Costing Invoice to Expense Transactions

The Costing Invoice to Expense Transactions view object contains the transactions created to expense the invoice balances where the net delivered quantity for the PO distribution, in case of match to PO invoices, or the PO distribution receipt combination, in case of match to receipt invoices, is zero.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstInvoiceToExpTxnsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOInvoiceToExpTxnId

Initial Extract Date : CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCmrPoDistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order distribution.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCmrPoLineLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order schedule.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCmrRcvTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the receiving transaction.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOConsignedFlag Value that identifies if the corresponding purchase order is a consigned purchase order.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCreatedBy User who created the invoice to expense transaction.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCreationDate Date and time when the invoice to expense transaction was created.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCurrencyCode Value that identifies the currency of the transaction or cost.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCurrencyConversionDate Date used to determine the exchange rates for currency conversion
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCurrencyConversionRate Optional user specified currency conversion rate.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOCurrencyConversionType Conversion type that should be used for currency conversion.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the item associated with the purchase order distribution.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOInventoryOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization associated with the purchase order distribution.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOInvoiceToExpAmt Value that identifies the amount to be moved out of receiving inspection.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOInvoiceToExpTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the invoice to expense transaction. This is the primary key of the Costing Invoice to Expense Transactions view object.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the invoice to expense transaction row was last updated.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice to expense transaction row.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the invoice to expense transaction row.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOPreprocessedFlag Value that identifies if the record has been picked and expanded by book.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOReverseInvoiceToExpTxnId Value that identifies the original expense transaction being reversed.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOTransactionFlowType Value that identifies the transaction flow. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CST_TRANSACTION_FLOW_TYPES.
CstInvoiceToExpTxnsPEOTxnAccountDate Date to be used for accounting this transaction. It's picked up to be the date of the latest receipt that has caused the net delivered quantity to go to zero. For reversals, the date will be the txn_account_date of the original transaction.