaryTransactionQty Value that identifies the transaction quantity in secondary unit of measure.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSecondaryTransactionUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure code in which secondary transaction quantity is specified.
CstInvTransactionsPEOShippingBuId Value that identifies profit center business unit of the original shipping inventory organization. This is populated only for forward and return internal drop ship and customer drop ship flows.
CstInvTransactionsPEOShippingInvOrgId Value that identifies the original Shipping Inventory Organization. This is populated only for forward and return internal drop ship and customer drop ship flows.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSimpleProcFlag Value that identifies whether the drop ship delivery is for Simple Procurement or for Global Procurement flow.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSourceSalesOrderLineNumber Value that identifies the sales order line number from shipping.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSourceSalesOrderNumber Value that identifies the sales order number from shipping.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSourceSoShipmentNumber Value that identifies the sales order shipment number from shipping.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSubinventoryCode Value that identifies the subinventory code where the item is stored.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSuccessorBusinessUnitId Required for sales order issue, interorganization shipment, transfer order shipment to provide as a source in SLA because accounting of this. Trade In transit.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSuccessorInventoryOrgId Required for sales order issue, interorganization shipment, transfer order shipment to provide as a source in SLA because accounting of this touching Trade In transit.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSupplierReturnHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier return header.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSupplierReturnLineId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier return line.
CstInvTransactionsPEOSupplyType The various supply types are Assembly Pull, Operation Pull, Push, and Phantom. This list will have to be seeded as lookups with the type EGP_WIP_SUP_TYPE.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTaskId Value that identifies the task used to stripe Inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOToGradeCode Value that identifies the to grade code for costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTradeAgreementFtrId For information purposes only.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTradeAgreementNumber Required for interorganization shipment, SO Issue, RMA receipt to identify whether it involves supply chain financial orchestration. All these cases call SFO to figure it out.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTradeAgreementPtrId Value that identifies the primary trade relationship of the supply chain financial orchestration agreement.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTradeAgreementType To be used by the accounting template instead of transaction_flow_type. Populate this for all SFO related physical transaction, even when we don't explicitly call SFO.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionAmount Transaction amount in purchase order currency. Applicable for fixed price lines.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionCreationDate Date when the transaction was created.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionCurrencyCode Purchase order currency for the amount column. Applicable for fixed price lines.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionDate Date when the transaction occurred.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionFlowType Value that identifies the transaction Flow. Contains one of the following values: 1 indicates Internal Drop Shipment, 2 indicates Global Procurement, 3 indicates Customer Drop Shipment, 4 indicates In transit Interorganization Transfer, 5 indicates Direct Interorganization Transfer, 6 indicates Intraorganization Transfer, 7 indicates Transfer Order In transit Interorganization Transfer, 8 indicates Transfer Order Direct Interorganization Transfer, 9 indicates Transfer Order Intraorganization Transfer, 10 indicates TIR or TIRR at ownership change in procuring org for consigned PO, 11 indicates TIRR of TO Return with Scrap or null for others. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_TRANSACTION_FLOW_TYPES.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionGroupId Value that identifies the identifier used to group related transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionInterfaceId Value that identifies the transaction identifier for the inventory interface transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionInterfaceLineNum Value that identifies the inventory transaction when entered via the interface.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionQty Value that identifies the transaction quantity for the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionReasonId Value that identifies the transaction reason.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionTempId Value that identifies the temporary transaction identifier generated before transaction manager processes this record.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionTimezoneCode Value that identifies the time zone for the transaction date.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransactionUomCode Value that identifies the unit of measure code in which transaction quantity is specified.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferCstInvTxnId Value that identifies the source inventory transaction identifying the other leg of transfer transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferInventoryOrgId Value that identifies the transfer opposing inventory organization.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferLinkedFlag Value that identifies whether the transfer transaction has been chained to the other leg of transfer. Values are unprocessed, not yet, NULL indicates the link or column isn't applicable for this transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferLocatorId Value that identifies inventory location identifier for the other leg of transfer transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferOrderDistributionId Value that identifies required for transfer order related receipts. When it doesn't come from the interface, quantity preprocessor will derive it based on ascending order of distribution identifier, to keep it in sync with how Inventory derives it.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferOrderLineId Value that identifies the transfer order line.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferPercentage Value that identifies the percentage of value to attribute to transfer costs in an interorganization transfer.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferProjectId Value that identifies the transfer project identifier used in project transfer transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferSubinventoryCode Value that identifies the subinventory name for the other leg of transfer transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferTaskId Value that identifies the transfer task identifier used in project transfer transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferToRegularTxnId Value that identifies the transfer to regular transaction that's being returned. This is only populated for transfer to consigned transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferTransactionGroupId Value that identifies the transaction group whose average cost is required to process this transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTransferTransactionId Value that identifies the transaction identifier of the opposing transfer transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTxnChainedFlag Possible values Y, N, and NULL. Y or NULL means that chaining is completed. N means chaining not yet done.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTxnGroupId Value that identifies the set of transactions that are being processed.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTxnSourceDocNumber Value that identifies the source document type for the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTxnSourceDocType Value that identifies the source document number for the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTxnSourceRefDocNumber Value that identifies the source reference document type for the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOTxnSourceRefDocType Value that identifies the source reference document number for the costing inventory transactions.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWmsFlag Value that identifies whether the transaction is WMS reconciliation.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWoCostAllocationBasis Value that identifies the basis for cost allocation for output items in a process manufacturing work order. It can be either percentage or fixed value. Valid values exist in lookup ORA_WIS_COST_ALLOC_BASIS.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWoOperationTransactionId Value that identifies the work order operation transaction that generated this material transaction.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWoOutputType Value that identifies the type of output produced on a process manufacturing work order. Valid values exist in the lookup ORA_WIS_WD_OUTPUT_MATERIAL.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWorkCenterId Value that uniquely identifies the Work center where the operation is executed.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWorkOrderId Value that uniquely identifies a work order in manufacturing.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWorkOrderOperationId Value that uniquely identifies an operation within a work order.
CstInvTransactionsPEOWshDeliveryDetailId Value that identifies the shipping delivery detail.