Costing Operation Adjustment Transactions

The Costing Operation Adjustment Transactions view object stores the scrap adjustment transactions that are triggered to revalue scrap at the time of work order close.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.CstBiccExtractAM.CstOperationAdjTxnsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOOperationAdjTxnId

Initial Extract Date : CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOAccountingStatus Accounting status of the transaction. Possible values are: D, E, F, N, X, or Z. D indicates draft accounted. E indicates error. F indicates final accounted. N indicates not accounted. X indicates excluded from accounting. Z indicates not applicable.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOBaseTxnActionId Identifier of the transaction action.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOBaseTxnSourceTypeId Identifier of the transaction source type.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOBaseTxnTypeId Identifier of the transaction type.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOCostDate Date used to sequence the transaction for processing.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOCostingStatus Costing status of the transaction. Possible values are: C, E, N, P,X, or W. C indicates fully costed. E indicates error. N indicates not processed. P indicates partially costed. X indicates excluded. W indicates pending.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOCreatedBy User who created the costing operation adjustment transaction row.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOCreationDate Date when the costing operation adjustment transaction row was created.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOEffDate Effective date of the costing operation adjustment transaction.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOLastUpdateDate Date when the costing operation adjustment transaction row was last updated.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the costing operation adjustment transaction row.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the costing operation adjustment transaction row.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOOperationAdjTxnId Unique identifier of the costing operation adjustment transaction. This is the primary key of the costing operation adjustment transactions view object.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOOperationTransactionId Unique identifier of the operation transaction that needs to be adjusted.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOPostedFlag Indicates the processing status of the transaction. Possible values are: N - No, Y - Yes, NULL.
CstOperationAdjTxnsPEOWoUpdateEventTxnId Unique identifier of the costing work order update event transaction. This is the primary key of the costing work order update event transactions view object.